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My dear Viet friends,
Don't let this so-called gigi girl spark any hint of emotion from you. Think about it again, and remember who you are by showing a little more maturity, sophistication and sensibility to this gigi girl.
If you interpret her beliefs a second time, you'll realize her beliefs are founded on questionable foundation, namely her own character for that is the only thing we can gather.
For instance, she's been dating the same person for 5 years and hasn't yet informed her parents. Maybe as casual writers in these exchanges she doesn't care what we think, but more importantly what will her parents think if and when they're told? Not too highly of their daughter I would venture to guess.
And to refer to one of her quotes, "They are generally cheap, smell bad, and I also dislike the language.", well she is entitled to her own opinion. And even if it's true, it may be only a feature in her corner of the world. My advice to gigi girl: don't extrapolate too far from your personal beliefs for it's a logical error, and you may be missing out on some of life's (better) offerings if you harbor such life-limiting views.
Listen, be courageous and honest to yourself by telling your parents all that is worthwhile about your Vietnamese boyfriend. If your racial hierarchy is at all believable to you, then the appropriate reaction that your parents should take should not be of any surprise to you. True?
The beliefs and course you take in life is yours to choose. Why not take a step in the right direction again.
Tran man   
Saturday, August 04, 2001 at 09:43:33 (PDT)
I'm reading your comments and I have to say the negatives and positives are actually in very race and culture. I'm a Vietnamese girl who has dated White, Chinese, Taiwanese, Middle-Eastern, Hispanic, and Vietnamese guys. Though they are different they are really just another human being that I find attractive enough to spend some time dating them.
Girls and boys, one or two dates is all it takes to find out if the man/woman is worth more of your time or not.
And for the low self-esteemer, please, why are you subjecting yourself to waiting around a guy while he fixes his car if you don't like doing it? Do yourself a favor, stop being accomodating and resenting the guy later. Worse, attributing his lack of respect for you to his race and background.
Trust me, if a guy/girl likes you he/she'll spend time with you.
If he/she doesn't, that's a sign.
If your bf/gf asks for or gives out phone number to someone else, that's a sign, move on.
I disagree with all this voting poll.
There's jerks/bitches/cheaters in all races. Be smart if you're seriously looking for a soul-mate. If you stays in a relationship out of fear of loneliness, you'll probably lose out on the end. Know what I mean. Good Luck!
Thank you God for giving women all the diversity of men to sample!   
Friday, August 03, 2001 at 03:05:05 (PDT)
I think that there are, shall we say, two groups of Vietnamese guys. The first are the traditional devoted students, top honors in everything. They generally speak good English, and their Vietnamese has a refined accent (no country southern accent). These are the ones I know most well, since they attend the same prep school as I do. I find them nice to talk to. Their appearences, however, vary like any other group. The second group consists of swearing bumblers who wear their hair slick and wear gold jewelry (high school age). They generally have a harsh southern accent. I don't see them that often. Of course there are many kinds of Vietnamese young men, but these are the ones I distinguish most. As for appearence, I like the pale Vietnamese with their thick black hair (or whatever color they dyed them); the far east, oriental kind. For insiders, think of Don Ho.
Kagaya-hime of silicon valley   
Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 19:51:09 (PDT)
Wassup I'm a 16/male/chinese , i think viet girls are fine,infact they probably the best lookin asian girls (maybe some of them r too skinny tho), but a slight problem is some of them being too stuck up, its wierd cuz i dont' find chinese girls attractive and my viet friend likes chinese girls instead while i like viet girls. And wassup with some viet girls going out with only white guys,thats scandlous!!
16 male frum california   
Monday, July 30, 2001 at 22:01:41 (PDT)
EB, don't you know any hapa guys???
Seems like you know a lot of Viets.
Do you live in Texas or California?
"My bf expected me to cater to his every whim and when I didnt, he'd get upset. He expected me to idly hang by his side while he worked on his car (a ferrari..of which he could barely afford to maintain), cut him mangos, cook for him, do his laundry, always drove MY car, etc. In the beginning,
I tried to accomodate, dont know what
I was thinking, but after 2 months,
I got sick and tired of his inconsiderateness."
Wow! You did all that for him?
