

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following do you like best about Asian American women?
Beautiful Face | 60%
Attractive Figure | 7%
Attitude & Personality | 15%
Education/Intelligence | 18%

Which of the following do you like least about Asian American women?
Facial Features | 4%
Body Shape & Size | 5%
Personality & Attitude | 12%
Materialism & Superficiality | 79%

Which of the following types of men do Asian American women prefer to date?
Ambitious professionals | 47%
Sensitive Soulmates | 51%
Rugged Individualists | 1%
Smooth Laid-Back Partiers | 0%

Which best describes Asian American women in marriage or long-term relationships?
Caring & Thoughtful | 80%
Bossy & Demanding | 15%
Fun & Playful | 3%
Distant/Self-Centered | 2%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
the general:
huh ? You critize someone's else description of generalization.
Then proceed to explain your point of view by starting out "in general" ???
kind of moronic don't you think ?
just the facts    Friday, October 25, 2002 at 08:50:09 (PDT)    []
Generalization is only legitimate when it is used by the likes of the visitor.
In general, Asian men in America overwhelmingly fail to see Asian women as individuals and insist that everyone else see Asian men through individual lens.
the general    Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 18:52:58 (PDT)    []
Hank Lewis:
Relax ! Generalization is a normal aspect of DISCUSSION. The danger comes in when one over generalizes or fails to admit or acknowledge that his or her point is by nature based on generalization. In other words based on human nature it's pretty difficult to discuss anything on more than a surface level without the benefit of some generalization. Have some nice hot tea Hank.
the visitor    Monday, October 14, 2002 at 10:25:15 (PDT)    []
I have met some Asian women who were bossy, demanding, materialistic and mean. I have met some Asian women who were sweet, kind, respectful and essentialistic. I've met some Asian women who were docile, sweet, submissive and repressed. I've met some Asian women who were confrontational, short-tempered, dominant and wild. I've met some Asian women who were boring, lazy, silly and unmotivated. I've met some Asian women who wer exciting, hard working, serious and driven.

Women are like snowflakes--no two are exactly alike. Some are frigid, some are flaky, some melt faster than others and some turn to slush. This includes Asian women.

Hank Lewis    Monday, October 14, 2002 at 06:27:51 (PDT)    []

thanks for the ego boost.....i might have some more anecdotes in the AF/WF section.
maxdacat    Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 00:10:05 (PDT)    []
i myself am an asian woman. some of these comments that i have seen are either not true or embelished. but the truth is how come we asian women are being critisized for being materialistic, bossy and demanding, and etc.; when there are so many of us out there who are NOT. i'm tired of people classifying other groups just because of a few encounters. not all of us asian women are like that. it depends on how we've been raised, our religion, moralities, and our personality. therefore, those who have said that asian women are demanding, materialistic, and etc. be a little more specific about what you have to say.
liquid soul    Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 23:41:39 (PDT)    []
asian women rock. they are literally the best of the best and ive no idea where u guys are comin from. ..and even tho i maybe an AF myself..(ahem..)the opinion is totally objective with zero trace of bias. honestly.
maxdacat: indeed it was their loss. and there is no reason why u shouldnt expect every AF to jump u, being a gorgeous piece of er gorgeousness like u are [!] and remember u guys, whenever an AF crosses ur path who totally ruins/reinforces ur view of us, think of me and say 'there is hope'. lol what??...
***    Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 16:25:10 (PDT)    []
Of course its difficult to make a comment without the benefit of generalization, but in genreal, Asian women in America do overwhelmingly seem to be hung up on being snobby, bitchy, and way too materialistic, in other words they seem to want very badly to be white or accepted by white people.
They are very different from Asian girls that I have encountered abroad.
What a shame they are contributing to a bad image for themselves and blaming everyone else for noticing.
the visitor    Monday, October 07, 2002 at 13:56:50 (PDT)    []
I'm not Asian, but an african american male, and practically all of the asian women i know, either from work or school are rampant smokers. I don't smoke, and don't have a problem with it per se, but is it a common thing for an AF to naturally just take up the habit? I know a lot of white, black, and hispanic girls smoke too, but I know quite a few AF's here on campus, and I've seen every one of them lighting up at one point or another. Any non-smoker AF's out there?
T.B. 30001    Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 17:01:49 (PDT)    []
That's why- I agree. I have an AM friend that said he was tired of dealing with AF girls because they are all bitchy and materialistic, always asking him to buy them clothes and other presents. He said that's just the way they're raised and there's not much you can do about it. Now he's dating a WF and he's much happier. She's not demanding or bitchy at all.
damn straight    Friday, September 27, 2002 at 11:43:35 (PDT)    []
Geez Because AF women love MIND GAMES!!!

