

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are a male of Vietnamese ancestry, which of the following most attracts you to females of Vietnamese ancestry?
Their facial features | 69%
Their physique | 8%
Their attitude and personality | 16%
Their education & cultural values | 7%

Assuming you are a male of Vietnamese ancestry, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with females of Vietnamese ancestry?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 1%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 34%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 60%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 5%
Assuming you are a female of Vietnamese ancestry, which of the following most attracts you to males of Vietnamese ancestry?
Their facial features | 71%
Their physique | 5%
Their attitude and personality | 14%
Their education & cultural values | 10%

Assuming you are a female of Vietnamese ancestry, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with males of Vietnamese ancestry?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 1%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 31%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 64%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 4%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
oy...this is yet "a random viet girl" again...reading my previous post, i noticed i kept contradicting myself...for instance..i said that i respected my mom for trying to pass the culture to me, but then later, i wasn't being too happy about how she decides my life...let me clear this up...i DO respect my mom..ALOT...i know that its reallie hard to pass on heritage, especially when we are constantly surrounded by western influences...however, i hope that i am right in thinking that she pushes her dreams on me...she's giving me all that she never had...i'm grateful for ALL that she has done for me, but somehow, i keep wishing i get my own dreams to come true too...yes, i will listen to my mom's advice, but i wish i could at least decide what job to have or decide who to this point, i'm willing to marry anyone my mom presents to me...just to get it over with and completely end all the wishy-washy crushes n romantic dreams i still hope for...i would not have become the way i am now if it weren't for her...i'm clean...dont drink, smoke, like to dress conservatively, shy, polite to others, for the rhinoplasty...if my mom wants it done, then fine...i'm kinda of ashamed of having it done, so i'm planning to get the ugliest glasses and wearing them when my mom isn't around (like at college) i said self-esteem is so low that i dont reallie care what happens to me anymore...which is probably why i gave up in trying to put up an agrument for my life's decisions...honestly, i have a problem with identity...i feel like i dont own my life...but i think thas how i learned to live all my life...i think i'm done with is topic and i'm sorrie if i bored you all...oh...and PLEASE PLEASE dont reply to what i wrote...this topic is really going off-topic (it was suppose to be between guy/gurl relationships) and i dont want any counseling or further criticisms from anybody...thanx
a random viet girl    Tuesday, October 02, 2001 at 19:16:20 (PDT)
vietnamese girls just need to be who they are, not some wild crazy girls I find in the street all the time.
kevin    Monday, October 01, 2001 at 17:43:27 (PDT)
to vietnamese guy,
this is "a random viet girl" again...honestly, no, i dont think i'm cute at all...but that has nothing to do with the fact that i'm viet...i know there are many pretty viet girls out there, but i have never found a cute viet guy to my taste (yeah..maybe i'm being too picky)...and actuallie...i'm PROUD to be an asian...fine, call me pathetic, cuz maybe thas what i am to most of u out there, but i was actuallie raised in a viet mom taught me alot about the viet culture and i respect her alot for trying to pass the culture to me...i'm an american born viet...but thanks to my parents..i can read and speak fluently...and enjoyed my first visit to vietnam and would want to come again...i HAVE viet values, i listen to my parents, dont talk back and study a hell of a lot in trying to become a pharmacist (which is, i think, what all viet parents want their daughters to become)...i never wished that i was white at fact, i'm even more proud to be a VIET ASIAN becuz its different from the common chinese, korean, taiwanese, filipino, etc ethnicities in the usa....i'm not white-wahsed at all...maybe i seem like i have a different judgement cuz the rest of u are blind to the stuff i mentioned in my first post....or maybe i'm blind..i dont know....every race is not perfect and has its bad traits, so i'm not completely dissing our culture...its just those certain aspects that i see in the viet ppl around me (the artificialness, the plastic surgery, the competition for viet doctor husbands, the gossip) that i dont like...maybe its like that for all cultures, even american...i dont know...but sometimes, i wish i could just be myself and not have to change myself for anyone...i'm going to have rhinoplasty done in few months and i'm doing it only for my mom and not myself at all...i have low self-esteem and dont care what others think of mom wants me to have it done cuz i could look better for this viet guy studying to become a mom wants me to change my face for a friggen guy only cuz he's studying to become a doctor? not only that, he already a has a girlfriend and my mom wants me to come in between them...i just think that's messed up...i would rather not waste the money and i'm fine w/ the nose i have now...but hey, its what my mom wants just like w/ the pharmacy thing...or else i would be an engineering major...*sigh*...yes, i'm confused....maybe i need help...i am pathetic thank you very much
a random viet girl    Monday, October 01, 2001 at 00:06:11 (PDT)
personally im much more attracted to vietnamese guyz than
any other asian nationality. i love their looks, style, intelligence, and personality, but i have to admit sometimes they can be too much for me to handle. im not tryin to stereotype them, but some i know are like gangstas and playas and its like i love them for that style, but then i cant handle them, and vice versa so why am i arguing. i think i can even handle chinese guyz better, but whatever, i love viet guyz!
VietGurl    Sunday, September 30, 2001 at 06:55:27 (PDT)
To the random Viet girl,

If you say you don't find Vietnamese guys cute, then I guess you don't see yourself as cute because you came from the same stock. Girls like you are so pathetic because you were raised in the white American world where whites have control of everything including your judgement. How many times did you wish to yourself that you were born a blonde, white girl? Why don't you take a look at yourself before criticizing others. I can't respect anyone who can't even respect their own race.
Vietnamese guy    Monday, September 24, 2001 at 14:56:44 (PDT)
my two cents on this my opinion, generally, i dont think viet guys are cute...sorrie...but i guess its my own opinion...i dont go for those hunky hot types..i like sweet dorky guys...but NOT that nerdy looking, if u knew what i mean...viet girls, generally, i think fall in two categories...the sweet, please your mom, innocent type (fobs) or the artificial, fake, gold digger type..i dont know...either way, its all about status and money...every girl or her mom wants her to marry a good-looking doctor and viet girls will do ANYTHING for any viet guy that fits that type...its all bs...i'm sick of all that...c' least MORE than 1/2 of the viet girls i know have had plastic surgury on her face...what does that tell you? no, i'm not anti-vietnamese...but i reallie dont like the american viets out there...its such a gossipy artificial culture that i'm ashamed of....i'm such an oddball out there...sorrie...=P...okies..i'm outtie
a random viet girl...    Saturday, September 22, 2001 at 01:38:31 (PDT)
good poll. I;m very afraid of rejection
TnY    Sunday, September 02, 2001 at 19:02:09 (PDT)
Vietnamese girls and guys are beautiful. They are wonderful friends.
Tom 25    Friday, August 31, 2001 at 20:58:22 (PDT)
MLK, HAHA my kinda girl. I hate all those who keep dissing vietnamese peeps. All saying we're worse off than any other asian races and shit just cuz Vietnam's third world country. Hey Banana Boy 23? READ CAREFULLY, defending my people is exactly what I'm doing. I have extreme pride in my culture and race. You wanna preach? You go to those who only think of Vietnamese as fobs who can't hold a job or stay out of a lame ass gang. Tons of those everywhere. I respect that you have pride and self-respect but think twice before you speak, you'll end up blemishing views about us.
Viet Dude    Friday, August 31, 2001 at 01:44:46 (PDT)
Vietnamese girls are beautiful and nice. They usually come from good families and they respect their men well.
Tony    Wednesday, August 29, 2001 at 19:11:22 (PDT)