

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of these destinations are you most likely to visit during a future trip?
China (Exclude Hong Kong) | 13%
France | 4%
Japan | 10%
Australia | 9%
Corea | 13%
Britain | 5%
Hong Kong | 12%
Germany | 4%
Taiwan | 8%
Canada | 13%
Vietnam | 2%
Philippines | 2%
Italy | 5%

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as got to check it out said northern mexicans have more european traits, they are taller and we can say lots of them have fair skin, this is due to the fact that the part that was a lot more populated and were culturally more advanced by the time spaniards arrived was mesoamerica which is in the southern part of mexico, this is the reason why there was more mixing there.

i know there are still people that would never date asian men but in general i can tell that since there is no such thing as an uniform mexican race, there is not a big problem with racism. look at me my dad was korean and my mom mexican.
korean mexican    Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 13:34:13 (PDT)
Korean Mexican,

Generally speaking, how are young Asian men perceived among the young local Mexican females in Mexico?

Do they dig us or white and black men more?
just wants to check it out    Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 15:53:39 (PDT)
Korean Mexican in Mexico City,

I have only been to Tijuana, but the women there that do go with the foreigners (mostly Americans of white, Asian and black race) are the prostitutes.

I would love to visit Guadalajara. I know the most beautiful Mexican women are from there, as well as Zacatecas. I know some fine looking girls in Los Angeles who come from Sinaloa, and I don't know if that is a state or city in Mexico? Women of Michoacan and Nayarit are fine too.

I don't want to go to Sonora. They have a history of anti-Chinese racism there. One reason being that the Chinese laundrymen there were able to marry native women and start their own business from scratch.

Generally, from what I noticed, Mexican women from the Pacific side of Mexico are very beautiful. The ones in the northern parts have more Spaniard admixture and such girls are very pleasing to look at.

From what I hear, the Chinese and Korean men are seen as womanizers in Mexico.
I can never comprehend that in the USA.
got to check it out    Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 22:05:31 (PDT)
Kiwi Chinese,

I have _always_ wanted to visit Australia and New Zealand, I have heard that New Zealand is one of the most beautiful places on earth. I would love to meet the Maori people in person. Tell me more about it!
curious girl    Monday, July 29, 2002 at 18:14:51 (PDT)
Korean mexican:

I'm a Korean-American single male thinking about moving overseas for lower cost-of-living and beautiful women. Mexico is one of my top considerations. A few questions:

1) What is required of an American citizen to immigrate to Mexico? Do I need certain amount of capital? A job at a Mexican corporation? etc.

2) I would like to live in a pleasant beach area. How much money (monthly basis) do I need to maintain a nice condo, about 2 full-time household help (a cook, a gardener, etc.)?

3) I trade stocks for living. I need a very reliable internet connection, phone line (in case I must talk to my brokerage), and real-time access to CNBC channel (to watch the US stock market real-time). Can I expect these in Mexico? Just some areas?

Thank you for any help.
Southbound    Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 18:37:54 (PDT)
to looking south of the border:

i donīt think you will have any problems dating a mexican girl, except maybe if she is part of a small indigenous community, i think the reason mexicans in the US dislike non mexicans to date mexican girls is because they look at them as possible wives, but if you like mexican girls go ahead.
korean mexican living in mexico city    Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 18:58:21 (PDT)
Why worry about facing racism???
Why let this deter you from traveling the world or any place? Truth of the matter is there are racists everywhere but very few have the balls to confront someone in public. Probably there are more racists in US than anywhere else so I wouldn't worry. I don't think Asians (East Asians like Corean, Japanese, Chinese) are much targets for blantant racist. The world want our money.
I know there are problems with Pakistanis, Indians in Britain and with Arabs in France or Turks in Germany.
In my years of traveling the globe, I can say I have never faced racism or what I would perceive as overt racism.
So get out there..enjoy!

Korean Guy in Germany:
Women in Germany? What about it?
Last time I checked, yes, there are women in Germany. Some are open minded some aren't just like everywhere else depends on what you would consider "open minded."

Vegabond Corean    Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 21:04:46 (PDT)
To ?

I live in New Zealand and I must say that the "Land of the Long White Cloud" or Aotearoa in Maori (Native New Zealand language) is one of the friendliest countries in the world. Everywhere you go, you'll meet friendly Kiwis who's first greeting is "Gidday mate!" or something similar. There is much less racism here in New Zealand than many other countries - trust me, I've been to the US, Canada, Australia, and England and these countries are no match in terms of hospitality and friendliness to foreigners. So if you should ever think about venturing down to the "Deep South", why not try New Zealand?
Kiwi Chinese    Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 00:12:20 (PDT)

"These women competing were very tall, very thin, had very pale skin, lighter hair, basically looked almost white. I always thought that the Indian standard of beauty was a woman with beautiful dark skin, big dark eyes, long black hair. It was kind of disturbing"

Me, I guess you are a little confused. Indian standards of beauty are actually fair to very fair skin, big dark eyes, long black hair, and high breast to waist ratio as you would find in most of the statues of Ajanta or Khajuraho. Most of the Indians are actually a mixture of Aryan and Dravidian genepools, with perhaps a tilt towards Aryan features in North and Dravidian features in South. These Aryans are believed to have migrated to India through Iran from Southern Russia, region around Caucasus mountains 4000 years back. Fair skinned people are substantial in number, may be 10% or more of Indian population. Fair skinned girls are coveted everywhere, whether it is in advertising or movies or matrimonials.

Indian    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 16:33:48 (PDT)
Anyone been to Germany? How are the women there? Are they open-minded? The Dutch were pretty cool... the women were very tall though.
Korean Guy who likes to travel    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 13:22:48 (PDT)
azn auz,
my have a LOT of relatives who have been living there for almost 20 years now. they never complained about racism. and when i do go, i stay for like a month, and i haven't experienced racism either. they live melbourne but the last time i was there, my aunt took me to sydney and i loved it. wish i could live there.

world traveler    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 05:32:04 (PDT)