

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is weight in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. | 57%
It's one of many factors I consider. | 39%
It's less important than other personal qualities. | 2%
I don't care about a person's weight. | 2%

Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own weight?
I'd like to be 20 pounds lighter. | 20%
I'd like to be 10 pounds lighter. | 35%
I'm happy with my weight. | 28%
I'd like to be heavier. | 17%

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Celinda: I know
I buy my lady "Guess, Mendocino, BeBe, Parasuco etc...
I find these clothes accentuates my fiancee's ALREADY curvy body to the upmost.
However, she often goes to tailors for customized loose at the waist tight on top/bottom.
Finally from the both of us "korean hombre"-me and "Latina"-my fiancee
stay fit and curvy.
latinalovingkoreanhombre    Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 12:37:59 (PST)    []
Happily thin,

TK chang, said UNDERWEIGHT is better than OVERWEIGHT. Well both are not good.
Are you underweight?? IF NOT, GREAT.
The height, weight and the bone frames have to be balanced. Besides there are body type categories Like Jovan said. Another category is Body Size which relates to the skeletal frame. There are S M L bone frames. A 5'3" small bone frame with a weight range 96 - 107 would looks great. But a Large bone frame with the same weight will look like very thin. And vice versa if Small bone frame weight 123lbs will look big/fat.

Now about curves, You said," A bigger woman does not not necessary have more curve than smaller one. I have seen same thin woman with really awesome curve & some fat who has straight body and vice versa."

Yes. You are right. Once again we have to mention Jovan's body type categories and weight, and bone frame like I said above. The curvy smaller ones must have an Hour glass body type. And fat straight body has ruler or apple body types.
How come you don't know that Betty Boop is the symbol for Hour Glass body type. Even guys knows. Yes. I've Betty Boop Hour Glass body type. I'm not looks like deform alien?!!. My body well propotion. 37-26-38. Plus I'm physically fit, as a choreographer my arms&legs nice tone up, firm flat abs and nice firm butt. Much better than JLo ass!!.

To Overweight is overweight,

You said," Waif look great with clothes on, but when they come off a soft curvy woman is the way to go."

Well not all clothes will looks great for waifs. Depends on the fashion and style, also the body type. I don't think waifs look good wearing tight shirt and Hip hugging jeans that show the belly. :(. Those clothes look awesome for curvy women.

Jovan and Latinalovingkoreanhombre,

Great body type categories Jovan. You are right. I fully agree with you.

Guys, your lady will looks great with tight shirt and hip hugging jeans. Get one for your lady. Specially for your Hour glass body type lady, those clothes are awesome. Show the beauty of her waist, Wow!! Ur lady will looks drop dead gorgeous!? Extremely SEXY. :D
Celinda    Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 02:25:37 (PST)    []
Hey yall, I just read some of these posts and one thing that popped out at me was that someone compared betty boop to being a curvy voluptuous woman, and I had to look at some betty boop pictures to see if this was true. IN my opinion, betty boop is very curvy and sexy, but she is not a heavy woman, she is THIN and PETITE, which most woman aren't. She would probably wear a size 0-2 if she was a real person. Don't let the big head fool you. So fat ladies out there: dream on, you will never look like betty boop or fit into her clothing!!!
Betty Boop's boyfriend    Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 13:01:09 (PST)    []
Jovan, reread my post, is there any part of it where i specifically state that I have never seen an hourglass shape? I am an hourglass because my hip to waist ratio is small (tiny waist with wide hips), yet still thin according to american standards, and yes that is possible, if you have never seen it before, why don't YOU open up your eyes and get out more. If you read my post carefully (which I advise you to do next time), you would realize that I was just saying that comparing oneself to a cartoon is ridiculous, similar to comparing oneself with a barbie doll is ridiculous because human dimensions are vastly different from a drawing, cartoon, or doll, etc. I am also saying that not all fat women have an hour glass figure. Any type of woman can have it (fat or skinny), and any type of woman can be flabby or firm. So you people should just stop generalizing about skinny people associating them with negative images.

Love thy belly: I don't realy know if calista flockhart was anorexic or not, nor do I really care (never found her appealing anyways), christina aguilera has a warped lookin body proportions (realy weird looking in my opinion). I wouldn't typify a beautiful thin woman with those celebrities. They are just the minority. But thanks for bringing em up.
Happily Thin    Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 12:54:52 (PST)    []
oz asian said "There are different reasons why people are overweight. It could be genetic predisposition, pregnancy or simply under going an emotional state of mind."

Yes, those are legitimate factors although I would discount pregnancy as a factor since the woman is eating for two.

However, genetic predisposition and emotional state do point to the lack of self-control I spoke of earlier.

Genetically fat people can become slimmer but they can't if they don't control what they put in their mouths. In short, they are gluttons.

Distressed people in emotional states can physically control what they eat, but unfortunately do not. In short, they are sloths.
psychologist    Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 12:31:33 (PST)    []
Happily thin and all of you,

You need to know your own body type.
There are 5 categories of body types. Figure it out your self which one your body type.

# 1. HOUR GLASS: If your waist much smaller than your tops and hips. Is the best curves in women body propotion. Betty Boop is the symbolic of this body type.

# 2. APPLE: If your waist is bigger than your hips or you tend to carry excess weight in your stomach. This body type is most common in men, but some women also fall into this category.

# 3. PEAR: You tend to gain weight in your hips, butt or thighs. This is more common in women.

# 4. CARROT: Your shoulders are wider than your hips.

# 5. STRING BEAN or RULER: Your shoulders and hips are approximately the same width.

Happily thin,

You NEVER seen hour glass body type women in your life? TOO BAD. Open your eyes, go a ahead stroll along the streets, mall...look and figure it out which one has Hour glass, Apple, Pear, Carrot and Ruler. And how about your self, in which body type category are you?.


