

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is weight in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. | 57%
It's one of many factors I consider. | 39%
It's less important than other personal qualities. | 2%
I don't care about a person's weight. | 2%

Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own weight?
I'd like to be 20 pounds lighter. | 20%
I'd like to be 10 pounds lighter. | 35%
I'm happy with my weight. | 28%
I'd like to be heavier. | 17%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
MLK and me,

I think size 0 is usually for:

1) women under 25 whose bones and muscles have not quite developed yet


2) women under 5'3". If I'm not wrong, most who seem to wear them are really more around 5'. Generally speaking, the smaller the height, the smaller the actual size of the bones.

In other words, I think it is pretty difficult for someone who is 5'9" and over 25 to be wearing a size 0. I have a feeling the smallest that such a person might wear is probably a 4 or 6.
Asian Dominatrix    Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 12:16:13 (PDT)

hehehe... "jump on a trampoline .....busting out of the C"
the images those words bring are very provocative to say the least. ^_^

Blue is the color of deoxygeniated hemogoblin.
AC Dropout    Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 13:40:59 (PDT)

acupuncture? Never studied that. Based on what my family tells me it is based on the Chi and Ying-Yang philosophy. It is not based on the scientific method, so there is really nothing much I could related it to in order to make it more digestable for you.

Basically you stick needles in points where chi is being blocked, causing the Ying-Yang imbalance. In effecting the blocked area you hope to rebalance the Ying-Yang forces in the body.

How they determined the points in ancient times, I'm still curious. I feel sorry for the human pin cushion the test were conducted on.

Had it done once on me for a shoulder injury. Ever hear the saying "Shoot yourself in the leg to cure a tooth ache." Well that's what it felt like. Needless to say I was cured after the session.
AC Dropout    Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 13:34:07 (PDT)
"I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that the red color in our blood is the iron rusting from all that oxygen we breathe in."
Let's ask the doc aka human encyclopedia. Professor AC Dropout, what do you think?

"Blacking out when you're drunk is pretty normal."
Drunk from wine coolers? Haha, I do have low tolerance for alcohol, but aint that low!

"You give me your 0 and I'll give you my C."
Hmm..that's a tough decision. If I give you my size 0, it means I no longer have to deal with my constant hunger, constant eating, and constant weakness. If I take your C cup, I also have to take the back aches with it, right? I think I need to request a time extension to make my decision.
be    Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 10:59:36 (PDT)
AC Dropout,

I didn't know you were a doctor??????
Soul Search    Friday, May 17, 2002 at 22:33:01 (PDT)
Okie, you asian folk, what is the most prefer or ideal weight for an asian girl ? I'm not sure, I weight myself with a store bought scale, and it said that I'm about 113lbs, I'm 5'5", I am happy with my weight, I don't think that I'm too fat, though it's surprising to hear that there are many other asian girls who wants to be under 105 or so, even if they are tall. And, I'm not sure, whenever an asian girl tell her weight, it kinda seem unbelievable. Could you all tell me your height and weight, as I want to find out the average asian stat. You could look at my picture at:

I would like your opinion on how I look, who knows some people might think I'm too fat or too skinny or too large or whatever, I just really want to know how the asian people perceive me. tata!
CuriousGirl    Friday, May 17, 2002 at 21:17:16 (PDT)
chicky poo, you are a "disgusting double digit" and you hate yourself? Why do you have to accept other people's crappy notions of "acceptable" sizes? Just because most asian women are a size 0 doesn't mean that you can't be attractive in a 12.
geez    Friday, May 17, 2002 at 13:03:12 (PDT)