Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following do you like best about Asian American women?
Beautiful Face |
Attractive Figure |
Attitude & Personality |
Education/Intelligence |
Which of the following do you like least about Asian American women?
Facial Features |
Body Shape & Size |
Personality & Attitude |
Materialism & Superficiality |
Which of the following types of men do Asian American women prefer to date?
Ambitious professionals |
Sensitive Soulmates |
Rugged Individualists |
Smooth Laid-Back Partiers |
Which best describes Asian American women in marriage or long-term relationships?
Caring & Thoughtful |
Bossy & Demanding |
Fun & Playful |
Distant/Self-Centered |
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Fattie wants help:
first off honey, you must work on your self-esteem. you labelled yourself down to earth, but down to earth shouldn't be equated with 'short and fat, dumb and depressed' or grouped in its meaning. in fact, a girl who is down to earth, which i like, is someone who accepts herself for who she is and is therefore capable of giving the same kind of acceptance to others. here is one important suggestion that i am fully sure of. DONT go looking for acceptance from us AM's. Love yourself first. give yourself approval first. i'm sure if you look clearly enough you will see that you have qualities that are worthy. your self image is important in that it affects how you present yourself to the world. Accept yourself first. We all have flaws but we all have our unique traits that make us who we are. People (guys and girls) are attracted to others who are themselves and enjoy being exactly that! once you get to that point and are perfectly fine with who you are, guys will notice that smile of yours, and i'm talking about the genuine one that needs awakening. love yourself ok? 4.11 and 112 llbs is only a little chubby. petite girls who are sweet and smile a lot always score big in my game. =) Good luck to you and God bless
Christian Taiwanese college guy   
Monday, April 01, 2002 at 00:41:15 (PST)
Fattie Wants Help:
I have to admit that some Asian guys do look for aesthetics in a woman but some don't. You miss out on a chance from either type by not having a conversation with them. TALK!! Who wants to date or even be friends with someone who appears to be anti-social? If I had it my way, I would be a hermit. But I know that if you wanna make it in this world, especially in dating, you gotta mingle, socialize, and TALK. Most likely you suffer from low self esteem. Thats fine, we all feel in the dumps at times;just don't make it all the time. If you're unhappy with your appearance, then do something about it like exercise. Exercising will not only make you look better but feell better too. Hope this helps...
Viet guy in Houston   
Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 19:08:23 (PST)
Oh and "Fattie wants help", you need to get a hobby. That or get out more or get some therapy.
"You can save a person from drowning, you can save a person from a burning building. But it's damn near impossible to save someone from themselves."
Good Luck.
Mr. Lee   
Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 16:15:02 (PST)
When Asian women yak, boy do they yak with the best of them. Of course, being women, they love money. Money, money, money. A lot of the American born girls are spoiled rotten to the core. They have that valley girl mentality that just grates on the nerves. It's hard to find a woman who has some depth to her that is of Asian descent and American born. Flame me if you want, but it's true.
Mr. Lee   
Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 16:10:36 (PST)
Personally, although I love everybody in this world, I have experienced that many Asian American women have a tendency to be snobby -- and overly concerned with things like materialistic and career success, getting into the "right" schools, getting the "right" professional degrees, etc. I also find that many of them have very little in terms of personalities. They have a tendency to be extremely quiet and reserved, which comes across as snobby. They aren't funny and vivacious like many white girls. They aren't "hip", sassy and outspoken like many black girls. I don't know if they're really being snobby, or if it's just the fact that they've been raised or taught to be extremely reserved. However, to me it makes them totally unapproachable. I don't understand how so many WMs like them, personally I have much more success as a WM with WF. And I'm not on this site because I'm interested in dating AFs, I just find their reserve and "snobbishness" an interesting cultural phenomenon, so I wanna delve into it further for everyone's benefit.
I don't find most educated AMs snobby or unapproachable, in fact they're a lot of fun. Very open, funny, good personalities, wide range of interests and don't hesitate to talk about them, and they can be very hip as well as smart.
So, what's the prob with AFs in the USA???
Annoying Dude   
Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 15:48:38 (PST)
Fattie wants help,
if youre really motivated, you can start by working on yourself. eat right, exercise, get some nice fitting (but not necessarily expensive) clothes. you may not lose a pound by the first week, but i guarantee that you'll feel great. from that point on, all you have to do is keep it up.
one thing i notice alot with short women are the limits they set. way too high. talk about compensating. if you can pull it off, then by all means go for guys that are 5'10" or taller. if that's the case with you, i think you should set your limits lower (whats wrong with 5'4" - 5'8"?), otherwise you shouldnt complain.
used to be fat   
Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 12:29:40 (PST)