Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is weight in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. |
It's one of many factors I consider. |
It's less important than other personal qualities. |
I don't care about a person's weight. |
Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own weight?
I'd like to be 20 pounds lighter. |
I'd like to be 10 pounds lighter. |
I'm happy with my weight. |
I'd like to be heavier. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Ana Rexi:
I'm with you, there's nothing wrong with being "skinny". I happen to find thin women hot as hell, so go for what you know and make yourself happy !
I'm impressed to hear you comment on the "phony" look with the nails, and the excessive jewelry. Nothing makes me lose interest in a woman quicker than the excessive look such as long or extravagant nails, too much jewerly etc.
No, give me the honey with a simple sun dress, nicely kept hands, a little jewerly with good taste. That's my idea of an attractive girl !!!
me, myself and I   
Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 08:54:16 (PDT)
There's nothing wrong with being thin, but why do you give yourself a name of an eating disorder "Ana Rexi"? Are you proud of being sickly thin?
Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 08:51:18 (PDT)
For what it's worth, there is a difference between being skinny and being fit.
There are numerous men and women running around who don't look like they carry much fat, but it's quit possible they do. You ever hear of a skinny-fat person?
On the other hand, there are people out there who are big--both men and women--, at least by society's standards, who are fit without carrying a lot of fat.
If you are over 30 years old and don't work out to build muscle, then expect to lose anywhere from 2-4 pounds of muscle every decade. Doesn't sound like much, but it means the difference between eating like a bird to eating and not starving. Not to mention falling apart when you are older.
Also, the older you get the more flabby you will probably be. Up until your 20 somethings your body takes care of you, but when you hit your 30 somethings, then you have to take care of your body.
It's hard work but it's worth it in the long run. I'm not Asian, but I'm assuming it works that way with the Asian race also. At least I haven't been shown, or read, anything different.
Skinny isn't always where it's at!   
Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 11:41:34 (PDT)
I'm curious, what do AF's think of white females, do you think that we all look fat? I'm 5'4 and 125 and that sounds really fat compared to all of you, but I have medium bone structure. I really do think I need to lose at least 5 lbs, maybe 10.
Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 10:42:42 (PDT)
H T Y,
I've gone from really skinny to really fat to built and toned I guess you'd say. Actually, this time last year I was 50lbs overweight. Now I've packed on 40lbs of muscle. I still have a little bit of fat but that's ok...nothing major. I would talk to your doctor first and see what he/she has to say. Being healthy is more important then looking a certain way. When I started working out I started off really slow and gradually moved up. Start off with small weights, do them for a week or so then move up. Same thing with running, walk for 20 mins your first time then gradually increase your speed the 2nd day...etc. Just make sure that when your running that you do it for at least 20 mins to get your thyroid to kick in so you can lose that wieght...but don't push yourself to hard at the beginning. That way you won't get frustrated and lose motivation as easily. Where you start all depends on where you are right now and how much you can take. If you can join a gym and get yourself into a regular workout routine then it's easier. I did it the hard way and did it on my own...takes more discipline but it's more convenient for my schedule. Don't kid yourself though. Even if you join a gym it's still hard to keep up. If you do decide to workout just force yourself to go for at least 2 months on a regular routine. After that you probably will have that motivation to keep going all the time. There is NOTHING better then getting that high you get from a great workout. You feel like you can keep going forever. In terms of diet...I can't really help you there.
Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 21:18:50 (PDT)
[This and the following 3 posts were transferred from the Plastic Surgery forum. --Ed]
ok im a guy and does anyone know or can direct me on a good exercise routine that will get rid of love handles or fat around our hip area??
disgustingly fat freak   
Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 19:44:06 (PDT)
To anyone who is having a problem with a jelly belly:
Just to let you know, Asians, in general, have a lot of fat centralized in the abdomen region compared to other races. So don't dispair--you are not the only one. In fact, body fat percentages are highest in Asians. And those of African descent have the lowest body fat. Caucasians fall in between Africans and Asians with respect to body fat.
In fact, Asians would have to weigh less compared to other races in order to physically look the same. In other words, if you put an African, Caucasian, and an Asian person (of the same gender) with the same height and bone structure, the Asian person would have to weigh less to look physically the same as the Caucasian, and weigh even less in comparison with the African.
Because of the body fat factor, doctors have advocated to have a different BMI (body mass index) index for Asians. This is because of the fact that Asians are more prone to having health problems at a lower range of the general "healthy" BMI range. It's an interesting topic.
In other words, an Asian may have this genetic predisposition playing against them. But I wouldn't be pessimistic about it. Like others have suggested before, try working out. Maybe if you build some more muscles in the abdomen area, you might be able to firm it up. After all, muscles burn fat. Good luck!
Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 18:49:14 (PDT)
I'm 5"3 and weigh 102 lbs. I'm pretty skinny, and can't seem to gain any weight due to fast metabolism (I think).
My problem is that the fat on my stomach is disgusting. If I squeze it, there is probably a good 2 inches of it.
Anyone know a good excercize plan to get rid of this?
A couple years ago, I had muscles there...a 2-pack if you will!
H T Y   
Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 08:10:41 (PDT)
to "fat girl", I know that liposuction may sound like a very quick and easy solution to a few extra pounds, but nothing is quite what it seems. I saw on tv once, maybe on TLC, an actual lipo operation, and I said to myself I will NEVER, EVER do that to myself. It was so gross. It is full out surgery, and people die from it every year. The woman was in SO MUCH PAIN afterwards she couldn't speak. And it's not always permanent, the fat could come back! And it's expensive.
I also struggle with my weight, so I empathize with you, but as hard as it is, what you've gotta do is get off your butt, and start exercising and dieting! I know it's old fashioned but it's the only thing that works. Join a gym. Or take a dance class. Or go jogging. Or buy an aeoribcs video. Or join an online diet support chat group. Count calories and fat grams. Read up on the subject. Anything worth having in life is usually won with hard work.
Monday, April 15, 2002 at 16:53:36 (PDT)