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HAHA very funny, maybe you got rejected by viet girls over here in the U.S.
Most guys/men I know went to vietnam to get married because they are not wanted in the U.S. I'll have to agreed with Viet Babe,
Sure, they went to vietname to marry someone who they don't know anything about, just a little bit and married them, the only reason the girl married them is so they could come to the U.S. please, if there is an actual guy out there that think that those women in vietnam actually loves them and cared about them is on crack, like you Mr.Ben, haha , very funny, how naive and dumb can you get.
Most of the time those girl (usually if they are pretty) comes to the U.S. and dumps her husband and run off with a better guys or as one person I know, keeps on saying how her husband is too short, too unattractive, this and that, and I always seeing her eyeballing other men and talking about other men. Is this what you call serving and caring for her husband? haha
this just makes me laugh, just cause you got rejected by viet girls doesn't mean all of them have an attitude, sheesh.
Friday, July 19, 2002 at 12:00:44 (PDT)
Vietnamese Babe who has a brain:
I COMPLETELY AGREE, whoever that dumb jerk was: "Oh, I will go to Vietnam to find a submissive wife who will kiss the ground my loser butt rolls on..." is probably just another LOSER.
Curious about Viet culture:
Unfortunately it is very important in the Viet culture to marry another Viet person; at least from my experience it is. However, not all Viet families are like that.
It's sad when a guy has to get pressured by his own family to get married. It's especially sad if the guy takes in that pressure, marries a Viet girl for the pure satisfaction of pleasing his family, and at the same time, he does NOT truly love that specific girl.
This kind of pressure shouldn't be such an issue, because if any man is strong enough, then he should pick and choose however he pleases without feeling pressured.
Be a black sheep if you MUST   
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 14:19:43 (PDT)
To, Curious about Viet culture;
Well from what i know, marrying a viet is very important for TRADITIONAL families. No chinese, no koreans, indonesians, no japanese or whatever. Something about keeping the blood as pure as possible, like your allowed to hang out with other ethnics, but not marry them. Basically that, but today alot of families stop caring.
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 13:39:41 (PDT)
I have some questions maybe someone can answer. How important is it for Viet people to marry another Viet? How important is it to your family? Also, do you still retain the dating customs of Vietnam even though you've moved to the US, or do you adopt "Western" customs?
The reason I ask is because I have a male Viet friend who pretty much only dates Viet women, maybe 1 or 2 have been half Chinese. There really isn't a huge Viet population here in my city, and as he gets older, his family is bugging him to get married. I get the impression he is feeling pressure to get married, even though he hasn't found the right person. Why so much pressure? Just wondering...
Curious about Viet culture   
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 10:41:43 (PDT)
i heard that vietnamese guys go back to vietnam to get a wife there cuz over there the women treat them better (even if the guy is butt ugly) (viet guys have a big ego and they want a woman who will think that he is God's gift to the world!). and from what you say, it sounds like none of the viet women over here (in the USA) will give you the time of day. they probably pass u down cuz ur not educated enough, smart enough, cute enough, etc. maybe cuz you are not up to their standards. nowadays, viet women in america want a man with an education and a secure future, and maybe average or good looks is a plus.
over in vietnam all the girls there are so desperate to come over to this dream land america that they will hook up with any desperate loser ugly poor guy. but of course they will be made to believe that he is rich in america. stupid girls in vietnam i must say. why would anyone want to go get a dumb non-english speaking wife from vietnam, so that they can take her back here and pay for her ESL classes. she will just sit around and make a living by sewing clothing for people, without an american education. duh! I also heard that a lot of women over there pretend to like the man from america so he can pay for her ticket over here and when they arrive to america she ditches him like yesterday's garbage.
all in all, most people i know will agree with me that a guy who has to go all the way back to vietnam to find a woman is just plain pathetic! he is just purely left over trash that high standard woman dont want.
Vietnamese Babe who has a brain   
Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 17:42:28 (PDT)
i still would not say that life is a game.. unless you are not taking your life too seriously. before my current bf i dated two other viet guys and it didn't work out and i was really sad. but i picked myself up from my sandal straps and moved on with life, no regrets no nothing, now i have a great bf, and i would never say that life is a game. if it were i would be lying around sleeping all day instead of going to school, taking care of myself, etc. but i sometimes wish life was a game, so if i lose i can start over again. unfortunately i can't.
Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 17:35:13 (PDT)