Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following do you like best about Asian American women?
Beautiful Face |
Attractive Figure |
Attitude & Personality |
Education/Intelligence |
Which of the following do you like least about Asian American women?
Facial Features |
Body Shape & Size |
Personality & Attitude |
Materialism & Superficiality |
Which of the following types of men do Asian American women prefer to date?
Ambitious professionals |
Sensitive Soulmates |
Rugged Individualists |
Smooth Laid-Back Partiers |
Which best describes Asian American women in marriage or long-term relationships?
Caring & Thoughtful |
Bossy & Demanding |
Fun & Playful |
Distant/Self-Centered |
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Don't worry about following guys...unless you're 6' and 200 pounds. I think the reason why it is less acceptable for men to stare and follow is because of the potential aspect of physical threat. But no one minds a cute chick at 5'3" and 90lbs floating behind on dainty heels...unless he's gay.
LOL, this reminds me of the time when I was working one summer and bumped into a guy twice in the same building in the same day. The third time, I smiled and said "Hey, I'm not following you" and he replied, "Honey, you can follow me anywhere you like!"
Oh, and girl, try not to cause too many traffic accidents!
Toy Sunner,
Somehow I can't imagine you as a guy needing tips in the women dept. You just wanna hear more of my wisecracks, eh?
Well, here are some very basic hints from a geekgirl who likes to dress and act hootchie-mama (but not ALL the way):
1. MAKE SURE YOUR PERSONAL HYGIENE IS DECENT. Very, if not most important. I remember thinking when walking into a seminar room, Wow, there are some seats by that cute guy! The one with the most gorgeous light brown curls and the most slender physique I'd ever seen! But...this man evidently not only studied the 18th century but wanted to live it, too. (Hmmm...empty seats, shoulda guessed!) His stench was so bad I couldn't concentrate on the lecture. It even put me off dinner that night. The next day, I asked one of my male friends to sniff him out just to check my senses...and unfortunately they were right.
2. NICE MANNERS. Hopefully, this is self-explanatory. Blowing your nose on your sleeve won't help. (Saw this from a double-decker bus in London: guys do this when they think no one's looking.)
3. DO NOT HIT ON A GIRL WHEN SHE IS PREOCCUPIED. The Discovery Channel teaches you a lot of things, doesn't it? I remember watching a special on the Spanish lynx...there was one which travelled hundreds of miles to find its own territory (kinda like moving out of your parents' basement). After crossing many highways and being nearly run over, it found a place to settle...with a cute female in the adjoining territory, no less (kinda like finding a nice apartment with a bombshell next door). He spies the cutie and watches her; the cutie notices but pretends not to pay any attention while primping...to make a long story short, he approaches her after she's finished her meal (some ladies don't like to be interrupted while dining, you know)sniffs her out, and they, to put it politely, get intimately acquainted. OK, it won't be that fast for a guy, unless you get a super hootchie mama, but the lesson is--that cat was smart enough to wait for the right moment, when she wasn't preoccupied. So don't interrupt a lady if she's primping, reading or in some cases, dining.
4. SO WHERE AND WHEN? It depends on the kind of relationship you're looking for. If you are looking for a RELATIONSHIP, the best place is probably school, a fun organization (Asian league, Democrat gatherings, Republicans, artlovers club, bookreadings, etc.) , or work (altho' that has to be played carefully.) This way, you will always have a topic of conversation at hand. Many of my relationships have taken off in this way (or at a student party where you meet former students as well): we're either discussing a lecture, or our work, the conference at hand, dept. gossip etc.
Picking up decent women in public places is a little harder, if only because many of us are a bit wary of someone we know JACK about. Guys have given their numbers to me at bookstores, trains, and other places and while I've chatted with them, I've never called them.
5. STARING. Say you find a real knockout at a bar or dance--and she notices you staring at her. Just go up to her and say "I'm sorry I was staring at you but I couldn't help it because you are so gorgeous." (Yes, this has happened to me on the street...) If you just stare, especially without smiling, she'll think you're some kind of pervert or that you think she's weird.
Then introduce yourself and ask her about herself. Just make sure you're not so self-conscious that you don't hear her replies and can't make a proper response!
6. RELAX. We all make mistakes and picking up chicks takes some practice. Many times, we chicks can be nervous too and will understand how you feel as well. For the most part, we're not out to "get you" unless you act like a cocky asshole--like one guy from some military school visiting our college who thought he was "da man." If he weren't such an "in your face" type, talking 90 words a minute at me and interrupting right and left, I might have been interested in this 6'2", 200 lb hunk. Thanks, but no thanks!
Asian Dominatrix   
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 18:23:57 (PDT)
Asian Dominatrix,
So are you confirming or denying that our British male counterparts stare at a female's mammary glands during cultural display of courtship? :)
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 12:53:31 (PDT)
Jay the Happy Horny Hapa,
Good point. Why not indeed? I will have to make a mental note to shift my gaze about 6 inches down, next time I speak to a lady I'm interested in. :)
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 12:50:59 (PDT)
Asian Dom and Hank:
I guess that neither their upper lips nor their manhood is as "stiff" as they claim in the UK!!!
Jay the Happy Horny Hapa   
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 11:04:22 (PDT)
Women can get away with that kind of stuff and have a positive result most of the time, while it doesn't work the same for men. The bottom line in the mating game is that while men will be the aggressors and pursuers, doing what they can to get a woman's attention, it is the women who do the choosing, not the other way around.
Hank Lewis   
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 11:02:57 (PDT)