

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of these destinations are you most likely to visit during a future trip?
China (Exclude Hong Kong) | 13%
France | 4%
Japan | 10%
Australia | 9%
Corea | 13%
Britain | 5%
Hong Kong | 12%
Germany | 4%
Taiwan | 8%
Canada | 13%
Vietnam | 2%
Philippines | 2%
Italy | 5%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
In certain ways, I preferred Britain. I've never had anyone come up to me and ask "Are you Chinese or Japanese?" or yell "Chink!" (Well, with the exception of one drunk.)

I beg to're not one of those Asians who live in the UK or some other European city.

I'm an Asian American who have seen the European ugliness perpetuated on Asians.

Many of the overseas Chinese living in cities like London, Paris and Amsterdam are often harassed by the natives. I remembered seeing a gate of a Chinese store in London written in grafitti "Chinks Go Home" "HK belongs to Britain". There is much resentment of the Chinese in Britain after the handover of its territory to China.

Another incident that I encountered was in Amsterdam. My relatives and I were pelted with stones by some people of Dutch and Turkish ancestry when we were just about to step into Chinatown. Again, there is much resentment of the Chinese in Amsterdam, due to their increasing population and the enlargement of their Chinatowns in the Netherlands which are "threatening" to both the Dutch Natives and other ethnics particularly the ones of Arab or Turkish origin. I also remembered a few years ago, a beautiful Chinese style pagoda in the Netherlands which was donated by some wealthy Taiwanese was heavily scratched/vandalized on the base of the structure, and the alleged offender was not Asian. My cousin who is a middle school student in the Netherlands, get into fights with Dutch, Algerian and Turkish classmates. My cousin is a tough kid and will defend himself from anyone, but he often complains many Dutch Individuals of non Asian ancestry resent the Dutch Asians because they are perceived as too successful and wealthy. The Asians are also one of the fastest growing group in the Netherlands which exacerbates the situation even more.

Although the Dutch are known to be an open and a tolerant people, the current situation is begining to rear a ugly head. Anti Semitism and Anti Asian Sentiment are on the rise in the Netherlands.

The French just like the Dutch are known to be tolerant as well. But the current trends in France is a different story. There is much political upheaval from the current elections and some of that of that has trickled down to the ordinary citizens. There is a hatred for Jews and I would assume Asians will be a target for scapegoating if the country takes a deep downturn. As you should know, there are many Asians who love Paris and reside there, and most of them own businesses as their "bread" and "butter". The "Asianess" of Paris is growing, in fact, Asians are just as prevalent in Paris when compared to any of these West Coast American cities such as Los Angeles, San Jose and San Francisco.

I do agree with you that Europeans can exhibit more racist feelings than Americans. Theirs are more subtle although I have to say that Europeans recently have been very confrontational with non Whites. The continent is going through a transformation....two question linger...Can Europe exist if all of her countries remain distinctive?...How should Non White immigrants be treated?

Even Mediterreanean Southern European Countries like Spain and Greece are beginning to see a lot of Blacks, Arabs, Turks, and Chinese....

European Anti Asian Sentiment is on the Rise    Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 07:54:15 (PDT)
i went to hong kong when i was 16. man, i enjoyed it so much. i just hope one day to go there again. it just felt good to be around your own people, even though im not cantonese. i went to beijing on a tour also. it was alrite, just boring. couldnt wait to go back to hk before i return home to the good o u.s. of a. my future place to visit would have to be shanghai cause i've been hearing good things about it.
Mr. Hann    Monday, May 13, 2002 at 21:13:51 (PDT)
"You could not imagine anyone from our stuck-up American "privileged" classes marrying anyone "tainted" by non-white blood!"

Are you forgetting FL Gov. Jeb Bush, TX senator Phil Gramm, KY senator Mitch McConnell, and other politicians
dude    Monday, May 13, 2002 at 19:32:53 (PDT)
Asian Dom.

I thought the Prince of Denmark married a pure Chinese from HK.....anyhow she is v. good loking so i can see why.

I think in England Asians are pretty much accepted (i mean real asians, not what the brits mean by asian ie indian, pakistani & bangladeshi) though they tend to lump everyone in as chinese.

The Chinatown in london is pretty lame and the quality of chinese food in general sux. I was fairly disappointed at the low number of asians here after living in australia my whole life given it is such a big city.

as for the continent there are relatively few asians. i think they are regarded as a bit of a curiosity. if i were asian and had a choice of places to emigrate i would choose an english speaking country anyday

maxdacat    Monday, May 13, 2002 at 12:02:02 (PDT)