Your fiancee has Hour glass body type :D. Si. Hey, her measurement just like my girl. :D and she's just an inch taller than your fiancee.
Jovan    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 09:04:54 (PST)    []
Psychologist said "Being overweight constitutes a lack of self-control."

Not necessarily. There are different reasons why people are overweight. It could be genetic predisposition, pregnancy or simply under going an emotional state of mind.
oz asian    Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 16:03:23 (PST)    []
Can't stand the waif-thin look. Curves all the way, in moderation. When I say moderation, I mean curvy, not voluptuous, which is just a euphemism for "big and beautiful."

There's a big difference between the likes of Calista Flockhart or Christina Aguilera (both too skinny...turn off) as compared to the likes of Christina Applegate (just right...athletic, curvy, yummy).

Enough said.
Dan    Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 10:34:13 (PST)    []
I'm a bloke and i prefer the healthy type with minimal Make up. Not waifs and not overweight. Natalie Portman, Christina Aguilera, Calista Flockart are way to gaunt, almost looks unhealthy. You can tell they've been on the diet treadmill cos their breasts have lost their shape resembling saggy pancakes.
oz asian    Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 20:10:44 (PST)    []
Personally I prefer voluptuous(curvy)
over waif. Women can be fit and
voluptuous , my fiancee is a perfect example.She stands 5'2" and weighs between 125-128lbs but with only 12% bodyfat with a 37-26-37 figure.
Believe me she really standsout and
is very attractive. Very fit and curvy..

The point is not weight gain but if it is muscle or fat. A fit 125lbs is different from a flabby 100lbs. I've seen women who are waifs with flabby skinny bodies and curvy women with fit toned bodies.
For me curves+physically fit is the bomb.
latinalovingkoreanhombre    Friday, November 15, 2002 at 17:20:10 (PST)    []
Staying thin is a form of empowerment. If you think about it, it means that you're able to control what you eat.

Being overweight constitutes a lack of self-control.

In short, thin people have stronger willpower.
psychologist    Friday, November 15, 2002 at 15:24:55 (PST)    []
overweight is overweight

Hey! Women's bellies are supposed to stick out. There is meant to be a layer of fat there that men don't have. It has something to do with us being the birth-givers. Anyway I thought women had the opposite tendency - to think they are fatter than they actually are. This is why the diet industry makes so much money.

happily thin

>"But of course people will get severely pissed off when they see a thin person who is ALSO healthy. People want to believe that a person who is naturally thin is thin from being anorexic. It just makes them feel better about their own slow metabolism."

Well said! Completely agree with you!

waif floating by

Didn't Calista Flockart in fact have an eating disorder?
love thy belly    Friday, November 15, 2002 at 14:35:02 (PST)    []
waifs look great with clothes on, but when they come off a soft curvy woman is the way to go. By the way, it seems that in America people give a lot of leeway as far as what constitues curvy. If your belly is convex (sticks out), then you're not 'curvy'. you're overweight. If you have multiple folds beneath your buttocks, you're not curvy, you're overweight. Women seem to be fooling themselves into thinking that they are slimmer than they actually are.
overweight is overweight    Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 21:04:36 (PST)    []
Hi, I just couldn't resist putting up my opinions on this post. First of all, to Celinda, who stated that any voluptious/ heavier woman is more attractive than a thin one because they look like "betty boop", first of all, if any human being looks like betty boop (which I have NEVER seen in my life before), that person must be really deformed and alien-like. She does not have realistic proportions first of all. If you think having a head twice the size of your body is attractive, then ok. And even if you are voluptious, you're hip to waist ratio will NEVER match betty boop's, for hers is like 1:10 (hips ten times as large as her waist), now not even marilyn monroe could achieve that. SO please don't make stupid blanket statements like this. Comparing yourself to a cartoon is just plain ridiculous. Another thing, a bigger woman does not neccessarily have more curves than a smaller one. I have seen some thin women with really awesome curves and some fat ones who have a straight body, and vice versa.

Although it might hurt you to believe it, thinness is preferred in this society. That's the truth and get over it. But of course people will get severely pissed off when they see a thin person who is ALSO healthy. People want to believe that a person who is naturally thin is thin from being anorexic. It just makes them feel better about their own slow metabolism.

I also agree with "waif floating by" on the jealousy part. Look at the polls, more people voted that they wanted to be thinner. Statistics don't lie.

By the way, waif, half of the celebrities you listed are not a size 0-2, more like a size 4.
Happily Thin    Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 10:49:56 (PST)    []
People who wear size 0 to 2

Natalie Portman, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kate Moss, Heather Locklear, Devon Aoki, Christina Aguilera, Jada Pinkett Smith, Calista Flockhart, Christina Ricci, Christina Applegate, and many asian actresses like Zhang Ziyi, Ming Na Wen.

They don't look like concentration camp victims to me.

I guess concessions have to be made for insecure people who like to put slimmer people down for some reason.
waif floating by    Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 13:42:01 (PST)    []
I never said men preferred waifs. Only 1% prefer waifs.

52% of asian men like slim sizes 3 to 6 and 47% like the shapely sizes 7 to 10 according to the other board about asian male PREFERENCES for asian females.
If men prefer your size, whatever that is, why put people who look like concentration camp victims down? Are you going to continue to evade the question?
waif floating by    Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 13:30:50 (PST)    []