Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following do you like best about Asian American women?
Beautiful Face |
Attractive Figure |
Attitude & Personality |
Education/Intelligence |
Which of the following do you like least about Asian American women?
Facial Features |
Body Shape & Size |
Personality & Attitude |
Materialism & Superficiality |
Which of the following types of men do Asian American women prefer to date?
Ambitious professionals |
Sensitive Soulmates |
Rugged Individualists |
Smooth Laid-Back Partiers |
Which best describes Asian American women in marriage or long-term relationships?
Caring & Thoughtful |
Bossy & Demanding |
Fun & Playful |
Distant/Self-Centered |
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Mr. Lee:
Question for you...this is in regards to your last post. "Money, money, money...It's hard to find a woman who has some depth to her that is of Asian descent and American born."
Where are you meeting these girls? How do you talk to them? A lot of AF do have substance...if you want a girl who can carry out an intellectually stimulating conversation..try starting one up. I think you'll be surprise of her capabilities.
Annoying Dude:
"Asian American women have a tendency to be snobby -- and overly concerned with things like materialistic and career success, getting into the "right" schools, getting the "right" professional degrees, etc."
Like the AM, we are taught to be achievers...that's a positive trait. I too have noticed that asians (not just AF) tend to be materialistic...I think that's b/c asians are overly concerned about 'image'.
"I also find that many of them have very little in terms of personalities."
Ouch! If you are finding that AF are 'snobby and reserved'...then its no wonder you think AF have little personality. Just remember not to stereotype AF...b/c not all of us are like the ones you're complaining about.
Monday, April 01, 2002 at 20:45:30 (PST)
To Fattie Wants Help: I second what Christian Taiwanese College Guy said. He has given you excellent advice. Your situation is not nearly as bleak as you make it out to be if what you described is accurate. The problem is with your internal environment and the good news is that you CAN change that. Take his advice and you will be on the road to wellness. The good news about aging is that most of us attain the wisdom to self-acceptance and develop more realistic expectations. Mood swings also tend to flatten out with age - our lows do not become so low. The earlier you learn this the less time you waste and the less heartache you endure. Best wishes.
Monday, April 01, 2002 at 16:50:59 (PST)
to Mr. Lee
Sounds to me like you're the only one yaking here. So in your mind, men don't love money, only us women, eh? Why don't you stop complaining, leave the "valley girls" for the "valley boys" and find yourself a more mature woman? Seems to me, you have very little to attract a mature woman though, your attitude really needs help. So I guess it's money that will help you here.
Monday, April 01, 2002 at 15:43:30 (PST)
To "Mr. Lee"- your description of the spoiled rich valley AF girl reminded me of a lot of AF's here in Boston as well as that girl Ellen on Road Rules- it's too true!!
To Annoying Dude- When I interact with AF's I find most of them to be just plain snobby, not quiet and reserved. A lot of them seem to hate white females, and think they are better than anyone else around them. Especially if they go to Harvard, forget it- they think they're the queens of the world. I see them completely overdressed in designer getup, and they walk right in to me without saying excuse me.
I agree!   
Monday, April 01, 2002 at 11:31:20 (PST)
"I have experienced that many Asian American women have a tendency to be snobby -- and overly concerned with things like materialistic and career success, getting into the "right" schools, getting the "right" professional degrees, etc.... They have a tendency to be extremely quiet and reserved, which comes across as snobby. They aren't funny and vivacious like many white girls. They aren't "hip", sassy and outspoken like many black girls. I don't know if they're really being snobby, or if it's just the fact that they've been raised or taught to be extremely reserved."
As a self-confessed "snobby" AA girl myself:) I am probably qualified to answer some of your questions.
Firstly, I'm wondering about the kind of background of these AA girls you claim to know. If they come from predominantly white upper-middle- or upper-class backgrounds, they may simply be going along with the crowd. If you are sent to a school where most of the kids are wearing designer duds, chances are, you will probably catch on too because most people--regardless of race--like to assimilate to some extent. And don't forget too that magazines tend to celebrate an upper-middle-class ethos as well: many will refer somewhere to wearing "natural fibres" and attending an Ivy.
As for education, that is slightly but not all together different. Many immigrants, especially non-white ones, are taught to believe that if they want to "make it," they will have to have the right academic credentials. Not surprising since many less educated whites are still promoted over better-educated Asians in the workforce: one of my father's friends, with a Ph.D from Harvard, was working under whites with M.A.s and sometimes even less.
Such an "elitist" philosophy becomes even more pronounced if a particular Asian is living amongst upper-middle-class (UMC)whites, many of whom aspire to be like America's elites with degrees from the Ivies. And don't forget, many Asian parents are concerned about finding neighborhoods with the best schools--which usually do happen to be in white UMC neighborhoods. In other words, an Asian living in a white UMC town/neighborhood will be getting pressure from BOTH sides. Chances are, if your friends are applying to the top East or West coast colleges/universities, so will you.
The pressure to be the "best" will sometimes lead to materialism: you are going to be perfectionist in just about everything you do, and you will be led to believe that you should have all of the "right" things, car, clothes, house etc. (I'm thinking of Wilde's "Earnest" and something about being "well-read, well-bred, AND well-dressed.")This applies to just many UMC folks, REGARDLESS of race.
Finally, as for the reserved bit. There is some truth in this, but only SOME. Traditional Asian culture does tend to place an emphasis on modesty. And if an AA girl is growing up in a white UMC city/town, this tendency will again be more pronounced. After all, many UMC whites aspire to the WASPy preppy ideal, which is all about practicing the virtues of Anglo (British) reserve.
I'm sorry you haven't met any sassy AA chicks. Trust me, there are LOTS of us around...!
Asian Dominatrix   
Monday, April 01, 2002 at 09:59:28 (PST)
Annoying dude-
Oh get over it. You're just mad cause you're after some asian tail and can't get none. Seriously, why else would you be on this site. Exactly.
Why don't you go to the Caucasian American Supersite and bitch there?
Monday, April 01, 2002 at 09:45:52 (PST)
mr. annoying dude-
as an asian female, i personally fit your stereotype of the typical asian female living in the US. just don't confuse my snobbiness with being shy. being shy has nothing to do with the fact that i have no desire to talk to the majority of people i see everyday. in fact, i could care less about them. i don't think i'm better than them...so that is not the same as being snobby. i just don't want to talk to them. call me anti-social or whatever but i don't think it's worth wasting my breath on someone that is super-fake and probably gonna talk shit behind my back anyways. to me, it's better to be genuinely nice to a person than just "acting" nice to them all the time and not really giving a shit about them like so many of your "social" white girls do.
that's why i get along with boys so much better. they don't talk as much and they can just chill without all the gossip and envy that girls have. guys are so less judgemental than girls and i hate that whole sorority girl lifestyle that i definietly have nothing in common with. so next time you see an asian girl and you don't think she wants to talk to you, you're prolly right.
Monday, April 01, 2002 at 09:43:24 (PST)