

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is weight in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. | 57%
It's one of many factors I consider. | 39%
It's less important than other personal qualities. | 2%
I don't care about a person's weight. | 2%

Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own weight?
I'd like to be 20 pounds lighter. | 20%
I'd like to be 10 pounds lighter. | 35%
I'm happy with my weight. | 28%
I'd like to be heavier. | 17%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
CuriousGirl(Alyssa Nguyen):

Hi...I went to your website.
I like it alot.

Your pictures are very nice...

I am tempted to post my homepage URL too now...

But...hehe.. I will wait til others to do it before I do.
Beijing Angelique    Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 22:43:19 (PDT)
be and me,

Tyra and Cindy wear a 10? The last I heard they were wearing a 6. Oh well, that's what their agents are for.

But you are right about height. I think if you're 6' and over, you're probably going to wear at least a 10 if you want a properly functioning body. And yes, you would just as look as good as a woman who is 5' tall wearing a size 0. (If you're 6' and wearing a size 4, you probably need to check into a hospital.)

Me, I think the problem with the fashion industry is that it's only hiring teenage models to model clothes which are worn mostly by rich, middle-aged women (and a few Beverly Hills brats). And then the designers can't figure out why their small sizes won't sell and why they end up in places like Filene's and other outlets.

The modelling world doesn't make it easier either. I had a friend who was 5'10" and 126-- i.e. perfectly slim and fine by most people's standards, yes, even mine:)--and her agent told her she was too fat. And that since there were other models who were thinner, she could lose more weight. I also remember a story about a guy, 6'4" and 160, who was told to lose another 20 pounds. Just be glad you're not a model and having to worry about every ounce of food you put in your mouth or about the effect that 20 cigarettes a day might have on your health.

In other words, you shouldn't waste your energy on getting jealous: sure, one should be slim in order to be and look healthy--I don't deny that--but not be so slim to the point where you're fainting or even just thinking about food all of the time.

BTW, notice how men don't get hung up on sizes. Hey, the bigger the better! If they're short, fat, and unattractive, they can still get a leading role in a movie. That's why men have fairly consistent sizes whereas sizes for women are so whacked up and inconsistent. Just the other day, I found a size 2 which was bigger than a 6 by another maker.

So there you have it: don't let weight distract other weightier matters in life, because there are so many other things we women could accomplish.

Asian Dominatrix    Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 18:33:01 (PDT)

Hmmm...what could the "X" stand for?

A. X-tra foolish
B. X marks the spot for idiot!
C. someone's eX--cos' he couldn't perform all that well
D. All of the above

Ummm...hate to break this to you but you know there's a big difference between making fun of ethnic minorities and making fun of fat people. I'm not necessarily saying the latter is OK, but fat is something you can control-- i.e., don't eat a whole pizza or even 2 slices if you have a tendency to gain weight--whereas race is not. Get that through your lame brain!

And that goes for your imaginative friends, *geez* and *hmmm*...the three stooges.

Or maybe it's more like the holy trinity of stupidity: you've got enough stupidity for 3 people.

Anyway, so sorry to hear that you're not secure, not pretty, not witty, and that you are undoubtedly as short on intellect as you are in height. Cos' you ain't exactly a smart lil' Einstein, hunbun.

P.S. Yeah, I saw your other post bragging about "tall tail"--like what a TALL TALE! (And if it ain't you, try and think of a more imaginative alias!)


Asian Dominatrix    Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 17:57:55 (PDT)
AC Dropout,

So cutie. What does your handle stand for?
Soul Search    Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 14:39:15 (PDT)
Hey Curious,

You're a cute girl. Don't worry about your weight or anything. Are you Vietnamese?
Soul Search    Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 14:37:10 (PDT)
hey alyssa-
i saw your picture and you're perfect the way you are. thin, but not too thin. that is my opinion anyways.
another azn grl    Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 14:25:52 (PDT)
be, actually I'm 5'5 and 123. Your point was well taken, I agree that I let outside influences dictate what I think I should look like. But when you say "Just be glad you don't look like you have an eating disorder", well... that actually IS what models look like, and they are the supposed standard of beauty. I think most girls I know wouldn't mind if they looked like they have an eating disorder, hell some of them probably do, they are so thin.

Buff AM,
I am SO surprised to hear an AM say "you would look better if you gained weight"! It's kind of a relief after so many AM's posting "I like anorexic chicks". I know that everyone has their own definition of attractive, and to each his/her own, but it's nice to know that all AMs aren't looking for stick thin girls.
curious girl    Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 13:00:43 (PDT)
Asian Dominatrix:
I think height does affect the size. There are some supermodels (either tyra banks or cindy crawford) who wear size 10. At first, it didnt make any sense to me b/c they are so skinny. I think their waists/hips are bigger (than someone like myself of average height), but the reason it doesnt appear that way is b/c they're much taller and have all the elongated features.

MLK and me:
I dont think you should be too concerned about your size...ya'll sound fine to me. Physical attractiveness is about proportionality and symmetry.

Curious girl:
Your biggest problem is that you allow others to dictate how you feel about yourself. Who cares what the ideal weight is!! You said you're 5'5" and 113 happy that you dont look like you have an eating disorder. I'm only slightly lighter -- 5'4", l05 lbs. I've had girls who were SKINNER than I was, telling me how skinny I was...and I also had other girls telling me that if I continue to eat as much as I do, I'll become obese. But you know what? I dont give a crap what people say, b/c I know I aint disgustingly skinny and I know I'm not going to become fat. My eating pattern has been the same my entire life -- which means I eat whenever I'm hunger, and I'm hungry all the time. Besides, none of the guys are complaining. Who give a damn about ideals...just make the most with what you have.
be    Monday, May 20, 2002 at 20:11:54 (PDT)
geez, is right. Why does anyone listen to dumb-ass Asian Dom? This chick complains about the poor and stereotypical representation of AA on TV and has the nerve to call fat folk disgusting.
X    Monday, May 20, 2002 at 13:08:40 (PDT)
CuriousGirl, aka Alyssa Nguyen:

I checked out your webpage. You look attractive but a little too skinny to me. In fact, I would find you more attractive if you put on some more weight. Some more muscle from working out with the weights at the gym wouldn't be bad either. I wouldn't be worried at all about how much you weigh. Even 130-140# wouldn't be bad for you if the extra weight was mostly muscle. Oh, well, you're only 18? You might fill out later.

Buff AM from S. Cali    Monday, May 20, 2002 at 12:53:12 (PDT)
Asian Dom, I guess you're right, I am size 4 or 6, but I'm 25 yrs old. I remember when I was 18 I was a stick, I weighed about 112. Also like any normal woman I gained weight in my thighs and hips and butt, it's just hormones. The metabolism slows down in your 20's. Is everyone on here like 18 yrs old? I guess it's unfair to compare ourselves to people younger than us - most models are about 18-21. I'm tired of being jealous of other people for being thinner than me, wearing a smaller size, it's such a waste of mental energy.
me    Monday, May 20, 2002 at 09:03:20 (PDT)

Asians and alcohol. Different people digest alcohol in different ways. That's why some people become alcoholics. They're able to digest alcohol into an addictive by-products.

Some asians are missing the digestive enzyme for alcohol. So it is extremely toxic to them. Basically, they pass out from the toxin.
AC dropout    Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 14:44:05 (PDT)
Soul Search,

Doctor of Mischief, maybe. ^_^

Never pursued a higher formal education after undergraduate.
AC dropout    Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 14:40:47 (PDT)