

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of these destinations are you most likely to visit during a future trip?
China (Exclude Hong Kong) | 13%
France | 4%
Japan | 10%
Australia | 9%
Corea | 13%
Britain | 5%
Hong Kong | 12%
Germany | 4%
Taiwan | 8%
Canada | 13%
Vietnam | 2%
Philippines | 2%
Italy | 5%

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Hey guys,
Just one comment on the whole view of Mongolia. Well Mongolia is mostly made of plains, but half the population lives in the Capital. Well you can go to the country sid and experience the nomadic lifestyle... But remember only nomads live on the plains. In the city it's like anywhere else, good bad and the ugly. There are many museums, opera, might clubs, libraries, schools, universities etc. The city is nice, I like it. I've spent my summer vacation in Ulaanbaatar (Capital city of Mongolia). It was a blast!!!! The night clubs, bars, food, the people, and the beer!!! wow you could drink it just by the brewery. I don't think beer gets any fresher than that. OF course the women in Ulaanbaatar... Well you've got the idea.
This upcoming summer, I'm planning on spending couple of weeks in Mongolia, especially on the countryside. My desire is to go fishing and also do a little hunting; specially wolves. Oh also how could I forget not to do 4 wheeling?! yeah babe all the fun, but too bad that summer break lasts only for few months.
IF you think you have any questions you could always e-mail me.
Big T Hey guys,    Monday, December 30, 2002 at 01:10:58 (PST)    []
Does anyone have any links to pictures of Mongolia? I would really like to see the landscape, and especially the people. The WOMEN! =)

Help please,
Some of you guys are such losers. Going all the way to Mongolia to see some women?? I don't get it. What is it about sturdy normad women who smells like horses intrigues you? If you want that save some money and head over to Texas. heee hawww !
Counter Puncher    Monday, December 23, 2002 at 18:50:08 (PST)    []
In July, I took a long overdue vacation to Japan, a place I've always wanted to visit. I finally made it in late July, in just enough time to catch the Hanabi Takai, the biggest fireworks display in the Tokyo area at that time. It was extremely crowded, humid, and the jet lag was killing me but I HAD A BLAST!

If you are interested in Japan in general, there are plenty of things to do and neighborhoods to visit in Tokyo. If you don't like alot of crowds, Tokyo is not for you. I'm used to crowds being from a big city, but I've never seen crowds like that. Also in July, its damn hot and humid. None of this really mattered to me though; I was on vacation. If you like bright lights and big cities, Tokyo is the place for you.

I'm a 5'11 225 lb African-American male, so there was no way for me to try to "blend in" as I was advised, so I just relaxed and had some fun. I though I would feel sort of out of place but somehow I felt right at home. I lucked out and stayed with a friend and took the train wherever(most people in Tokyo use the train). Learning the train system scrambles your brain at first, but I learned quickly.

The Japanese I found were often very helpful and friendly. Nobody bothers you (except maybe a few drunken salarymen practicing their English on you). I've heard that before, and it's true. People stared sometimes, but it didn't bother me-I was always to busy having fun to sweat the little stuff. Speaking and being able to read Japanese helps but is not really necessary in Tokyo; alot of signs are in English and some Japanese have at least a working knowledge of English. And yes, the girls are really cute(and kind of fine). As far as the food, I couldn't find a bad meal(but I also dig Japanese cuisine).

I had alot of fun in Tokyo, but outside the big city is where the beauty in Japan really lies. Cities like Kyoto, Himeji, Nikko and Kamakura all have their own attractions that are well worth seeing. There are others, but those cities are the only ones I had a chance to visit. The Yokohama Bay area is also nice. It's still a big city but not quite as crowded as Tokyo (yet not that far away).

19 days, 15 rolls of film and 9 hours of video later I returned home, having the time of my life! I made new friends, reconnected with old ones and experienced as much as I could in the time I was there. So, I guess what I'm saying is if you're interested in Japanese culture or you just want to have some fun, Japan might be the place for you. One word of warning though, it's kinda expensive there. Bring as much money as possible and watch the spending (if you're a working guy like me). I only spent money on food, admission to places and miscellaneous "extra curricular activities", but it was money well spent.(In 19 days, I spent about 1,000 USD) I also had friends who were nice enough to occasionally treated me.

I suggest anyone wanting to go do it during cherry blossom season and research the places you want to go before hand, that way, you make the most of your time (unless you like getting lost occasionally like I do).

Sorry for the long winded post, what I said here is only the tip of the iceberg of the stuff I did in Japan. Check out Japan!
Stan the Man    Friday, November 22, 2002 at 01:30:25 (PST)    []

I recommend Beijing to be a must see if you're interested in Chinese history. A minimum of a week is needed to see all the major attractions.
Cheerios    Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 17:30:04 (PST)    []

I'm Planing my first trip to Asia next Spring which city would you recommend that I should see first?

I don't want to make my race an issue but is there a city more open to diffenrent cultures than others? I'm a black French/American who love to travel and so far only had the greatest experiences abroad.

Thank you for any feedback your may provide me planing this first trip to Asia, love your site.

Labellevie    Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 04:45:26 (PST)    []
Does anyone have any links to pictures of Mongolia? I would really like to see the landscape, and especially the people. The WOMEN! =)

I would seriously consider going there for an adventure across the steppes if I could find enough info to educate myself on the country.
Help Please    Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 16:21:08 (PST)    []
Mongolia's weather at this time is very forbidding. It is 10x worse than in Beijing. And, regular people who are not accustomed to nomadic conditions cannot survive good in the ger (yurts).

