

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following do you like best about Asian American women?
Beautiful Face | 60%
Attractive Figure | 7%
Attitude & Personality | 15%
Education/Intelligence | 18%

Which of the following do you like least about Asian American women?
Facial Features | 4%
Body Shape & Size | 5%
Personality & Attitude | 12%
Materialism & Superficiality | 79%

Which of the following types of men do Asian American women prefer to date?
Ambitious professionals | 47%
Sensitive Soulmates | 51%
Rugged Individualists | 1%
Smooth Laid-Back Partiers | 0%

Which best describes Asian American women in marriage or long-term relationships?
Caring & Thoughtful | 80%
Bossy & Demanding | 15%
Fun & Playful | 3%
Distant/Self-Centered | 2%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I don't see what the big deal is. I am Chinese, born in Singapore, moved over to Canada when I was 7 and I speak perfect English. I personally, would date anyone of any color, of any race just because I don't like being close-minded about people. You shouldn't judge on the color of a person's skin as to the quality of their intelligence and personality or how much they are "worth". I don't use any of the racial slurs such as "Chink" or what have you because I was extremely hurt when I was younger for being different. I just learned not to discriminate about others in the future.

And I have only dated white people so far, because that is so far, the only race group that has ASKED ME OUT. EVER.
Yiyin    Friday, January 25, 2002 at 09:40:12 (PST)
based on what criteria ?
Asian women are pretty hot right now, that is until someone else becomes hot for the moment. It's all cyclic you know !
Man of many winters    Tuesday, January 22, 2002 at 13:58:17 (PST)
it's pretty annoying how some Asian women only date white men, if you date white men it's alright, but ignoring your own race is not alright. I understand if an Asian woman only dates Asian men, that makes sense, but dating white men and only white men doesn't. Another thing that bothers me are those Asian women that would go out with anyone that have money, many of the women that just came from Asia (especially mainland China) gets tricked by these men, they claim they have money and stuff, but he takes the woman's money instead!
GET YOUR HEAD RIGHT    Sunday, January 20, 2002 at 15:48:42 (PST)
If one, and ethniciy doesn't matter, reads an Amy Tan book she believes AAW are the most oppressed, hated, and least understood group of humans in the history of humans.
yep    Sunday, January 20, 2002 at 03:36:18 (PST)
Um, I honestly think that some of these hongers, esp. the ones that went to the British schools that their colonizers set up, are still suffering from a slave-master colonial mindset. I would know -- I went to a British school in HK for 2 years, and those cheap little chinky-sluts were EVERYWHERE. How sad.
Not Asian, Not White. Just know from experience.    Tuesday, December 25, 2001 at 02:42:10 (PST)
too many bananas out there
vincent    Saturday, December 22, 2001 at 02:37:32 (PST)

Don't be so slack! I belive people from Hong Kong have superb writing skills, just like Malaysia and India etc. Don't generalise! Maybe the ones u have met had poor grammar skills but NOT ALL!
BritChinese    Wednesday, December 19, 2001 at 03:33:38 (PST)