Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of these destinations are you most likely to visit during a future trip?
China (Exclude Hong Kong) |
France |
Japan |
Australia |
Corea |
Britain |
Hong Kong |
Germany |
Taiwan |
Canada |
Vietnam |
Philippines |
Italy |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Asian World Citizen
Hey, how did you wind up in Europe? I'm envious you got to live in all these places, how do you support yourself? What advice could you give a guy who wants to move or at least spend few years in Europe?
Need advice   
Friday, May 17, 2002 at 20:12:34 (PDT)
hey dominatrix,
My parents did go along with other Chinese parents to the principle to complain about the ESL incident, but at the minute their still trying to figure out who's responsible for it, cause apparently the English teachers say it wasn't them who decided where to place the students. Something is really screwed up there.
And Van HK Chinese, of course the teacher was a brit.
AM islander   
Friday, May 17, 2002 at 18:39:38 (PDT)
"Have your parents and other Asians thought about getting together to protest your school's treatment of Asians? Even if it means expressing outright anger: sometimes this is the only means by which you can get Westerners to respond. I find that threatening with legal action or withdrawal of support usually does the trick."
Wouldn't it make sense simply to walk up to the white Brit clown, deck him, and then say outloud, "Don't you ever call an Asian by that name again." This pro-active approach (1) gets everyone on your side and (2) teaches the royal pain-in-the-ass a real lesson (literally, from the school of hard knocks).
Asian Hammer   
Friday, May 17, 2002 at 13:29:39 (PDT)
This discussion of European vs US acceptance and tolerance is fascinating. I have travelled in Europe (business only), but not lived there. So, take my comments for what they are worth.
I think the comparisons that are being made are not exactly congruent. Comparing an educated, university town like Oxford to middle America is NOT a legitimate comparison. A Dom - I think a fairer comparison for Chicago in the UK might be Manchester or other blue collar city. Go into ANY supermarket in the Bay area, and you will find a wide array of Asian, Hispanic, and middle-Eastern goods.
Second, and others have made the point at least as well as I can, largely, Asians (and other non-white peoples) are not nearly as prevalent in European cities as they are in large US cities. For example, is there a single large city in all of Europe (> 500,000 people) with 40 percent Asians, as there is in California (San Francisco)? The county I live in (Santa Clara) will have Asians as its largest group within 20 years (it is already < 50 per cent white). The fact is, no other country in the history of the world has voluntarily allowed its demographics to be so dramatically changed as the US has and is doing. Of course, there is resentment. Whenever a majority population is asked to cede its privilege, this is to be expected. As the non-white population in the UK, France, and Germany grows, watch and see how "tolerant" the people there actually are.
I have been asked where I come from, and been given strange looks, but my family have all been highly successful, and for the most part, made to feel welcome in this country. I am glad to be in the US, and would not live anywhere else, at least not permanently.
I guess, in summary, I would ask people to be a bit more objective.
And, in closing, to Asian Dom - as a student of English lit and most notorious Anglophile here, I remind you of the famous line of Mr Gilbert and Mr Sullivan of lists:
"And the idiot who praises with enthusiastic tone, all centuries but this and every country but his own."
Ai Ya   
Friday, May 17, 2002 at 08:59:49 (PDT)