Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is weight in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. |
It's one of many factors I consider. |
It's less important than other personal qualities. |
I don't care about a person's weight. |
Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own weight?
I'd like to be 20 pounds lighter. |
I'd like to be 10 pounds lighter. |
I'm happy with my weight. |
I'd like to be heavier. |
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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
hmmm...it seems like you've got nothing better to do than dumpster dive into my 3-month old posts, right?
Or is it that you can't get enough of me?
Hey, I'm nice when others are nice. When no one is making asinine comments like "such and such chicks rule"--even if it's on another forum. Otherwise, watch it. Mwahahahaha!
Asian Dominatrix   
Friday, May 17, 2002 at 10:16:33 (PDT)
to Be,
I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that the red color in our blood is the iron rusting from all that oxygen we breathe in. If we didn't have to take in oxygen, we wouldn't rust and our blood would be the color of iron, black/grey. I think that's why my blood tastes metallic (like when I accidentally bit my tongue when chewing gum...never chew gum and jump on a trampoline at the same time, you'll be spitting out pieces of your tongue). Blacking out when you're drunk is pretty normal. Happens to me too. Blacking out when you're having pain when using the restroom is abnormal and you better get yourself in to see a doctor, sis. Hope you feel better. Hey, I'll trade ya! You get my C (I'm actually busting out of the C to be honest with you, but the D's too big, so I'm like an in between and it's so hard to find a bra that fits right). You give me your 0 and I'll give you my C.
to me
Hmmm...if you weigh 125, I would imagine you'd be a 5 or 6. But keep in mind that all fashion houses have arbitrary sizes that are not etched in stone. One place's 2 is another's 5. Especially fashions made overseas (Asian & European sizes are smaller than US sizes for some strange reason). And actually, height has a lot to do with it too. Size 0s are usually too short for me (don't ask me why designers think that small and petite mean the same thing) so I have to go to the larger sizes to get sleeves that go down far enough and pants that don't cut off at the ankles. I'm lucky too, in that there are lots of things I can find to wear at my height and weight level. Also, because I'm kinda heavy on the top (yeah...(sigh), I've got boobie problems) shirts that are a zero will have gaping holes where the buttons are supposed to meet in the middle, so I have to wear larger sized shirts to accommodate the twin-peaks.
To AC Dropout
Wow...I'm impressed. Hey folks, we've got a doctor in da house! OK, one more question Doc. How does acupuncture work and why does it work? I've seen it used and for the life of me, I can't figure out how you can stick a needle in a spot on your face (or hand or back or foot) and cure something in your eyes or brain or intestines.
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 21:02:44 (PDT)
to plugged
You are so funny, you make me laugh! Try some Chinese diet tea. They have natural laxatives in them...just don't drink too much. One cup a day should be enough. Eat more veggies (carrots, cabbages, stuff with roughage) and drink a SlimFast a day. That drink has a ton of fiber in it although it does taste not-so-great to say the least.
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 20:37:54 (PDT)
Whats the point of digging out old stuff...just to create friction? Dude, get a life. You should have stated your opinions when she had posted that. But you didnt, so too late now...you lost your chance.
AC Dropout:
One advantage of being a size 0 is that we can also shop in the kids section. The style would not always be suitable to our taste, but it is cheaper.
Most women dont get enough:
Meat is a good source of protein right? I eat plenty of that...well, maybe not more than vegetables. I eat everything. BTW, about your name...most women dont get enough of what?
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 17:34:24 (PDT)
so what if Asian Dominatrix said that stuff about double digit sizes being disgusting?!! I think so too, and I AM one!
chicky poo   
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 15:31:46 (PDT)
I really think that asians are getting fatter, lately I've been seeing SO many fat asian girls, on a daily basis, and I mean FAT! Maybe size 16 or so, big rolls. It might be the assimilation into the western diet and lack of exercise. In another generation, I think you'll see asians weighing about the same as whites.
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 13:21:50 (PDT)
AC Dropout, I'm sorry but I guess I don't have much sympathy for girls that can't find clothes in smaller than a size 0. Try Gap Kids? That is a ridiculously small size. I wish that were my problem, rather than worrying that my clothes are too tight.
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 13:15:25 (PDT)