Maybe it is better in late April.

In summer it is extremely hot too.

I know there are lots of Japanese and South Koreans visiting and opening shops there.

Mongolian girls are hot and kinky, a lot of them know how to dress (just like the Russian girls).
Erdin    Monday, November 04, 2002 at 22:00:55 (PST)    []
I want to check out Mongolia,

There's a feature about Ulaan Bator in this month's DETAILS magazine. Its the one with Mike Tyson on the cover. It has pictures of male/female Mongolian youths and Ulaan Bator and the Steppes.
Check it out.    Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 20:19:09 (PST)
I wonder if it is safe to travel to Lebanon given the current strife? I know they once (maybe still has) had some of the best nightlife and clubs of the Near East. I love Arabic music. It is very easy to pick up by the ears and dance to. Moreover, I can only dream of dancing with an Arab princess. Lebanese, Syrian, Palestinian and Jordanian chicks are quite something to look at.
Darbuka rhythm    Friday, September 06, 2002 at 22:04:59 (PDT)
Any of you been to Turkey? I have heard about how some European women are partial to Asian men and stuff, but I actually have a cousin who was once stationed in Incirlik (Air Force). He tells me that Turkish women are the only non-Asian women he had so much fun with. And, it is not only just the prostitutes, but local women there are open to Asian men as well. He says they are even more open minded in Istanbul and Izmir (the more Westernized cities). My cousin is a good chess player, but he said other than our father's home village in China, Turkish people are the only other people he cannot outwit in chess. It seems to him that Turks have the same keen minds as the Chinese in chess playing. (both races have always been war strategists). They also love backgammon over there even more. Turkish women with European features and dark black hair is especially very beautiful.
Caravan Express    Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 21:56:20 (PDT)
Enkar sov,

I guessed you had to speak to the Mongols in English. I am glad that language was not a problem for you and hope that you didn't get discriminated against for not speaking Mongolian.

In certain places in Corea, even Corean-Americans who don't speak Corean are discriminated against.

$5/ week for hotel in Ulan Bator. I haven't heard of anything this cheap anywhere in the world.

I look forward to checking out Mongol history, culture, foods, etc. and hope that Mongol gals are generally as nice looking as Corean gals.

Many thanks, Enkar sov.
I want to check out Mongolia    Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 11:29:10 (PDT)
I want to check out Mongolia,

Actually, there are quite a few Corean and Japanese tourists in Ulan Batar. They have direct flights with each other's nations. In fact, there are close to a thousand Mongolian illegal aliens in Seoul from what the Mongolians tell me.

Hotel is extrememly cheap. Close to $5 a week (including food). I stayed in a Russian style hotel, but there are more upscale Western ones (I don't know how much that costs?).

I did not frequent the clubs there, but I heard there are only 2. They still call it "discos." I met a lot of Mongol gals out in the front of the hotel and the Chinese restaurant they have over there. Just stay close to where the tourists hang out and you will find plenty of young girls to meet and chat with. When you wait a bit longer into the evening, they don't demand even close to the equivalent of $1.

But, if you want to meet a nice Mongol lady, try visiting or touring their university campus. You will meet a lot of them. One Mongol lady told me that before they only sought after the Russkies, but now they want guys from China, South Corea, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan.

Adultery among the Mongols is not shameful. But, they were cool.
Enkar Sov    Monday, August 26, 2002 at 19:07:41 (PDT)
I'm interested in other Asians' travelling experiences in Germany and also Europe in general. Does travelling there as an Asian, particular Asian-American (or Asian-Canadian) make much of a difference? Any stories?
Elisa    Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 15:48:37 (PDT)
Enkar sov,

Sounds like you had fun in Mongolia.

Where did you stay and how much did it cost? I assume the cost of living is cheap in Ulan Bator. Is there a nightlife? Are there nightclubs one can go to mingle with the local young populace? You obviously had some success with the local gals.

I will check whether Koreanair fly from Seoul to Ulan Bator.
I want to check out Mongolia    Friday, August 23, 2002 at 13:07:55 (PDT)
It is wrestling season at this time of the year in Mongolia. I have seen it these wrestling, equestrian and archery contests in both China (Inner Mongolia) as well as in Ulan Batar, Mongolia. Our guide in Ulan Batar, Sortgom was a very friendly and happy man (unlike the Genghis Khan stereotypes). Even though I was a Chinese-American (Cantonese), the people in Ulan Batar treated me with hospitality. The wrestling matches are a definite must watch. They call these fairs "NADAM." Mongolian wrestling is practically the same as Chinese "sut-jiao," but with less the kungfu moves and more physical movement. It is more exciting to watch than WWF or Japanese sumo. I got to practice with a Mongolian guy my size too and he let me throw him down a couple times (he did it on purpose). The horseback riding is something out of the movies. I saw this one Mongolian (some say he was Kazakh Muslim) ride around hoops of fire and literally leaping over them with precision. The archery was awesome too. They can shoot from such distance.

But, Mongolian gals are fiiiiiiine. They are like Russian women, more open minded compared to East Asian women. And, many of them are striking to look at. Some of them look Korean and some of them look northern Chinese. They know more tricks than you imagine ;)

Mongolian food is not good if you are lactase intolerant or do not like the gamy taste of lamb. They also eat horse and make an alcoholic breverage from the mare's milk. I don't like mare milk, but the goat cheese was extremely delicious. Actually, the pony steak was not bad either. They gave the best meat for their visitors.
Enkar sov    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 22:48:22 (PDT)