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The problem i have with Vietnamese girls is that alot of them are pretentious and high maintenance. Don't know where they get this from, but it occurs alot in Houston. I just will not put up with it. It's sad, because i would like to settle down with one but not really met a decent one yet.
Viet guy   
Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 09:56:16 (PDT)
Okie, vietnamese males, which kind of women do you prefer to date. Is vietnamese guy into viet girls with long hair, skinny or average or shapely?, I think that most of the older vietnamese male prefer women who are shapely than skinny girls, and I guess the trend now are changing to skinny. and what is the prefer height anyway? around 5'2 to 5'3 ? I'm a viet girl around 5'5", and I find that I'm really tall compare to other viet people, I really like the vietnamese people and food, I don't really like to know or be around with alot of other asian ethnic, cause i feel as if they are racist against viet people, do you all experience it in one way or another, of course there's some exception. on the other site on chinese male and viet female, some chinese guy/girl were saying that they think think that viet people are thief and prostitute, that just got me so mad, I mean Chinese try to take over our country time and times again, and now vietnam is own by the Chinese Communist, and he/she has the hypocritical guts to say that vietnamese poeople are thief or savages or whatever, when they are the one who stoled our country and make us slave. Our beautiful country, beautiful places like Dalat, Nha Trang , and other places are own by the Chinese Communist now, this just makes me really mad and sad too. Of course the Vietnam government and official are there just to be there, but they don't have any power.
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 16:06:00 (PDT)
basically,there are 2 diff kinda viets. The studious kind with "please my family by becoming doctor/pharmacist/dentist" mentality. Pretty decent ppl. and then there are the lower class not so refined kind,usually hairdressers(what else??) or owns some nail salon. Wishes to snag some rich guy so that she can live off him.
Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 12:26:57 (PDT)
From 13-17 I have been so busy with school work I dont meet any girls. But now I go out a little bit more and meet new people. So far I haven't met any Viet girls or dated any so I don't know what they are like and I won't judge. Although, I love getting to know one and go further with them. I think its time I start looking for one since my parents are pushing for a viet girl.
UF viet guy   
Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 20:34:54 (PDT)
personally i luv vietnamese men (well not all of them) but theres nothing wrong with them they're just the same as any other men...
melissa a.k.a minnie mouse   
Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 21:37:36 (PDT)
Vietnamese people are beautiful!
Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 18:37:48 (PDT)
s.viet girl [uk]:
What part of the UK you from? It's interesting to find another vietnamese person on this site who actually isn't american. Your mom's just being the way all vietnamese mother's are like, overprotective of their daughters...Me being male and all that, I have never encountered such a problem. well, maybe just a quiet hint here and there but it really doesn't bother me that much. I understand where you are coming from though, like all vietnamese families, loosing face is not one of those things that they can dust of lightly....competition is fierce and it's all about the last man standing....Hey, we all have problems but how much worse are they when compared to those people who face war each day or who travel distances to find a grain of rice to ensure that the family is fed...Anyway, like the saying goes, "non-conformance is a fuse that ignites and triggers change". Until then,let's just catch up on some sleep...;)
dvn-uk viet male dvn31@hotmail.com   
Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 18:38:28 (PST)