I'd be more than happy to find a Chinese hapa girl like you. The one I just met may turn out to be rather spoiled. Anyway, feel free to join your "hapa homeys" on the "AA Attitude Towards Hapas" poll. ^_^
Jay... another Chinese hapa   
Monday, July 30, 2001 at 17:26:40 (PDT)
I'm a 75% Vietnamese girl and I've never dated a Vietnamese guy in my life. Not because I'm prejudiced against them, but I've just never found them appealing. I dislike all this negative comments on Vietnamese people. The Vietnamese have their share of good-lookings and ugly people. Some Vietnamese guys are decent, if not wonderful. I know a guy who's a ladies man and he's very gentlemanly. He gets good grades, makes his parents proud, and can balance a great social life too. As for me, I would date Vietnamese guys except they aren't my type. I usually go for other types of Asian or mixed guys because I'm mixed too.
Friday, July 27, 2001 at 14:35:39 (PDT)
hhhmm, sorry for your bad experiences but i really like vietnamese girls :). I think they are generally good looking gals. In addition, i think vietnamese (both guys and gals) are nice people and vietnamese girls are very nice and obedience :). Moreover, vietnamese girls are less likely to cheat on you :) , on the other word, they are very faithful. I can tell about guys because i am a guy so let other people help me out here :).
Thursday, July 26, 2001 at 20:24:35 (PDT)
I have to say i'm compelled to give my two cents on this (about all its worth too :P) but after having dated a viet guy, I have to say, i'm never going to again (btw, i'm not viet..i'm chinese/white). i know its terribly bad to say that because i'm making a generalization on all viet guys based on this one..but actually its not just based on this one guy (but I know i'm still generalizing). when we were dating, I got to know many of his viet friends, and I knew this crowd wasnt for me. The guys who had girlfriends were constantly macking on other girls, and the girls who had bfs were handing out thier numbers to other guys (who were most obviously hitting on them). My bf expected me to cater to his every whim and when I didnt, he'd get upset. He expected me to idly hang by his side while he worked on his car (a ferrari..of which he could barely afford to maintain), cut him mangos, cook for him, do his laundry, always drove MY car, etc. In the beginning, I tried to accomodate, dont know what I was thinking, but after 2 months, I got sick and tired of his inconsiderateness. Oh, and when I did, say for example, cook a chinese meal, he'd never say 'thank you' instead he proceeds to tell me how great his girl friend's dinner was that she made for him. Ugh!! He and his friends were always leering and ckingout other girls right in front of me...i cant tell you how many ways this guy disrespected me. In the end, I told him that I didnt like the way he disrespected me with his actions and words...and you know what? He still didnt get it. I've found that Chinese guys and Korean guys (American born) have been so much more attentive, respectful, and gentlemanly. But like I said, I know this is a terrible generalization. I do have a viet guy friend (totally separate from my ex's crowd) that is a total doll...he's one of the best. But somehow his one shining example isnt enough to overshadow the actions of my ex and my ex's crowd of friends.
Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 11:46:14 (PDT)
well...i have a few comments to make also. first of all, i am a viet girl, and i do agree with some of the negative comments here. i am not stereotyping, but this is true...vietnamese people are the most likely to copy each other (especially women) look who is carrying louis vuitton bags, driving lexus (most of the time living in a mobile home or duplex) wearing those damn bebe shirts but pronouncing it "beebee" when it's "baybay"!!,shopping exclusively at macy's (but only on sale racks) wearing make up from estee lauder,lancome, or shiseido cosmetics especially when there's a seemingly pretty asian girl behind the counter,couples trying to out do each just to get attention (especially in restaurants) GOLD Diggers (not all of them, mainly the vietnamese raised) trying to look rich especially when going shopping but everyone can see through it, girls competing to see who looks the best, too damn gossipy ("look she's pretty, look she's ugly")...and others but i know everyone's gonna hate me for this...don't get me wrong, i have pride, but it's a little annoying to see this pattern over and over and over...in MY OPINION, vietnamese girls (including myself) are not at all that pretty, but it's just the makeup they wear that makes it appear like that....but take a closer look people..also the guys....ick..(i have a viet bf though alright!!!) too short,dressed all the same, trying to impress their girl by driving a cool car when all they got is $1.00 in their pocket and they have to borrow money from someone else...again, overly dressed sometimes, okay....i'm sure some of you viet people recognize this pattern...
Monday, July 23, 2001 at 11:12:26 (PDT)