Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following do you like best about Asian American women?
Beautiful Face |
Attractive Figure |
Attitude & Personality |
Education/Intelligence |
Which of the following do you like least about Asian American women?
Facial Features |
Body Shape & Size |
Personality & Attitude |
Materialism & Superficiality |
Which of the following types of men do Asian American women prefer to date?
Ambitious professionals |
Sensitive Soulmates |
Rugged Individualists |
Smooth Laid-Back Partiers |
Which best describes Asian American women in marriage or long-term relationships?
Caring & Thoughtful |
Bossy & Demanding |
Fun & Playful |
Distant/Self-Centered |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Yeah. I think White girls have a little too much bulls*** to say about us. Either they have too much testosterone, or they are way too concerned with Asian girls. And don't even get me started on those Asian guys who have to go on and on about how Asian women are not attractive to them. Who cares. So what. Why do they feel they have to preach about it to the world? If they were so secure with themself, they wouldn't have to go from place to place shouting about it. I feel as you do.
Monday, September 09, 2002 at 10:16:15 (PDT)
Just wondering,
It's my personal philosophy to blame my own shortcomings before blaming others. So let me offer you some constructive advice.
Maybe when you walk by or approach Asian girls, you need to be more confident, more self-assured.
When you make eye-contact:
S-M-I-L-E. Asian men and women do not smile enough.
Just today, I saw two hot Asian girls dressed from head to toe in some awesome designer stuff. I made eye-contact from a good 35 feet away, even from across the street. NEVER LOOK AWAY when a girl looks you in the eye. E-V-E-R. Never, ever! Remember to smile. If you do not break eye-contact, you must remember to smile. They gave me the come-hither, f*** me now look, but I was walking the other way, so I didn't stop. Guess what I was wearing? My beat up surf shirt and shorts, and my flip flops. My hair wasnt gelled, I had not shiny leather jacket. It was just pleasant harmless flirting, but it does prove my point, doesn't it? Flirting and eye contact can be powerful tools, if executed properly. By the insecure tone of your post, I can guess that you are no where near doing this to perfection. Get it right.
AM pick up artist (when dressed for it)   
Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 22:17:15 (PDT)
Without a doubt, I am highly interested in Asian women. Esp. Korean/KA women, since I am KA. I would never look down on my beautiful Asian women. But, I do also like white/other women.
We've been getting our faces shoved in the dirt for the past decade or two because hordes of AFs were only giving us half the attention we deserve, and now the tables are starting to turn. I do not have a personal vendetta against Asian women, but I do think that it's time we got our due recognition. It's time for us to bask in the sunlight. We will have our fun, believe us. Whether or not you choose to wait patiently like we have is your choice. Even if you walk away, there are plenty of women, Asian and non-Asian, that can replace you. I am very happy that non-AFs are starting to see us in a good light, and I think that you AFs need to rightfully fight for our attention and love. It is only fair. Good luck.
Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 22:08:58 (PDT)
just wondering-
i don't think some af's lack of making eye contact is being rude. in fact, i think it's the opposite. i know i don't usually make eye contact with strangers that walk by me cause i don't want them to think i'm rude for staring at them. i guess it just depends on the person.
Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 14:35:17 (PDT)
OKAY. Stop with all the nasty ragging on AFs'. I am sick of all of these WFs' that have so much negative crap to say about AFs'. And I am sick of all of these guys that like WFs' and think AFs' are so ugly and beneath WFs'. And putting us down constantly. Are there any AM that like AFs'? Are there any AM that think we are beautiful? Or are there only Gay WFs' and Whitewashed AM on here? I personally could care less if a WF finds me attractive. Because I only date MEN and I am not interested in a WOMAN'S point of view of AFs. And I could care less if an Asian Man that dislikes his own race of women (for ex: cutting us down at every free given opportunity he has)
I am just curious and interested in the views of ASIAN MEN, who are INTERESTED in us AFs.
Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 11:59:28 (PDT)
rudeness sucks
I can agree with what you say.
It seems true what a lot of people say about Asain girls being snobs. Every time I walk by one they always look straight down at the ground or look away. I don't consider myself to be bad looking, or the best looking guy out there. I'm pretty much average. Do Asain girls not like eye contact or are they just being rude?
Just wondering...   
Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 00:17:06 (PDT)
I don't know what they could have been laughing at, I'm not fat or ugly, I wasn't dressed weird. A lot of asian girls need to get some manners."
Sometimes girls can be so silly when it comes to private thoughts. Since they were giggling in a mischievous way as you describe it probably had some sexual content. So instead of lashing out, next occurrence you may wish to put the moves on. Who knows, you just might get lucky.
Asian Dood   
Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 06:41:49 (PDT)
You need to think from different perspectives- I am a white female. I kinda doubt they thought I had a cute butt.
rudeness sucks   
Monday, September 02, 2002 at 19:37:08 (PDT)
rudeness sucks,
Maybe they thought you had a cute butt or something. If they weren't laughing at you, they were probably giggling at your muscular gluteus maximus or something along those lines. In Junior high, a classmate of mine who constantly giggled at me with her friend bugged me to no end b/c I thought she was making fun of me. Turns out that she had a crush on me for 3 years.
You need to think from different perspectives.   
Friday, August 30, 2002 at 20:45:17 (PDT)
I was on the subway the other day, and I looked up and these two asian girls were looking at me, then one of them whispered something to the other and they both giggled. I thought that was incredibly rude and childish, as they were both about college age. I don't know what they could have been laughing at, I'm not fat or ugly, I wasn't dressed weird. A lot of asian girls need to get some manners.
rudeness sucks   
Friday, August 30, 2002 at 06:50:10 (PDT)
"As for the AM at the party: were they making moves on the AF at all? I certainly hope they weren't leaving all the action up to the WM!"
-Asian Dominatrix
Well yes, I think that during the course of the day, everyone pretty much jockeyed for position.
Needless to say, I did not join their club. They'll have to try and manage without my gracious presence.
Toy Sunner   
Monday, August 19, 2002 at 22:53:24 (PDT)
I have to agree with you on that, many asian girls that I know are like that even when they aren't pretty at all. But I'd add two more categories; the first would be the one that you mentioned, the second would be the "I'm so ashamed of being asian", the last one would be the ones that are really worth it and don't come up with some really wierd s***.
Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 14:20:02 (PDT)
I went to Gloria Steinem's college. But not at the same time!
Toy Sunner,
I don't know if the AF from Oakbrook had a WM but let's just say she was a complete whitewash so it wouldn't surprise me if she had a WM for additional "status".
But as for the AF being surrounded by WM...it might be like honey to the bee--or dung to the flies: do we know for the fact that she really wanted THEM? Was she exclusively around WM?
As for the AM at the party: were they making moves on the AF at all? I certainly hope they weren't leaving all the action up to the WM!
Asian Dominatrix   
Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 13:01:23 (PDT)
How many AF's have you met, AM-25?
Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 15:36:21 (PDT)