Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is wealth in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's one of the most important. |
It's just one of many factors. |
It's less important than other qualities. |
I don't care about a person's wealth. |
Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own wealth?
I'd give up weekends to double my income. |
I'd work longer hours for 50% more income. |
I'm happy with my current income. |
I'd give up some income for more free time. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
abc guy and
That's what I was getting at with my post that there is more to life than just having money and trying to show it off.
I am already tired of my relatives especially from Asia trying to show off to me what money they have. If that doesn't work for them to feel special then they try to old and boring "you don't speak Chinese better that me' thing and by then I tune them off and they get bored and then discuss other things like the best resturant to eat at, instead.
I agree that you must develop the spiritual side of your life. The sad part is many asians are too preoccuppied with just having more money and Status than others to even develop this side of their life. They can only relate to physical things which you can see and touch and anything else is unreal. It makes them narrowminded and golddiggish.
There is nothing wrong to have money and everyone should have more than enough money to live comfortably. Just don't use money as the only barometer to judge people and others and for your self worth. You are worth more than just your money or status.
Am Truth   
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 14:35:47 (PDT)
abc guy,
What if God is dead? And we did evolve from the monkeys.
AC Dropout   
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 08:31:20 (PDT)
AM Truth:
"What else someone wants after the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter is beyond me and probably only need more of it for a ego thing to their friends and relatives."
- how about the search for spirituality and deeper meaning in life after or even before completely satisfying those basic desires? How about man's relationship with God? Isn't there more truth to life than eating well, having material things, and being constantly amused before you meet your maker?
abc guy   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 14:03:14 (PDT)
in response to: If you're short, ugly, dumb, and rich, you'll be alright. Money rules. Ask poor asian hotties that are golddiggers.
the DOLLAR buys a lot - fool all you'll buy is the superficial attraction of women to your wealth, you last. If you think genuine respect and love can be bought you are sad.
abc guy   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 13:57:20 (PDT)
i am an american-born asian, i barely made it out of high school and is currently attending community college. i think alot of my future and maybe im just hard on myself but i dont see myself making too much money. as long as i find a good mate and don't live in the ghettos or trailer park, i'll be fine.
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 05:17:50 (PDT)
That why some people send paper pineapples money of folded money.
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 12:40:14 (PDT)
If you're short, ugly, dumb, and rich, you'll be alright. Money rules. Ask poor asian hotties that are golddiggers.
the DOLLAR buys a lot   
Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 11:29:46 (PDT)
AM Truth,
Wish there were more people who thought that way . Your post was one of the best one's I have read here ever. It makes me think about so many examples of people we know and are related to who put name brand and monetary value above thought and heart.
Where is the heart in anything at times? My SIL sent my MIL flowers, and all our MIL could say was she wondered how much they cost and how she would rather have the money, side note to this... she is very wealthy, does not need the money, but missed the whole point...the heart and thought in the gift.
Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 04:28:09 (PDT)
I think that once you have a nice house with all the furnitures and fixings, fancy cars, stylish waredobes and food on the table (all paid off) you should be well off and satisfied.
What else someone wants after the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter is beyond me and probably only need more of it for a ego thing to their friends and relatives.
I know Asians whose only goal in life to make money so they can show off to other people wheither in the past, present or future and say; "Look at me. I did and you did not. I have everything and you don't. Poor you and Good me!"
After they are done showing off the novelty wears off and the people start avoiding them because they get tired of hearing how great they are. It happens more often than you think.
I personally don't care wheither a person is rich or poor. I rather know them if they are friendly and have a good soul. The fact that so many Asians are so shallow and vain in only thinking of material things could be from their upbringing where competition and screwing your neighbor is the norm.
AM Truth   
Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 20:03:20 (PDT)