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Just for You to know:
There's nothing wrong with going back to vietnam to marry a girl, I agree with you on that. but many guys go back there and barely really know their to be bride, isn't that kinda strange unless they feel like they need to get married soon. people who marry one another usually knows eachother very well first. why does the man come back to vietnam to marry a girl
they feel that they're getting old and they want to marry someone soon.
they want to get a pretty bride, cause most girl in vietnam want to marry a guy from America, so they have more option to find a bride who's pretty.
they want someone who they can control better than if they were marry a women in the U.S. cause the girls who just came from vietnam doesn't know much engish nor does she have an American education, so it's harder for those girls to leave their husband if they want to.(unless they got snag by some other guys)
or the guys in American just can't find his soulmate here in America, so if he has to choose to marry someone who he doesn't truly know or love, he probably might as well find a girl in vietnam, cause then he can get a pretty looking one.
In the end, no guys marry a women in vietnam becuase he truly cares or love her nor does he truly knows her through personal experience. And the women would not truly know her husband to be either. It takes alot of time for two person to know eachother, and with a guy marrying a girl from vietnam, there isn't much time to speak of.
this is the reason why some people in America thinks that guys who marry a girl from vietnam is a loser, in some way it's kinda true.
Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 15:52:37 (PST)
Why are you making generalization that all VM who went back to Vietnam to get married are losers and have no life in the U.S. You are assuming too much and making bias generalizations about them that are so weak nobody will even care what you just said. I am not one of them, I am still very young but if I find a girl I like on my trip back to Vietnam and want to marry her, what the heck, I will do it. If she looks good and has what I am looking for. It is not just looks that I go for but personality and other things that are hard to describe.
You are saying that men who went back are pathetic losers and unwanted by the VF over here. If you say that you must be very jealous that they have to go that far to look for a wife. You just want one of them to hook up with you and could potentially lead to a marriage so you want to keep all of us over here dating you. That is a shame.
And you also said that they are ugly and uneducated well you are wrong. What if they are not ugly but handsome and not uneducated but educated. What if they have a college degree and are engineer, doctor, lawyer or some other professionals. You must have a small brain to think like that because I would not want to get with a girl who is opinionated and one-sided like you.
just for you to know   
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 15:49:46 (PST)
To, AZN Persuasion;
Oh, i see what your saying.
Here's what i've got to say. Your husband probably expects you to bow to his command, and is trying to compare you to someone who would be "pure" viet. Only flaw is that you live in Little Saigon right? You can find out the truth about cheating in Vietnamese society pretty fast.
In Vietnam the only thing that is acceptable where you have more than one partner is when a man has more then one wife. You can have sex with your wives, but no one else; either married or not, it's not accepted. Women are expected to stay virgins till they get married, and anyone who doesn't is considered dirty. I have friends in Vietnam who have girlfriends and are still virgins, where in USA even if you don't have one you probably lost your virginity to the next door neighbor! Which is funny (LOL).
Women in Vietnamese society actually are very high compared to women of other asian society, contrary to all that BS on how women are abused in Vietnam. Doesn't mean they have no say. There are countless Vietnamese women who were generals and commanded an army of soldiers who were filled with men and women both held with high regards. An example would be the Trung sisters who beat the chinese in battles but later was outnumbered too greatly. She fought only to avenge her husband who was killed.
Hmmm, your being tricked just because your half white. Your lack in knowledge of the Vietnamese culture makes you think that "asians" hold their women as objects.
Could be true, but not so true in Vietnam. Although beating is accepted, cheating is not; both husband and wife have to stay faithful. I've actually seen women beat men and chase them out of the house just for being late, it goes vice verca. It's acceptable.
Vietnamese people always have jokes about that their wives might beat them if they lose in poker or whatever. You know why those jokes even exist? Because it does happens.
Suggestion, go to Vietnam. Bring your child to Vietnam and teach her about her culture before your husband manipulates your mind and your childs mind to believe in lies about your background.
Do you know how to speak Viet? That could be the problem of communicating with other Viets to find out the truth.
Just find a solution, i've seen too many families where a half Viet gets lied to and believes it and then hatred of the culture happens.
Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 00:47:52 (PDT)
To, AZN Persuasion;
Your husband's lying you know? Cheating is actually condemned in Vietnam, not even close to being accepted. You can't even kiss your wife in public without being looked at as a fool.
It's just your husbands excuse to be cheating on you probably, you better watch out. I've seen it happen before.
ps- it's even illegal to have porn, don't even know what your husband is talking about. Is he from a minority group?
Saturday, October 26, 2002 at 11:36:28 (PDT)
I'm speechless to all of your comments, but you're all entitled to your own opinions. I'm 1/2 asian and 1/2 white and I grew up in a small town and I was the only Asian. I was constanly having an identity crisis growing up so I promised myself to surround myself around other Asians. Believe me I represent my AZN pride ,but all I can say was I moved back to my small town which was a promenant white community. I moved to Little Saigon which is located in Orange County and I found myself and I'm also proud to be white. I guess I don't understand the AZN culture. My daughter who is 75%AZN and 25% white will be taught to be proud of who she is, but I can't see myself raising her with her father who say's cheating is acceptable in Vietnam. All I have to say to him and other AZN brothers like him is that "This is America and Women in this society are not taught to be submissive" So if your an AZN dude that thinks like this you better chech yourself before you end up with a woman that's a wreck because only a woman that would bow down must have no confidence or a brain.
