

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following do you like best about Asian American women?
Beautiful Face | 60%
Attractive Figure | 7%
Attitude & Personality | 15%
Education/Intelligence | 18%

Which of the following do you like least about Asian American women?
Facial Features | 4%
Body Shape & Size | 5%
Personality & Attitude | 12%
Materialism & Superficiality | 79%

Which of the following types of men do Asian American women prefer to date?
Ambitious professionals | 47%
Sensitive Soulmates | 51%
Rugged Individualists | 1%
Smooth Laid-Back Partiers | 0%

Which best describes Asian American women in marriage or long-term relationships?
Caring & Thoughtful | 80%
Bossy & Demanding | 15%
Fun & Playful | 3%
Distant/Self-Centered | 2%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
to gurl,

"...i am a well adjusted individual"
You sound very maladjusted and on the brink of developing a mild-to-medium form of psychosis that starts with isolation from the world around you, and eventually, isolation from those closest to you. If you can recognize this for what it is, you can begin to help yourself recover from this.

" you ever take stuff for what it is?" Yes, I do...and what you say sounds maladjusted to the trained ear. I am only trying to help you.

"...nor do i care people like you think i'm snobby."
If you didn't care, you wouldn't have responded. Deep down inside, you realize that you need help and this is the reason why you are responding to me.

"'re the one that is snobby to think that someone actually cares what your opinion is. you're snobby for thinking people should act a certain way..perhaps the way YOU act. exactly."
Do you know what the meaning of the word "snobby" is? It is feeling superior to others and NOT wanting to associate with them so as not to taint yourself with their presence. I am not trying to distance myself from you (or most others I meet), I am only trying to help you overcome your mild psychosis before it becomes more serious. Oh, and by the way, plenty of people care what my opinion is on many matters, in fact, I get paid very well for my opinions. Count yourself lucky I'm not charging you anything.

I am a female, not a dude, although, I don't blame you for not knowing since my initials are not gender-specific.
MLK    Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 22:14:07 (PST)
AC Dropout,

In high school, I could never classify myself as any of those (thank god)... well, mostly because I was a loner with better, more fulfilling things to do than be 'cool'-no matter how weird or nerdy they seemed. I have to admit though, it was always hard to make friends, AMs and AFs, especially among the trendies. Being younger and inexperienced, sometimes I would feel left out. At present I'm in my fourth year of college, I would've expected this kind of cliquish behavior to pass but there seems to be an abundance of party, trendy, gangster wannabe asians, even here. Their concerns are cars, money, looks, status, popular culture, etc. Once a drone always a drone I guess.

There's so much out there in the world- and at this point in life, it's become much more accessible then it ever was during youthhood. The way I see it, they're the ones who are getting left out.
another ABC in NYC    Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 21:21:11 (PST)
Yes! I've seen some female Japanese foreign exchange students who are clearly 10x more beautiful than any native here.

I don't know about elsewhere, but from my experiences in NYC, the snobby asian female stereotype is for the most part true, especially with the younger ones. The pretty ones are vain, the ugly ones are angry, but both are snobby elitists. There are times I would like to approach an AF, but their demeanor is a major turn off-they walk around with droopy angry faces. Learn to smile damnit.
another ABC in NYC    Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 20:38:28 (PST)
Annoying Dude,

Ummmm, last Sunday you yourself wrote:

So, what's the prob with AFs in the USA???
Annoying Dude Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 15:48:38 (PST)

So AFs have problems, according to you, eh? And you have the gall to ask me now: "For God's sake, you are very angry at whites and like to stereotype us, don't ya?"

Kinda like the pot calling the kettle black--right, pal?

You obviously have problems with AFs. Whether or not it's because you can't get a piece of their tail, as one poster has suggested, you are purposely trying to misinterpret my post by adding your own little twists along the way. First off, my post was not about whites in general, but on upper-middle-class whites--a small percentage of the white population, if you think about it. So how on earth do you draw the conclusion that I have a problem with whites? Learn to read before you criticise.

OK, the part about Asians living in an UMC background was perhaps a bit confusing at first (my fault), but surely you should have been able to infer by the following paragraph that I was referring to Asians living in an upper-middle-class white community--either town or neighborhood.

Now as to your point:

"Also, are you implying that when WFs who grow up in an "upper-middle or upper-class background" are snobby, it's because that's natural, and it's just normal for white people, but when Asians act that way, it MUST be because they grew up among whites, because Asians couldn't possibly have gotten like that themselves?"

As I stated in my earlier post, I lived in such a community. And I was also referring exclusively to this community. I did not say that Asians coming from abroad are necessarily less snobby. Every culture has its brand of elitism.

However, the particular snobbery YOU were referring to--right schools, right clothes, etc.--is the kind I have witnessed amongst a significant proportion of upper-middle-class whites. Many, I'm sorry to say, were not only obsessed with having the "right" things, but extremely bigoted in the bargain. And note, BTW, a significant proportion does not mean every single UMC white!

LOL, I remember when I was considering going to my state university, one of my friend's parents (white) asked me "Why on earth do you want to go there? You're upper middle class and you should go to a place like X [prestigious East Coast college]." (I ended up going to X, but for different reasons: one excellent AA recruiter!) I had friends whose parents, both of whom had Ph.D's (i.e., educated enough to know better), did not want their daughter even going to a movie with a black friend because "Er, Susan, he's... black, and people might think you're dating him." I have been to college recruitment parties where the proper little UMC whites had all friendly smiles for whites but terse little ones for me and other minorities.
I continued to encounter a lot of this snobbery when I went to my East Coast college. Now I'm going to reiterate that not all UMC whites were like these--I have met very kind and intelligent exceptions--but I must confess a fair majority of the UMC's I met were up on themselves.

And yes, lots of these folks enjoyed conspicuous consumption. God forbid that they be seen driving a car less than 20 grand (I'm talking 1980s). God forbid that the women be wearing nothing less than Ferragamos on their precious feet. So if Asian girls see this all around them, don't you think a number of them are going to "aspire" to this as well? Don't you think they too will want to have a piece of the "good life" too?

In contrast, Asians and whites from the middle and lower classes do not seem to exhibit as much of this snobbery. My Polish American friend could give a rat's ass about LV. Same for an AA girl from a very middle class background: she just likes comfie clothes like sweats. And no, it doesn't have to have a little polo mark on it. Some of them attended elite colleges, others did not. If they went to the elite college, it was generally because they got offered a huge scholarship, not because "Mummy and Daddy think it proper."

In all, it just comes down to where you're raised.
Asian Dominatrix    Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 14:30:10 (PST)
well actually, I don't ! I'm as I stated living up to my responsibility. You can be convinced otherwise if you choose.
married to asian woman    Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 08:41:42 (PST)