

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following do you like best about Asian American women?
Beautiful Face | 60%
Attractive Figure | 7%
Attitude & Personality | 15%
Education/Intelligence | 18%

Which of the following do you like least about Asian American women?
Facial Features | 4%
Body Shape & Size | 5%
Personality & Attitude | 12%
Materialism & Superficiality | 79%

Which of the following types of men do Asian American women prefer to date?
Ambitious professionals | 47%
Sensitive Soulmates | 51%
Rugged Individualists | 1%
Smooth Laid-Back Partiers | 0%

Which best describes Asian American women in marriage or long-term relationships?
Caring & Thoughtful | 80%
Bossy & Demanding | 15%
Fun & Playful | 3%
Distant/Self-Centered | 2%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
UChicago, how many Asian women say to you that they aren't into Asian male looks? That is totally screwed up dude. Talk about self hatred.
???    Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 15:45:20 (PDT)

OK, more seriously now, I do agree with you on the looks bit. I think that with our media-obsessed society and 30-second soundbyte culture--where ambitious men want to date supermodels and young women want to be supermodels--everyone is looking to be vindicated by looks more than anything else. And with all the research suggesting that more attractive people get treated better, receive higher pay, get promoted faster, etc., who doesn't want to hang out with the best-looking folk? I'm being a bit facetious, but I think this is what's going on.

You must be hanging out with the sell-out chicks. While it is true that AFs do tend to outmarry more than AMs, most AFs STILL prefer AMs.
Asian Dominatrix    Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 20:52:36 (PDT)
"Oxford no longer has the luster that it once had."

Oh yeah? Why is it that the only department you have worth bragging about is the physics dept.? Why do great prime ministers and great YOUNG professors (not to mention old) worldwide still hail from Oxford? Why don't I see Americans like Chelsea Clinton racing to go to the U of Chicago? And how come you guys have some of the ugliest imitation OXBRIDGE gargoyles on one piss-ugly campus to boot? Sorry, but y'all at the U. Chicago just don't have the snob appeal of Oxford, Cambridge, or even the Ivies? Kinda like comparing a Yugo--OK, maybe a Volkswagen--to a Bentley, ain't it?

LOL, I remember a few years ago in Italy when a white woman at a party came up to me and started bragging ad nauseam about her son at an Ivy. She then asked me in the most condescending manner which school I was attending assuming that a slim and pretty young woman in a little black dress couldn't possibly be blessed with brains too. I smiled at her sweetly and said, "Oxford. And I'm working on a doctorate too" You should have seen her face drop--what a sight! Couldn't have gotten that reaction with ANY OTHER school in the world, honey!
Asian Dominatrix    Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 20:37:36 (PDT)
Asian Dominatrix,

"We still give anyone less than perfect a chance: unlike many of you guys who will only date women 5'7" and 115!"

ck    Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 14:37:39 (PDT)
Asian Dominatrix,
If I see some fat/dorky/geeky chick checking me out I'm more like;
Hey, she digs ma' booty!, Good for her.
Oxford, Yeah, I kinda got that feeling from you
ck    Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 13:12:01 (PDT)
Oxford no longer has the luster that it once had.

Women are just as superficial as men. I've met a number of women who said they will not date Asian men. (The reason they always give is that they are not into Asian male looks. Interesting how a number of Asian women say that, which means that they do not like their own looks.) Now that obviously is putting an emphasis on looks. Whereas there are few men that will exclude an entire ethinicity like that.
UCHicago    Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 10:39:44 (PDT)

Well, let me turn the tables on you: would YOU feel flattered if a fat/dorky/geeky looking woman stared at you--if you didn't know that she was brainy or not? Well, it's the same for the ladies.

It's not that the unattractive have less of a right to stare--hey, I believe in equal opportunity like anyone else--but that the person on the receiving end might not be happy with someone she considers unattractive staring at her. But then there's the question of personal tastes. This is where things can be confusing. For instance, amongst white men, I dig skinny, curly-haired blondes. Not all women would consider that hot; many prefer dark and muscular.

Yes, for the most part, we ladies still put more emphasis on personality rather than looks. We still give anyone less than perfect a chance: unlike many of you guys who will only date women 5'7" and 115! One of my friends--a very attractive WF with those measurements-- was initially turned off by a short, skinny Asian guy (5'4" and 105lbs) with hair past his shoulders--but guess what, she gave him a chance and they got married after college.

BTW, I am not an Ivy leaguer. I went to a Seven Sisters for my B.A. before getting a doctorate from the 800 or so-year- old Oxford U. But as you might know, Oxford was the model for Ivies...! Which is why places like Yale and the U. of Chicago (not Ivy) throw acid on their walls to make them look older.)


I didn't say that British newspapers and magazines were featuring "headlines" on this curious phenomenon of Yanks stealing Brits. But newspapers such as the Times, Guardian, Telegraph, (and yes, even the Oxford student papers?!) as well as magazines such as Company, Vogue, etc. have all mentioned this especially in features on cultural differences and relationships. I would say a lot of it was probably said half-jokingly, but some anxiety could be detected behind these quips.

Personally, I think there are American and British men who do fit into their respective negative stereotypes. There ARE cocky Americans who interrupt right and left like they're all that. Then there are perverted seeming British guys who will stare at you and follow you about (I have NOT had this happen to me in the US!). Or ask you something like "Is it all right if I say 'hi' to you when I see you?" (Although this was actually rather charming even if a bit twee.)

At first, I thought this was a race thing until my (white) American friends and students mentioned very similar experiences. We would all joke about returning home to find some "normal" men. Or men with a little initiative who will not always follow along like a puppy dog. (Why is it that all the ones I've dated would always say "I'll do whatever you want to do"?! )

But I do like British men when they're well-mannered. I like the way a man will hold the door open for you even tho' you're yards away or more than half a flight of stairs from the door. Even punky-looking teens and boys walking three abreast will move into single file when a woman approaches.

In the ideal world, a man would have American forthrightness, American get-up-and-go, American hygiene, British dress sense (LOVE those tweeds!) and dare I say it, proper British manners.
Asian Dominatrix    Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 20:59:52 (PDT)