AZN Persuasion   
Saturday, October 19, 2002 at 19:52:37 (PDT)
You Are Vietnamese?:
Weirdo! Now, my screen name is Miss Viet G, Happy Now?
Please, don't make us look bad k!
Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 02:26:14 (PDT)
young bride? *sigh*
whats the joy of living with someone who could at your most imtimate moment meditate your very death.
dm ngu   
Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 22:51:33 (PDT)
To "you are vietnamese", obviously you are not very intelligent. I agree with L, just because I don't sign my name off with a vietnamese nick on this posting, doesn't mean i am not vietnamese, DUH. get your facts straight before you make a fool out of yourself and show how dumb you are. I am 100% vietnamese and proud of it, and no thanks i do not need to learn some vietnamese because I probably speak it even better than you do. and i do not need to post a vietnamese nick name if i don't want to. blah!
Vietnamese Babe with a br   
Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 20:08:58 (PDT)
i love viet girls.. but am FILIPINO
DJ TABOO djtaboo@angelfire.com   
Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 18:20:56 (PDT)
To, You Are Vietnamese?;
Yes i am vietnamese, and yes i do have a vietnamese nickname. Do i have to tell you it? No. Do i have to use it here? No.
I'd rather have it initialed.
Friday, September 13, 2002 at 15:49:57 (PDT)
You guys are Vietnamese??????????????? Ben, Vietnamese Babe who has a brain, Viet culture, etc.??????? I don't see how you guys can be a Vietnamese without having a Vietnamese Nick name, etc. You all should ask your Dad and Mom to teach you some Vietmanese guys.
You Are Vietnamese?   
Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 00:51:00 (PDT)
Wowww hold your horses!!! You’ve taken my comments waaaaaay out of context. My comments related only to the issue of the mother who wants her daughter to marry a Viet doctor. My man’s father was a medical doctor in Viet Nam and is a doctor in the U.S. So, I know it's not an impossible task. His family is not at all stuck up like some people characterize educated and affluent Viet families.
This has only to do with an issue of supply and demand of mothers who want their daughters to marry doctors. It wasn’t a slam on Viets. I’m also not getting into the IQ garbage that is based on White people’s view of “intelligence.”
To the Viet mothers who want their daughters marrying Viet doctors: Their daughters better having something going for themselves as well. No potential Viet doctor or doctor is going to marry a Viet woman who is not educated and MOTIVATED to make something of herself.
Friday, August 30, 2002 at 13:42:59 (PDT)
The vietnamese community is growing REALLY strong. Even though in USA there aren't many vietnamese doctors, but i am sure they aren't so small in number either. Remember that the vietnamese have only been here for no more then 35 years. Do you expect a minority group who came poverty stricken from a nation which just had a war to run a high number of doctors? I surely wouldn't. All i know from experience, is that these people run low paying jobs, but save up for their kids to go to university. If you haven't seen the statistics in Australia the vietnamese students run the highest average IQ. In my city there are more vietnamese doctors then there are chinese doctors, and the chinese population is double of that of the vietnamese population.
If this stays true for a few more years, then the competition for wives among vietnamese will be hard, BUT this is GOOD! This makes us want to be better.
If you compare the vietnamese to what the chinese are today, the vietnamese aren't too far off. The chinese who immigrated here with nothing usually came here long ago during the railroad times, so that's about a 100 year headstart. And those knew kids who come here from china usually are already rich, and come from affluent families. Think logically here, if these chinese kids who just moved over were poor, how the heck did they pay for the plane tickets? Even the knew people from vietnam are usually affluent already.
To, Curious buddy;
Most vietnamese parents don't want their sons to marry a family richer then them. Because then if the son ever becomes successful, then people will say they had the backing of a rich family instead of building up his estate on his own. But also on the same side people don't want their sons to marry someone too low, because then it would bring shame to the family. For daughters; people don't want their daugthers to be supporting their husbands, but instead want their husband to be filthy rich so the daughter can have an easy life. Or have atleast a decent husband.
Like if your friend is in medical school, would a parent want anyone lower then a doctor to marry their daughter?
Also in the vietnamese community money isn't everything. You get more face if your a doctor who saves life, then if your a computer programmer.
For example, my uncle makes 11 million dollars Canadian a year (the Canadian dollar is around 65 cents on the US dollar, so that's around 8-9 million US a year) from his importing goods company (he is the whole-seller for oriental grocery goods, and for storage and such which covers most of W. Canada). But he still has less face then my dad, who's not a doctor, but is known to have opened 2 orphanages in Vietnam (they were both blown up, but alteast he opened some) and contributed to the buddhist charity mov't all the time.
Most parents don't care anymore, but some do. And the majority who do either go for face or money to ease their way through life (if your rich you get money for travelling, if you have face your respected in china-town). Hey just like any other ethnic...
Friday, August 30, 2002 at 00:08:06 (PDT)