

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of these destinations are you most likely to visit during a future trip?
China (Exclude Hong Kong) | 13%
France | 4%
Japan | 10%
Australia | 9%
Corea | 13%
Britain | 5%
Hong Kong | 12%
Germany | 4%
Taiwan | 8%
Canada | 13%
Vietnam | 2%
Philippines | 2%
Italy | 5%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Australia is pretty open minded. The mayor of Melbourne is John So who is Asian and was originally from Hong Kong. He's been on TV ads promoting the city of Melbourne. He speaks with a heavy cantonese fobby accent though. The previous mayor of Sydney was Asian and so is the current mayor of Adelaide.
Melbourne fella    Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 03:08:46 (PDT)
the funny thing is, apart from miki all the people that are saying australia has no rascim are either people who havent been there or people who have only been there for holiday. Miki you cannot honestly tell me that you havent encountered racism in your whole life. Im Asian and living in Australia and i encounter racism at least once every fortnight.
AZn AuZ    Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 02:54:26 (PDT)
Yeah, come over, love to have ya here!

Like MiKi, I've lived in Australia all my life, and my personal experience is that I have rarely encountered racism directed towards me - but maybe that's because I've become oblivious to it? In fact, the only incident I can remember at the moment was perpetrated by a member of another ethnic minority - I think he was Lebanese. And it was only a bit of shouting, to which I returned fire. Australia has been getting alot of bad press at the moment, but that shouldn't preclude you from experiencing some of the most beautiful places on earth!
Chinese Aussie Bloke    Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 20:24:33 (PDT)

I've been to australia twice and I didn't see any racism. that was a couple of years ago though. i talked to my friend now and he said that australia was one of the most racist countries anywhere. he's pretty smart and insightful so i don't know. just a little note, i hear that canada is the most multi-ethnic and diverse place. i've been to canada and i kinda agree with that.
world traveler    Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 10:11:18 (PDT)
I'm from which is the second largest city (not very big though).

I've lived here all my life and i am asian, i have never encountered racism, there maybe some but the majority of people here aren't too fussy about race since the population is quite multicultural.

there are also alot of asian tourist all year round so if you're thinking about holidaying down under it's quite a nice place to be and you shouldn't run into much trouble.

Most people here are respectful of different races.

MiKi    Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 23:48:34 (PDT)
Australia and NZ are great - and as far as i know, it's a false perception that there's a 'huge amount of blatant racism and hatred towards Asians'; you're forgetting that practically ALL of Australia and NZ's neighbours are Asian/Pacific Island nations.

?    Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 07:22:14 (PDT)
i love going to corea it is so much fun there
vtbc    Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 21:24:38 (PDT)
I am thinking about a trip to Hawaii sometime soon. Can anyone tell me some hot spots out there to hang out. I would also like to know if its better to go on vacation in Oahu, Kauai, Maui, or the big island. I don't know where to go what to see, and what to do at night. So if someone could help me out it would really be a big help. Thanks

A Cute Filipino Guy Who Knows!    Monday, June 17, 2002 at 11:54:44 (PDT)
I would love to see Australia and New Zealand, but I've heard that there is a huge amount of blatant racism and hatred of asians there. Anyone know?
?    Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 14:08:44 (PDT)
Who has been to Mexico (not just the resort spots)?

I want to know how the native men would react if they see me (an Asian, Chinese guy) talking with or holding hands with a good-looking native Mexican woman?

I heard that a black guy got killed couple years ago for being with a Mexican chick and bar hopping.

I know because whenever I drive home Mexican girls in California, the Mexican guys in those apartments would try to stare me down (angrily). I just imagine what they would do if I was in Mexico?
looking south of the border    Monday, May 27, 2002 at 17:38:51 (PDT)