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Lol. I still think it is disgusting. Well before the new millenium, it USED TO BE trendy to have younger woman/older man couples, but nowadays, the trendy thing is for an older woman/younger male couple. (In America at least, but of course Vietnam will take another 50 years or so to catch up to the world's new views).
Hell, my boyfriend is 19 years old and I am 22. WOoohhooo to me! I love younger men now. Cuz the older ones dont' really understand me, and they only appreciate the good sex that a younger woman can provide. Well now, my younger bf who is 100 times better in bed (cuz at least he can keep it up, whereas an older man gets limp after 3 minutes), and he is a lot more youthful, fresh and energetic, as I am. Most people think we are about 16 (same age when they look at us) cuz I tend to keep myself in good condition.
To Regards, you say ""Old husband with young wife is like living in Paradise". Well it is paradise for the old husband but more like hell for the young wife. hahah.
Asian Babe   
Friday, August 09, 2002 at 13:00:18 (PDT)
If men can do that, why can't women go back to vietnam and married some goodlooking young guy? wouldn't you guys like to know.
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 17:53:19 (PDT)
Asian Babe,
One of my friend, 45 years old, came back to Vietnam and got married a 25 years old girl since he could not find a viet girl who could love him. He is so busy making money and getting old that he could not realize. You know what? She came to the U.S after less than a year of wedding and now they live happily with two daughters. Have you ever heard Vietnamese saying: "Cho^`ng gia` vo*. tre? la` tie^n tre^n ddo*`i". Let me try to translate just in case you don't understand much Vietnamese: "Old husband with young wife is like living in Paradise".
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 09:34:39 (PDT)
It is easy to see alot of Vietnamese american women complaining about men in this country that go back to vietnam to marry a younger girl. But, it does happen. Just check out all those mail order bride web-site. A lot of this has to do with the poor economy in Vietnam. It is not just older vietnamese men that go back but, plenty of older american men go there to find younger brides. But, can you blame these men. They just want a young wife and I think all men prefer a younger women than some older. And a lot of these women marry for money and a better life. MOst older men could afford that. It is a trade off.
Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 23:47:52 (PDT)
If i was 22 yr old and had to marry a 45 yr old just to go to america, i would not be very happy being with an old wrinkly man. i would feel kind of embarrassed to be seen with him in public. but of course the old man would love it, because he is with someone who is much better looking than him and younger too. the guy should be ashamed of himself, too bad he wouldht be. but when the 22 year old dumps him, that would be realy embarrassing.
Asian Babe   
Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 11:18:23 (PDT)
Azn Guy:
Eeeww...that's gross 45 and 22? It's like marrying own kid...men are so shallow. Is sex for a green card the only way for them to get permanant pussy, and well worth the average 5 years?
Nasty, perhaps perverts like you are forced to find a VF for a wife b/c American VFs wont' disgrace themselves to such pathetic losers.
Friday, August 02, 2002 at 17:58:16 (PDT)
I don't see anything wrong with VM going to Vietnam to find a woman. Alot of these men are old and it's difficult to find women here in the states who will marry them. If i was in my mid 40s and still single, i would go back and do it. VFs in Vietnam have different motives on marrying, but no matter what, at least the men would have some happiness. Gee, if i was 45 and could marry a 22yr old, i think it would be great. Granted, she will probably leave me when her Green card is made, but at least i enjoyed something for a couple of years. Plus, some of these men are paid a good amount of money by the VF's family also.
Azn guy   
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 22:11:59 (PDT)