

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is weight in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. | 57%
It's one of many factors I consider. | 39%
It's less important than other personal qualities. | 2%
I don't care about a person's weight. | 2%

Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own weight?
I'd like to be 20 pounds lighter. | 20%
I'd like to be 10 pounds lighter. | 35%
I'm happy with my weight. | 28%
I'd like to be heavier. | 17%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Just as lomng as you're not overly obese any guy can like you. There is a AF I know who is 5'6" 120 lbs. and I think that she looks pretty skinny.
In terms of guys, I am 5'8" 150 lbs. and everyone considers me a skinny guy. I eat as much as I want (McDonalds, pizza, etc.) and I never gain weight.

Asian dude    Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 08:29:27 (PST)

Hmmmm....on second thought, it's occurred to me that you might be a bitter fat woman, i.e., Phattit, who's obsessed with showing that she's "desirable" to men.
You know, the kind who has to wear a nursing bra cos' she can't pack her cow udders into a pretty push-up or demi bra.

Or the kind who's got thighs bigger than my 22" waist. (Ha, probably even bigger than my 33" hips.)

Or the kind who, when sitting down, tends to be taken for a sofa. And gets kids climbing on her when she's in a red dress cos' they think she's the school house.

At any rate, I just enjoy exercising my razor-sharp THIN blade on your fat, blobby brain!

Asian Dominatrix    Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 21:47:09 (PST)

Whoa! Talk about delayed reaction. I wrote that post nearly 2 mos. ago.

Anyway, thank you for your (unintended) comic relief, my little friend. I roared with laughter after translating your most *interesting* dialect of LOSERESE. Or is it HIGHSCHOOLDROPOUTLOSERESE?

Maybe if you had adequate reading comprehension skills in the little thing you call a "brain," you would know that I was not "dissing" AMs but only a certain group. As I put it earlier: "And if you're an AM who dislikes AF's, you've probably got a short, bigtime, mofo ugly mother." AND, if you knew how to read contextually, you would know that I was criticising the writer for his general tone when he told me to "shut the heck up." No one tells Asian Dominatrix to shut up.

Let me tell you, buddy, I wouldn't want you if I were two inches shorter, two feet taller, or anything else: because you don't fit MY criteria either. As one of the 2% of Oxford graduates alive in the world, I can afford to be highly selective when it comes to men--which means, well-bred, well-read, and well-dressed. With degrees from the RIGHT universities. (The fact that my boyfriends have all been tall and attractive just makes it better!) So you can go hang with your "tall and curvy chix" all you want because I wouldn't want to be caught dead with a illiterate, mentally challenged twit like you. How demeaning.

But quite frankly, I kinda doubt you have any good-looking "tall and curvy" chicks anyway. Your tall and curvy chick is most likely the big blow-up doll you got for your lonely birthday. So easy on it, boy, try not to get pop when you're in your *throes* of passion!


Asian Dominatix    Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 18:14:52 (PST)
[Come on, fess' up: many of you guys enjoy looking at tall women--even if she's ugly!]


I like em b/w 5'3" and 5'5" since I'm 5'8".

Women over 5'11" freak me out, esp. if they're BIG BONED!!!

Facial features are of utmost importance!

Jay... the weirded out hapa    Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 14:27:36 (PST)
To unsure and anyone else concerned about weight:

5'4" and 123 lbs is not "fat". It's normal; especially if you are a women. Women are suppose to have body fat somewhere around 10-15% while men are supposed to have somewhere around 6-12%. Take this link:

If BMI is over 25, then the person is overweight. Over 30, then the person is obese(very fat). At 5'4" 123, your BMI is a healthy 21.1 .

Here's more info on BMI and obesity:
Rush    Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 10:26:21 (PST)
Asian Dominatrix,

I'm sure you could have gone to a modelling agency. When I get head shot of girls for ad selections, I note that not all of them are 5'10". There are normal size women in the group 5'2" - 5'6" are in the mix. And with computerized touch up as long as she isn't dead and have the characteristics we are looking for, it works out.

Unless it a runway show are there minium requirements for height and shape. This way the seamtresses won't go crazy trying to fit all the girls.

I once knew a tall ugly women. She was like 6'2" skinny as a stick and was a prostitute near an industrial district where we had a facility in NYC. Damn ugliest crack addicted you've ever seen. I get the hibbies-jibbies just writing this paragraph.

I can't speak for all guys. But as long as she is beautiful, I will discreetly sneak another peak if possible.

"I could probably be admired and complimented on a daily basis"

My, my aren't we the narcissist. ^_^


5'4" and 123 is not fat. You are still below the national average. If you go by asia asian standards, every girl is trying to get under 100. But we're not in Asia.
AC Dropout    Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 10:17:43 (PST)
asian dominatrix u dont know what u talkin about callin ppl kkk and dissin ams. just becuz some1 says they dig wfs doesnt mean u can/should get all bent outta shape. did their comment dent ur fragile sense of self esteem? does every1 have 2 say asian chix rule?? personally i think asian chix is as good as white, black, or hispanic chix as long as they tall and got some meat as in thickness meaning curves, baby. i prefer any color chick as long as shes above 5-7 and has some kickin curves like boobs and a butt. if u aint got the curves baby, u aint in the game. and if u aint tall, u just aint wid it. so freak u, asian dominatrix and plz stuff it where the sun dont shine, tall and curvy chix rule and u aint 1 of em!!!
PHREAKNIK!    Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 21:07:31 (PST)
AC Dropout,

Yes, over 6'0" would probably make it difficult to find someone--but it also makes you SO much more impressive to look at! At my best point in England, I used to get whistled about twice a week...all I could think was if I were another half a foot taller, I could probably be admired and complimented on a daily basis. And be scouted as a model. (I only get told I look LIKE a model. I'd be laughed at a in major way if I tried a modelling agency!)

Come on, fess' up: many of you guys enjoy looking at tall women--even if she's ugly!


Your white friends may be telling you you're "way too small and thin" but they're most likely envious.

I don't work out, but I try to eat lots of veggies if I'm O.D'ing on steak and other bad stuff. Seaweed helps too.

unsure about my weight,

Don't worry about the stick women. Look at Madonna and Jennifer Aniston. They're still considered very attractive by the media even tho' they're not super skinny. It's just attitude, honey!
Asian Dominatrix    Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 18:26:26 (PST)
And AF's might wonder why WF's dislike them- it's because we are not naturally anorexic-looking and diet and exercise to be super thin. 5'4 and 105 is anorexic by medical standards. I'm 5'4 and the last time I weighed 105 I was so starved I had bones sticking out everywhere, I never ate, I had low blood pressure, felt like crap all the time, I was very sick. I had the body of a 12 year old. I finally came to my senses and started eating like a normal person and became much happier.
too thin    Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 11:28:32 (PST)
So I guess my question is answered, at 5'4 and 123 I am indeed in the "fat" category. Thanks for the info.
unsure    Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 11:23:20 (PST)