Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of these destinations are you most likely to visit during a future trip?
China (Exclude Hong Kong) |
France |
Japan |
Australia |
Corea |
Britain |
Hong Kong |
Germany |
Taiwan |
Canada |
Vietnam |
Philippines |
Italy |
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Europeans are treated with respect and great hospitality in asian countries. Europeans expatriates in my country sure are getting friendly smiles and greets from their asian neighbours. Why cant they do the same to asian immigrants and other non-caucasians who moved into europe and trying to restart their new lives in their new homes?
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 07:47:58 (PDT)
I think it's unfair for people to compare Europe and the U.S. and say, "I encountered more rascists in the U.S. therefore, Europe is more liberal." For all the talk about liberalism, U.S. accepts more immigrants from Asia then Europe. I mean, there is more antagonism here in the U.S., because there are more of us here. If anything that's an example why U.S. is more accepting of Asians. Over here, you see Asian Americans in prominent positions in business and politics. How many asian people have the same in Europe? There is a reason why the UC system has so many asian people.
I'm not saying Europeans are racists, I'm just saying that it's unfair to claim that they are more progressive then America.
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 07:36:03 (PDT)
Asian Dom,
I wouldn't be too surprised about the incidents you describe in england but i am surprised that Oxford is such a cosmpolitan place......as an australian working in various parts of the world i've found that the people you expect to be the most progressive such as the brits are not whereas people actually in Asia or Europe are more wordly.
so the midwest is an Asian desert then....i am asking because i am going to be working in Minnesota in July/Aug and was curious about how it compares to the east/west coast
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 06:46:11 (PDT)
I have been reading goldsea for a while and this will be my first post. I have something to concur. I am an AM living in Hong Kong and will soon graduate from Island School, which is a British run school in HK. This also happens to be where the prince of Denmark's wife went.
But my point is that while the principle of the school prides itself in being "the most tolerant school" in world, there are still some racist incidents. My brother was called a "chink" once (surprising in a place like HK) by a Brit boy. My parents went to see his homeroom teacher about it and got a "so what?" response from her. In my brother's grade, they were also assigning English places for next year and they ended up putting all the kids with Chinese last names into ESL groups even though most of them do alright in English. So there still seems to be a bit of British supremacy even in a place like HK.
AM islander   
Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 19:50:55 (PDT)
Isn't there a sizable Teochiu (a Southern Chinese regional group) community in Paris, France, as well as Amsterdam. While there are communities of Hakka Chinese (as well as Cantonese) in London and Germany.
In the UK, when you say "Asian" that usually refers to East Indians or South Asians. The other Asians are usually referred to as Chinese, Japanese, etc.
Asian In Europe   
Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 17:05:47 (PDT)
Funny I've been over in Europe for three months mainly France, Italy and Switzerland and never felt any racism, just nervous stares and smiles. I guess they found it strange seeing a Corean American guy 6' 2", 195 pounds speaking English. I felt very comfortable, I loved it there, especially the women, so easy to talk to.
Maybe some of you people are just seeking out racists.
Well, you haven't been living in these countries. You're just a visitor to these places you've mentioned.
Further, European countries like Italy, Switzerland, Spain and Greece are not known to have large Asian populations. When Asians visit these countries, they're just a curiosity to the locals and nothing else.
However, Western European Countries are homes to millions of Asians. Countries like the UK, France, Netherlands, and Germany have significant amount of Asians. When an Asian visit any of these countries, they will be no curiosity stares from the natives, if any, it could be threatening or unfriendly! And yes, many of the racial incidents take place in the suburbs.
What I said was based on my accounts. Blacks and Arabs often harass Asians in Europe just like some Whites do.
Btw, what's up with putting Coreans in front of Chinese and Japanese in a list? Not surprised, as most Coreans have this attitude that somehow they're better than the other Asians (again, I don't want to start another argument concerning this issue in this forum).
Asians are not being persecuted in Europe, they are disliked by some Europeans for a different reason from that of Arabs, Blacks or Turks. Europe's majority of Asians are Overseas Chinese. Many are sucessful with their businesses, and many of their children hold good jobs, and degrees from well-respected European Universities. They're resented for being too productive while Arabs and Blacks are resented for being lazy or destructive. When a minority group becomes too prevalent, it turns into an issue.
I'm not being negative about Europe, there are many wonderful places to visit. I recommend all of the AAs out there who have been living in this "black and white" country for many years without venturing out to the world, to make a journey out to Europe and experience some color and flavor.
European Anti-Asian sentiment   
Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 16:28:29 (PDT)