Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following do you like best about Asian American women?
Beautiful Face |
Attractive Figure |
Attitude & Personality |
Education/Intelligence |
Which of the following do you like least about Asian American women?
Facial Features |
Body Shape & Size |
Personality & Attitude |
Materialism & Superficiality |
Which of the following types of men do Asian American women prefer to date?
Ambitious professionals |
Sensitive Soulmates |
Rugged Individualists |
Smooth Laid-Back Partiers |
Which best describes Asian American women in marriage or long-term relationships?
Caring & Thoughtful |
Bossy & Demanding |
Fun & Playful |
Distant/Self-Centered |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
It's kind of hard to steer away from some nastiness, because this topic gets me really upset. It is a huge collection of neurosis from both sides -- and why everyone just can't see it, seriously makes me wonder what's in people's heads.
I live in SEATTLE, the home of the Asian-American princess (next to Vancouver, of course). I know so many white men who are either married to asian, (particularly Thai) women, want to date them, or treat them with derogatory sexual comments.
It is a fetish to like any specific race -- these men seek out ONLY Asian women, and don't care about their personalities, their rights or their culture, beyond its slight entertainment value and trips to the parrot penninsula.
I have talked with them about this, and it seems to me that a big part of it REALLY IS a holdover from the massive Asian pornography industry, and a sort of culture pass-down from the "exotic" stature of asian women that spread after the Vietnam war.
THEN there are the girls, who usually can't even communicate (that's love isn't it, when you can't even understand each other....?????) with the man or any of his friends and relatives, for that matter. They run around in their size 0 jeans and little Kangos acting like they have the greatest, funniest secret in the whole world, and I'm quite sure it is this: "let's find stupid rich white guys, and marry them for their money. and because we're so stupid, we don't care how we get treated, just as long as we have the bon marche card."
I know many Asian women who are cool, intelligent, independent, have taken the time to learn the language and are looking for real relationships with real people. But it is the AAP's that make them look bad and make them victims of dehumanization.
It's just really straight up sick. I was talking to one of these rich, white suckers the other day, and he was referring to his Thai wife -- and he was talking about her like she was a six year old girl. They get treated and act like they can't take care of themselves -- why are they so less equiped to drive a car or count money than me, the average white woman?
It just disturbs me, as there is no search for the heart of a human being in this crap.
something's wrong here   
Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 13:29:23 (PST)
to Just My Unique Humble Experience,
I think it's great that you found someone that you are happy with. I do feel sad that so many Asian females are quick to bash their male counterparts based upon negative experience with just a few individuals. There are controlling people from all ethnic backgrounds. Do you think that all the domestic violence cases in the US involve Asian males? It's so ignorant to assign personality based upon one's ethnicity or race.
Also, please learn the difference between race, ethnicity, and nationality. A chinese or Asian person can also be an American. Based upon your posting, I'll assume your husband is non-Asian.
Mild-manner techies are the nicer crowd??? Oh well, that just further demonstrate your close mindedness.
Chinese, Asian, and American   
Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 10:44:04 (PST)
I don't like most Asian woman raised in the US and Canada. They are weird and make bad companions.
Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 22:44:12 (PST)
To: just my unique humble...blah-blah-blah,
So far your materialism & sperficiality really shines thru. Like most af's I've observed. They use their non Asian Men as "trophies" of education, status, whateever.
While SIMULTANEOUSLY assaulting any and all AM's with their verbal assaults. If your father was truly bad towards you, then you should as yourself why.
Probably because you are materialistic & superficial. Also you like men as "trophies".
Guess what? We don't give a rat's ass!
Just my little unique and humble encounters with yet another superficial and materialsitic af who hates herself   
Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 18:13:14 (PST)
Are there any nonsuperficial appreciative asian girls left in LA that like to date within their own race?
director director0512@yahoo.com   
Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 23:01:28 (PST)
Just my Humble Experience:
Gee, nice to know that an "educated woman" such as yourself judges Asian males on the only TWO Asian males in your life. I'm sure you held the SAME standards towards white, black, latino etc. males too right? I didn't think so.
Stop the B.S.   
Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 11:14:21 (PST)
You know what? As an American educated, independent minded, self-sufficient daughter of a traditional, male- chauvanist, overbearing Chinese father
and having dated one Chinese guy in college who tried to rein me in, I had none/zip/zlich/nada/rien desire to date or marry an Asian man. I am sure that my view was totally biased and completely tainted by my upbringing and my isolated experiences. However, after being happily married to the same American man, of comparable intelligence and compatible views in life, for 17 years, I have no regrets and would do it all over again. Sure, life is not always peachy and no, my husband will not have dim sum with me, but at least nobody is telling me what I can, should or will not do every day.
Hey, I also enjoy being the worldlier of the two! But I have to admit, I am one of the lucky few, who have access to the nicer crowd - college educated, mild mannered techies (I am an engineer myself). I am sure there are many, many more non-husband material out there ;-(
Just My Unique Humble Experience   
Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 10:36:33 (PST)
I found this article on Foreign brides and American (white/black) men on a website while surfing for relationship advice:
Why so Many Foreign Single Women Seek American Husbands
This week's contribution is from Gary Clark, the author of, "Your Bride Is In The Mail."
With the exception of some foreign men seeking a path to legal US residency, there is very little demand for American women in the world of international marriages. By demand, I refer to people who make the conscious decision that they want wives or husbands from outside their native cultures and then actively seek such people with the intent to marry. Men doing this intend to bring the women home to their countries as brides. There have always been, and will continue to be, foreign men and American women who meet in more conventional ways and marry. This lack of formal demand for American brides is not something that is particularly new. In fact, there's a saying (the origin of which I don't know) which states that the difference between Heaven and Hell is something like this:
While there's virtually no demand for American wives, there is a huge demand for American husbands. Thousands of foreign women are seeking husbands in the international bride market. Most of these women seem to prefer an American man if they can find one. American men are highly sought after because, compared to (what these women know about) the men in most countries, American men simply make better husbands.
There's no shortage of single foreign women
There's certainly no shortage of women residing in the poorer countries abroad who would like to marry a man from somewhere else. There are also lots of women in the richer countries too. Probably the majority of these women prefer to marry an American. American men have a reputation throughout the world for being good husbands who treat their wives well and are generally faithful to them. ...
With such idiocy floating around on the net and in paperback literature, it's no surprise that the average white American man is ignorant as hell, believing that foreign women (and especially "Oree-ennul" women lust for them in their dreams. Whatta buncha retards....
I Laugh at American men....   
Monday, November 05, 2001 at 18:59:48 (PST)
hey NDN girl, I agree that Asian People are the smartest race, but man, your spelling sure is annoying!
aa girl   
Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 16:16:56 (PST)
I agree,the american society values materialism to its highest form. white people think that every nonwhite person is brainwashed in believing they are the best race of people on the planet. This unfortunately is a fantasy played out to disguise and fool other nonwhites. Racism is America's driving force . I think its sad that so many asian women try so hard to live up to the image of the white women by dying their hair blond,wearing blue eye contacts and speaking an exaggerated white english as if to give the impression that they are white. Its really sad that asian women do not respect and recognize asian men as desirable mates. the white american culture is very evil because it determines a persons worth according to how that person looks. America will pay a big price one day!
rob rob446seven@yahoo.com   
Monday, October 29, 2001 at 14:58:52 (PST)
to caucasian who prefer asians,
"many, many white guys are attracted to asians." is what you said
how many? half of white men's population
or quarter or less than or most white men? can you give me an accurate findings? i don't like speculations!
and what kind of white men who are
usually attracted to asian women?
white-trash? an average guy? every girls
dream guy?
Monday, October 29, 2001 at 02:53:17 (PST)
I think white guys are rather stupid
i counldnt AGREE with u more!!!!! thats exactly wut i think..and based on wut i've seen, wut i kno!! im telling u all they really do is talk about sex all the time 24/7...as if they r good at it...anywayz y dont more people see it ?? Asian People r da smartest TOTAL race....
NDN gUrRRRRRrr!!!   
Friday, October 26, 2001 at 18:36:58 (PDT)