

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following do you like best about Asian American women?
Beautiful Face | 60%
Attractive Figure | 7%
Attitude & Personality | 15%
Education/Intelligence | 18%

Which of the following do you like least about Asian American women?
Facial Features | 4%
Body Shape & Size | 5%
Personality & Attitude | 12%
Materialism & Superficiality | 79%

Which of the following types of men do Asian American women prefer to date?
Ambitious professionals | 47%
Sensitive Soulmates | 51%
Rugged Individualists | 1%
Smooth Laid-Back Partiers | 0%

Which best describes Asian American women in marriage or long-term relationships?
Caring & Thoughtful | 80%
Bossy & Demanding | 15%
Fun & Playful | 3%
Distant/Self-Centered | 2%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
to gurl

Oh boy, this only gets better by the minute! I'm actually having fun now that I've met you, sister dear! So how can I reply to such an over-abundance of compliments you've heaped on me? Allow me to address them, one by one.

"...If you write a bit of "sarcasm" and no one gets it, then it's YOUR fault that no one gets it."
Actually, my sarcasm is not your slap-stick-in-your-face kind of sarcasm that requires no thinking to understand... mind you, I can do that as well, but I figured those who go to Goldsea are quite intelligent and don't need to be beaten over the head with a message... well, maybe except for you and the be chick. Remind me next time to dummy down my sarcasm for your sake.

" lack self-esteem so you try to overcompensate by your have deep-rooted insecurities."
This is a chatroom; must I remind you? My personality in here may not be what you normally see if you interacted with me face-to-face. If you ever read any documentaries about the way people are on an anonymous board, you'll find that how people represent themselves on-board may not be the way that they would normally react in any given real-life situation because they have to deal with the situation in a different space and time, and with different variables.

"...You have very few friends and are a "plain-Jane" that is the last to get noticed at a "cocktail party". You then rationalize this in your head by thinking you are better than everyone else anyways and they are just jealous of you...You wish just once you could be the beautiful girl that everyone turns their head for."
I smiled when I reached the "plain-Jane" part of your paragraph. If you only knew the half of it. Being beautiful is not all it's cracked up to be. In fact, it's a downright nuisance sometimes, and if you were beautiful, you'd know exactly what I mean by that.

"...yOu wish that you could be wild and free but are held prisoner by your overly conservative nature and low self esteem."
For once, I think you've gotten something correct. Although I may not look like it on the outside, I really am conservative in nature. I had friends in college who were wild and free, and I wondered how it would've been had I done all the things that they did. But I ended up not doing any of those wild and crazy things. I don't smoke, do drugs, gamble, or sleep around with lots of guys at the same time. But I have a fairly healthy self-esteem, else how would I possibly be able to reply (with my sense of humor intact) to all this wonderful compliments that you've heaped upon me?

" are very closed minded and feel that people are in the wrong if they don't act, think, or feel the same way you do."
This board is a place to debate. If I felt that someone had a difference of oppinion to mine, the first thing I'd do would be to challenge them and see how they react and reply to my challenges. If I agreed with someone's point of view, I simply nodded my head (which you wouldn't see because I don't write down my every gesture) and then skip to the next person who had a point that I could disagree with so I could debate with them. It would be so boring if I agreed with everyone and made my agreements plainly visible, don't you think? All of us have a right to hold different opinions, but that doesn't mean that it can't be challenged by someone with a difference in opinion. Should I withhold my opposition to a stance just so that you get to feel good about yourself?

"...stop finding solace in these anonymous boards and start building a real life social network"
I've said this before. I go in here for fun, not for solace. I have plenty of real-life social interaction, but it's different from this type of interaction because I'm essentially a writer, not so much a conversationalist. I enjoy writing my thoughts down more than I enjoy blabbing about it. I'm not here because I have nowhere to go. I come in here to unwind after a long hard day. In fact, it's almost 11 and I barely got home from work tonight. Timewise, I need to do other things than this. In fact, I should be practicing my piano for tomorrow's recital, and what do I do? I'm in here, typing away, trying to dispel some stranger's idea about what makes me tick.

"...don't be overly critical of everyone and more people will start to like you"
We are here to debate issues and comment on ideas. What does that have to do with being liked by everyone? If I wanted to be liked, I would agree with everyone on everything and make fake sugary comments (and I write well enough to be able to make everyone my friend, but that would bore me to tears and then I'd have to hang out somewhere else where I could speak my mind and be as bitchy/arrogant/flip/beautiful as I want). Is that what this board is all about, trying to be everyone's friend?

OK, let's see if it works.

Please oh please be my friend! I beg of you! I promise to say only nice things to you and be a yes-man (I mean woman) and agree to all your wonderful ideas. I wish I could think of them as well as you do. Oh, what I would give if you agree to be my friend and like me because it's so hard for me to find a friend like you. what do you say? huh, what do you say?

MLK    Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 22:54:04 (PDT)

If you're American-born, perhaps you should know first hand that maybe you view foreign-born women as more beautiful because all of them get eyelid surgery, jaw surgery, nose jobs, do skin whitening, and wear about 4 pounds of makeup....remember that denial is not just a river in Egypt. Also, you shouldn't be so concerned about the Japanese and Korean women, foreign or domestic, because they don't do Chinese guys.

Spreadin' the TRUTH around the WORLD    Monday, April 15, 2002 at 15:21:06 (PDT)
MLK wrote:
"Oh and you don't think I didn't read into that and understood it for what it was. I just laughed and replied with a double dose of sarcasm. Only, it takes a good reader with critical thinking skills to understand what I was getting across."

How arrogant are you? If a comedian tells a joke and no one laughs, then the joke is not funny. If you write a bit of "sarcasm" and no one gets it, then it's YOUR fault that no one gets it. Don't blame other people's lack of introspection and "critial thinking skills" for YOUR OWN faulty attempt at trying to be sarcastic.

Now, I would like to psycho-analyze MLK. Let's see.... you lack self-esteem so you try to overcompensate by your arrogance. You try to use your intelligence to prove that you are better than people. Most times you feel successful at proving yourself but you have deep-rooted insecurities. You have very few friends and are a "plain-Jane" that is the last to get noticed at a "cocktail party". You then rationalize this in your head by thinking you are better than everyone else anyways and they are just jealous of you. You wish just once you could be the beautiful girl that everyone turns their head for. yOu wish that you could be wild and free but are held prisoner by your overly conservative nature and low self esteem. Your parents never praised you and told you your worth... so you find satisfaction in trying to prove to everyone that you are smart and worth a damn because you went to college and get paid lots of money. you are very closed minded and feel that people are in the wrong if they don't act, think, or feel the same way you do.

my advice to you: chill out. stop finding solace in these anonymous boards and start building a real life social network. go out and stop being so pretentious. don't be overly critical of everyone and more people will start to like you...cause deep down that is what everyone wants.
gurl    Monday, April 15, 2002 at 14:05:44 (PDT)