Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is wealth in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's one of the most important. |
It's just one of many factors. |
It's less important than other qualities. |
I don't care about a person's wealth. |
Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own wealth?
I'd give up weekends to double my income. |
I'd work longer hours for 50% more income. |
I'm happy with my current income. |
I'd give up some income for more free time. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Asian Dominatrix,
You seem like an intelligent and articulate person. Therefore, I will explain to you why various Asian groups argue about what happened between our ancestors in the late 19-20th century. After you understand, then you shouldn't get annoyed but see the logic behind it.
Most people are arguing about what Imperial Japan did to its neighbors, primarily Korea, Taiwan and China. The reason why these things keep getting brought up is the fact that Japan does not teach history as it happened. The Japanese school system has a tremendous rightist influence which encourages the schools to gloss over this period of time in which Japan did unspeakable acts against humanity. Most Japanese school children do not learn the truth because the government (which is full of bureaucracy and under heavy rightist influence) will not fully apologize and acknowledge the terrible things the Imperial army did to their neighbors. Hence, you have people arguing about what happened and did not happen during the aforementioned time period.
In Korea, if a Japanese tourist comes to visit and says hello to a shopowner in Korean, they are the most beloved guests. Many people think that Koreans hate Japanese, but it is hatred against the Japanese establishment that refuses to acknowledge past acts of cruelty. During a demonstration in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul by Korean women who were forced into the life of comfort women by the Imperial army, a group of Japanese high school students came to join in on the protest. The older women were so moved by the young Japanese that they all broke out in tears.
It is sad that the people of Japan are not taught the truth. When two people learn history differently, it is likely that disagreements will occur. When a friend does something terrible to me, but apologizes from the heart, I will forgive him and accept him as my friend once again. If he never apologizes, then it is near impossible to be friends again. This is the problem with Japan and her neighbors. Germany completely disassociated itself of the Nazi war crimes by acknowledging and teaching what actually happened. Japan has not. This is why people here argue about the past so much.
Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 16:55:06 (PDT)
I've got a response to you in the gender divide section.
Asian Dominatrix   
Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 15:37:07 (PDT)
You are a brave person to make take the path you have walked. Once I find the proper acronym for my grand cause of asian supremacy I will make a hymn praising the likes of allies like Hannybunhun.
What ryhmes with Hannybunbun?
I can only think of Cinnabon. Hard to evoke pride with the pastry name.
Not to fear I will hire the best pop musicians to write this hymn in your name.
AC Dropout   
Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 11:44:15 (PDT)
Asian Dominatrix,
Old World Prejudices...well there is an irony in that. While trying to preserve the mother toungue and culture in USA, you sometimes inadvertantly preserve the seeds of these prejudices. And without understanding these prejudices you will be considered foriegn by the native populace.
I doubt the 3rd or 4th generation Irish-American hate British-American of 3rd or 4th generation. It more of a point of debate like Italian-American and the infamous "sauce" or "gravy" debate.
There are Irish and Italian American who also wish to preserve their lineage. But they also have a veiw of those being in America for 4 or 5 generation as just being American, and no longer a hyphenated American.
We may not like people who totally sold-out. But their spouses are defectors, the 5th column, of the white is right cause. I'm pretty sure Michelle Malkin and Connie Chung spouse would make a great allie. The problem is finding an opportunity where they become useful to us.
Some whites are actually more sensitive to the "white oppression" issue then we give them credit for. They basically have helped defined the issues and are slowly trying to rectify the probelm. But then of course there are the white extremist on the other end.
AC Dropout   
Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 11:34:58 (PDT)
Those number looks like we have a self sustaining population of Asians in the USA. I guess we don't have to worry about extinction.
I guess my perception could be skewd by the fact I also include my parents generation in the mix. Which is 99% foreign born. Even though I've never asked peers in my generation, since it really isn't interesting to talk about, I would suspect 30% - 50% could be ABC.
Which would also cause inaccuracy since most in my sample are Chinese.
AC Dropout   
Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 11:15:44 (PDT)
[Chinese are about at the AA median in terms of the ratio of foreign-born vs U.S.-born -- not to mention comprising the largest single Asian group. So your Chinese friends aren't a bad statistical sampling, albeit probably skewed a bit older than the median age for ABCs. --Ed]