

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following do you like best about Asian American women?
Beautiful Face | 60%
Attractive Figure | 7%
Attitude & Personality | 15%
Education/Intelligence | 18%

Which of the following do you like least about Asian American women?
Facial Features | 4%
Body Shape & Size | 5%
Personality & Attitude | 12%
Materialism & Superficiality | 79%

Which of the following types of men do Asian American women prefer to date?
Ambitious professionals | 47%
Sensitive Soulmates | 51%
Rugged Individualists | 1%
Smooth Laid-Back Partiers | 0%

Which best describes Asian American women in marriage or long-term relationships?
Caring & Thoughtful | 80%
Bossy & Demanding | 15%
Fun & Playful | 3%
Distant/Self-Centered | 2%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I met a korean girl I dont know what she wants from me. She has more money and 21years old and from korea. She scared me when she asked me to go to korea whith her. Im a whitemanand I know there is more men than women in korea. It doesnt make any sense!Im finacially strapped helping my parents raised my neices and nephews bc the parents wont.
jerry bummercal    Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 17:41:45 (PST)
Trying to sound deep will often make one sound like a moron, thanks
spare me    Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 12:55:07 (PST)
AF who is a Hater of Idiots,

Right on! It's interesting how many people try to make 'golddigging' an Asian female trait when there are enough white women who play golddigger too. When a white woman is a golddigger, she's just a 'cheap golddigger,' but when an Asian woman is a golddigger, she's a 'cheap Asian golddigger.'

BTW, I wouldn't necessarily see white women as being always more assertive in their relationships with men. Otherwise, why do so many care about pleasing their husbands, whether it's dieting or dressing up? Why do so many give up their careers? On a more serious level, why are there so many who refuse to abandon their husbands or even report injuries when they're being abused?

And for God's sake, I'm talking about women for whom English is their native language--not those who are still learning the language! And those who have been raised with the voices of feminism all around them, no less. I think women like those are the most disgraceful to womankind.
Asian Dominatrix    Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 11:36:09 (PST)
To you all, I speak the following:

As af's seem to be 'incorporated' into the mainstream dating lifestyle...

The following shall be recognised:

1. There will be a steady rise of HIV and general STD infection of the said population. As it is already occuring.

2. As af's seek multiple partners usually from the higher risk groups (basically anyone but AM's). This fact WILL BE self evident.

3. This is the way it will come to pass, whether you may agree or disagree is completely irrelevant.

This manifestation will not pass. From the ancient time of Passover to now, this particular Judgement will be done.

{Prophet}    Monday, November 26, 2001 at 19:31:20 (PST)
To Disgusted in California and Something's Wrong Here:

What you're describing is no different than seeing some young white, black or latin gal hooked up with a rich old fart who buys her cars, clothes, jewels, boob-jobs, etc. and she milks it for all it's worth. This happens all the time all over the world and is not indigenous to the Asian American Population of Seattle or California.

Shit, White chicks have been doing that in CA since before Marilyn Monroe! Give me a frigging break and you use your brains for once!
AF who is a Hater of Idiots    Monday, November 26, 2001 at 06:27:45 (PST)
To:Something's wrong here -
The kind of problem that you described is a self sustaining one. First of all, some of the asian girls that you are talking about come from an environment that forces them to do anything to survive including degrading themselves. Secondly, the rich trash that you are talking about marries these women because they see them as another status symbol, kind of like a Rolex watch or a Mercedes automobile. It's funny that the AAP's see themselves as princess' and the rich trash tries to show off their "prize" when in reality the princess' / "prizes" are just whores. How can you make a promise to God that you will honor and love this other person when all you have in common is money and nothing else? It must be pretty sad sharing your life with a person that you have nothing in common with. How much is your life worth?
Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in being disgusted.
Disgusted in California    Saturday, November 24, 2001 at 01:22:29 (PST)
There is such a fight over white/asian marriages i thought i'd jump in...

Whites and Asians often intermarry. There are many different reasons for this. As one guy pointed out, people are usually attracted to "what's different." As a white American female, I have traveled all over Asia and everywhere I went, Asian men told me that I was beautiful. (that's great for me, since I am attracted to Asian men!)

Asian women in America are still a minority and are thus "different" from the typical California girl blonde. People always have and always will be attracted to other races. Why be angry over this? There is no shortage of eligible singles of ALL races out there !
Girlie Love    Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 19:36:25 (PST)