Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following do you like best about Asian American women?
Beautiful Face |
Attractive Figure |
Attitude & Personality |
Education/Intelligence |
Which of the following do you like least about Asian American women?
Facial Features |
Body Shape & Size |
Personality & Attitude |
Materialism & Superficiality |
Which of the following types of men do Asian American women prefer to date?
Ambitious professionals |
Sensitive Soulmates |
Rugged Individualists |
Smooth Laid-Back Partiers |
Which best describes Asian American women in marriage or long-term relationships?
Caring & Thoughtful |
Bossy & Demanding |
Fun & Playful |
Distant/Self-Centered |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
For all you Asian Americans:
You are really lucky not to be in Vancouver. Just as recently as five years ago, the Asian demographics in Vancouver was just like that in SF or LA or NY. If you pulled a random (young) Asian person off the street, he or she would be the English speaking, Guess jeans wearin' types (you know).
Now, thanks to the unbridled citizenship firesale of Canadians, nearly half of the people living in Vancouver are FOB from HK. Actually, FOB may not be a proper term... you see, these Hongers have been here since the mid-nineties or so (before the hand-over)... and the young men have little or no spoken English ability. They simply have no need to speak the language because all their friends are from HK, none of these people need to work because Daddy's been working and living in HK all these years, and they know once they get their degree from UBC they're going back to HK. All they do is drive around in their little BMW's or Honda Preludes, talking on their little cell phones wearing their skin-tight gay looking HK fashion.
Before when a Asian kid goes to elementary or high school, they have to learn English and adapt to Western ways because that is the socially acceptable thing to do. Now Hongers have reached a critical mass, and they go through public schooling have only spoken to their peers in Cantonese. In other words, there are no longer any more Westernize Chinese-Canadians... only those of us who are in our early twenties.
But that's not the real horrific problem: you aa's do not know the meaning of the words 'gender gap' until you've seen vancouver. In direct response to the faggety ass la Lousy Guy la Hong Kong la ways of the over-sheltered, over-monied, and over-mothered ways of the HK guys, the Asian girls here in Vancouver date EXCLUSIVELY White guys.
If anybody from Vancouver reads this, you can verify what I'm saying. Asians have this herd mentality where they have to do what they see other people are doing instead of thinking for themselves. All the Asian women (from 18-35) have a white boyfriend!
You see them going out to clubs and stuff and just sit there waiting for a white guy to come along and pick them up. They still speak broken English. Asian women go out and have MORE SEX than white women... I am positive about that! White women would look for a guy who's attractive at least... but Asian women have this inferiority complex where they watch too much TV (especially the Friday night Fox channel types) and think ALL white people are incredibly beautiful. Besides, the average Asian women here is 5'2", and not pretty (you know how the vast majority of Cantonese genes types are just 'not pretty' in contrast to the northern or Taiwanese types). So they go and find the LAMEST white guys, the one's that white women don't even want... like poor, fat, ugly white guys... and f*** them to feel good about themselves. Isn't that just sick, guys?!
People to blame:
1) Canadians are REALLY, REALLY lazy. Nearly half the young people are unemployed. There's tons of able-bodied, twenty-something panhandlers Downtown. So to finance their cushy standard of living and extravagantly wasteful social security system, Canadians sell their natural resources down south and sell their citizenship to the Hongers.
2) Asian parents. The vast majority of "Asian Households" in Vancouver have no fathers... they are ALL IN HONG KONG. There are hardly any Asian males between the ages of 25-65 in Vancouver. They just all decide "Yup, I'm going to ship my family to Canada and they'll love me because I'm making tons of money here in HK." All the while their sweet little daughter's getting chain-f***ed by a bunch of high school drop-outs.
3) Asian guys. The HK guys are so incredibly lame. _They_ don't care about this phenomenon because _they're_ going back to HK in less than four years anyways. And besides, who needs a girlfriend when you have a CARING MOMMY watching out for your every move and making sure you have plenty of money to go buy bubble tea.
That's my 2 cents from a Westernized Asian Canadian. I'm leaving Vancouver as soon as I get my degree this year to move down south for law school (not just any law school... either Stanford in SF or Columbia in NY). Can't wait to go to a place where the society isn't ethnically segregated like South Africa or the Balkans.
Yay for America!!! (Well, some parts of American, not withstanding some of their foreign policy.)
University of British Columbia student roger_hsieh@hotmail.com   
Saturday, December 01, 2001 at 21:18:41 (PST)
Kevin Liu,
You need to read and reason more carefully. I did not say anything about all men being wife-beaters. I was only making the point that passive women raised in the States are an embarrassment to womankind. But the fact is, there are abusive men, and they should not be tolerated by any woman. (And vice-versa, altho' there are fewer stories about abusive wives.)
But good point about the male golddiggers: they do indeed exist. Which just goes to show that no one can claim that 'golddigging' is inherent to any race or sex.
Asian Dominatrix   
Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 10:40:33 (PST)
The problem all started when foot binding went out of fashion.
Then the Western world gave them a right to vote in society. That's when all hell broke loose.
Some of those Middle Eastern Country know what their doing when they put women under a sheet to walk around and beat them at their whim.
God is dead and the end is near.
Honestly, relationships are about 2 individual, trying to generalize about ethnic groups and relatioships never work because you are talking about individuals. With 1.5 billion Asians on this planet I'm sure you will be able to find any type of Asian you are looking for. From a Gold digger to a phat hottie. From Gays to Bisexual to Heterosexual.
I read some of these post and I'm like buy a plane ticket to Asia, because plane tickets are cheap these days.
If you can not find a AF or AM that meet your criteria while here or abroad, then I have no idea what to say, but that the world you live in is way too small and you need to travel more.
AC dropout   
Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 08:43:16 (PST)
Asian Dom:
I think you've watched too much Lifetime Network. Good God, it's like you think all men are wife-beaters, cheaters, thieves, abusers, and idiots who want some brainless submissive woman who'll do whatever they want and present no challenge whatsoever. There are many men that are, but there are equally many that are not.
I have no patience for users of any race or gender (there are male gold-diggers to ya know!) I just want a woman who will love and respect me and whom I can love and respect. Geez Louise!!!
Kevin Liu   
Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 06:21:15 (PST)
yea but.....
asian goldiggers are about to take
materialism to new heights !!!
Much like the genie that's finally
out of the bottle.
Too bad.....
just what i'm thinkin   
Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 12:42:30 (PST)
dude you really gotta get out man! here's 2 cents, have a pint on me :)
If the worlds gonna end, you all gonna die with me   
Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 12:04:51 (PST)