

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following do you like best about Asian American women?
Beautiful Face | 60%
Attractive Figure | 7%
Attitude & Personality | 15%
Education/Intelligence | 18%

Which of the following do you like least about Asian American women?
Facial Features | 4%
Body Shape & Size | 5%
Personality & Attitude | 12%
Materialism & Superficiality | 79%

Which of the following types of men do Asian American women prefer to date?
Ambitious professionals | 47%
Sensitive Soulmates | 51%
Rugged Individualists | 1%
Smooth Laid-Back Partiers | 0%

Which best describes Asian American women in marriage or long-term relationships?
Caring & Thoughtful | 80%
Bossy & Demanding | 15%
Fun & Playful | 3%
Distant/Self-Centered | 2%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
sellouts? ok , first of all ,i dont know what's the big deal about some asian girl dating some white guy ..let her date some white guy, what you'd rather her date you and drive you insane? are you bitching because she makes asian women look cheap? first of all for people to instantly judge a person like that are just as shallow as asian goldigging women.
blah    Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 00:28:50 (PST)
To the one that laughs about white women having to diet and says BAHAHAHAHA I say Just because I don't have a body like a freaking popsicle stick, with no breasts or butt or thighs, doesn't mean I'm inferior. Most men prefer a girl with a body over an ironing board.
dddd    Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 08:31:47 (PST)
[As one guy pointed out, people are usually attracted to "what's different."]

Girlie Love,
The statement above should be reworded to “As one guy pointed out, people are SOMETIMES attracted to "what's different”, NOT usually.

[There is no shortage of eligible singles of ALL races out there!]

Say WHATTT??? There certainly would be a shortage of Asian males for you to date if you lived in North Dakota.
Most people do not have tons of frequent flyer miles like Girlie Love.

[It's funny that the AAP's see themselves as princess' and the rich trash tries to show off their "prize" when in reality the princess' / "prizes" are just whores. How can you make a promise to God that you will honor and love this other person when all you have in common is money and nothing else? It must be pretty sad sharing your life with a person that you have nothing in common with. How much is your life worth?]

Disgusted in California,
PATHETIC!!! I know an Asian woman and her hapa daughter who’d be prime examples of gold-digging trash (in the Southwestern US, not Hawaii- the hapa girls in Hawaii are a lot better). Funny, the guys they ended up w/ aren’t quite as well endowed, financially, as one would have expected. It’s a real shame this hapa girl had to turnout like her mother. Was it genetics, environment, or both?

{Prophet}, when I head back to Hawaii, I’ll be sure to ship some self-respecting AA females to ya all.

[Otherwise, why do so many care about pleasing their husbands, whether it's dieting or dressing up?]

Asian Dominatrix, many White women do have to CARE about DIETING. BAHAHAHAHA!!!
Hmmm… wonder if White women on average are better cow tippers than White guys, cause they sure resemble cattle a wee bit more w/ regards to their girth.

[But good point about the male golddiggers: they do indeed exist. Which just goes to show that no one can claim that 'golddigging' is inherent to any race or sex.]

But then again, many generalizations/stereotypes are accurate for a large sample of the population.
I’ve heard that HK Chinese girls are some of the best Asian gold-diggers in the world!?

[Besides, the average Asian women here is 5'2", and not pretty (you know how the vast majority of Cantonese genes types are just 'not pretty' in contrast to the northern or Taiwanese types). So they go and find the LAMEST white guys, the one's that white women don't even want... like poor, fat, ugly white guys... and f*** them to feel good about themselves. Isn't that just sick, guys?!]

University of British Columbia student,
Well, well… this is a bit of a positive, right here!!! The lamest/poorest/ugliest White guys get the “not pretty” Cantonese girls that all you Asian guys could do without. Isn’t that a good thing? A below average Asian and White have a fairly descent chance of having some pretty good-looking hapa kids (as long as they’re not too big sized or fat). But if you get two below average White or two below average Chinese ppl, they’re kids will probably turnout pretty sorry-looking like their parents. Those Cantonese and inbred lame White guys really do need to diversify their “gene types”, as you say. Then if I have a mid-life crisis I’ll have tons of hapa hotties to enjoy the company of, in more ways than one. Hmmm… geez… I sound so immoral!

[I am one of them. And, contrary to your statement that "Asian women have this inferiority complex...and think ALL white people are incredibly beautiful", I can personally and proudly say that I do not have an inferiority complex and I find ASIAN guys to be more physically attractive than guys of any other race.]
An "AF-UBC student", now that’s a relief!!! Wouldn’t wanna see those faggot dressed HK guys resorting to homosexuality, Ricki Martin style. j/k

[All stereotypes are flawed. Stereotyping any group- especially with the intent for romantic involvement - will always lead to unrealistic expectations and inevitably failure of the relationship. Know the person as an individual.]

Hap (as in hapa???), yeah, you never quite know what to expect from hapa girls (if they weren’t raised in Hawaii).

[Don't be so slack! I belive people from Hong Kong have superb writing skills, just like Malaysia and India etc. Don't generalise! Maybe the ones u have met had poor grammar skills but NOT ALL!]

BritChinese, hahaha… I’ve known a lot of HK people w/ pretty bad English writing skills.

[I don't see what the big deal is. I am Chinese, born in Singapore, moved over to Canada when I was 7 and I speak perfect English. I personally, would date anyone of any color, of any race just because I don't like being close-minded about people. You shouldn't judge on the color of a person's skin as to the quality of their intelligence and personality or how much they are "worth".]

Yiyin, yes, sometimes it’s not quite just about the person’s race, but what physical/personality traits a person is most attracted to and perceives most evident in a particular ethnicity/race/mix. This is esp. true w/ regards to physical characteristics… and ya know how guys can sometimes emphasize looks a wee bit more than you’d like, while females often worry more than guys about being “treated like $#@&”.
Of course, there are many who prefer something closer to home (race/culture).
But like you said, you make do w/ what you get. You date White guys because they’re the only ones who ask you out.
Hope you have some hot hapa daughters in the future. Whoo hoo!

Jay… been months since I last checked out this poll… interesting stuff.    Sunday, February 24, 2002 at 02:19:24 (PST)
I was married to an Asian woman. My son is Asian/Hispanic American. Despite my experience with my ex-wife, I am very attracted to Asian women. What is the topic to which you refer? Are you referring to white washing. I don't believe in stereotyping or bigotry.
Jose    Friday, February 22, 2002 at 11:36:34 (PST)