That's why! and the Bossy and Demanding percentage is alot higher than 15% more like 80%
That's Why    Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 02:10:02 (PDT)    []
Thanks all,

I appreciate the feedback. I agree i shouldn't take it so personally and shouldn't expect every AF to wanna jump me (coz the reverse certainly doesn't apply).

Tips from AF said that she goes for WM who have never been with an AF. This reminds me of something Lucy Liu said in an interview with Maxim magazine recently - that she only goes for asian "virgins". My question therefore is why it is ok for an AF to date a string of WM but the reverse is construed as some kind of fetish?

Anyway i know can understand why some of these girls at that party don't want to marry a WM but i was just trying to engage in some harmless chatting.....oh well their loss.

I feel like i had the moral high ground coz there was this one other white guy there (out of about 50 people) who was really pestering these same girls i had attempted to chat with......he looked really desperate and they were cringing with a mixture of fear and embarassment, LOL.

Anyway one of these HK chicks ended up drinking too much (it was probably the third glass of wine that did it!) and collapsing in the bathroom which set of this whole drama.....involving 3 of her friends trying to drag her into a cab.....all's well that ends well i guess!

Once again thanks for the advice.....i will bear it in mind for next time.
maxdacat    Monday, September 16, 2002 at 02:38:38 (PDT)    []

YOur post was hilarious!

You probably appeared too eager. AF dont like WM who look like they have Asian fetish and get excited at the sight of AF. It is a turn off and its just too easy for us. Cos we know once you make a move on us then when another AF comes along youll go running to her.

You got to play it cool. Just dont have the label Asian fetish, otherwise you have blown it.

Type of WM i go for are the ones who have never been with AF before. I like to know i am special and not just a statistic. These ones are usually the ultimate cool ones, home boys, DJs, bad boys, whatever you want to call it.

Heres my input:

- they don't like gwailos (did i mention i was a WM?)

could be- some asian girls like asian guys, some dont. its a luck of the draw

- they don't have anything original to say

yep, otherwise known as fob or honkeys or just brainless

- i don't have anything original to say

could be

- i am ugly (hmmmm don't think so)

see answer number 1

- they couldn't see they keys to my (non-existent) benz hanging from my pocket

sprechen sie englisch?

- their mummy and daddy have told them not to hang with non-asians

hardly the case
- they don't want to "assimilate"

Chill. Try not to take it so personally, some AF just not interested in gweilos.
Tips from AF    Friday, September 13, 2002 at 23:25:41 (PDT)    []

Could it be that they just weren't attracted to you? Get over yourself.
Houston Bill    Friday, September 13, 2002 at 09:04:40 (PDT)    []
GROW UP. You don't know all Asian Women to generalize us


Its true and you know it! So why deny it? No we haven't met ever single Asain woman out there. But we have encountered enough to have our own opinions about them. So many people wouldn't be saying this if they didn't experience this type of behavior from all of these Asain women.
Just wondering...    Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 23:12:42 (PDT)    []
the thing is that i could imagine all kinds of reasons in my own mind about why i couldn't win over these girls"

Maxdacat I have to hand it to you, you know how to keep a stiff upper lip. Most of your example reasons place the failure to connect on them and not you. Eg: they are snobs, don't want to assimilate etc. But you lost none of the confidence and spirit because it's them and not you. I must try to keep that in mind all the future times I get shot down and think that it's them and not me.
Toy Sunner    Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 21:45:17 (PDT)    []
Gee Max.
Maybe not every Asian Female is interested in a White Boy. Did ya ever think of that?
I prefer AM    Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 13:28:02 (PDT)    []
Yeah, its all us Asian women. Yea we ALL are the same. I mean, that's what half the ignoramuses come on here saying. "All Asian Women do this" blah blah blah.
I guess you have met every single Asian women on the face of this planet.

Someone has some little experiences and come to stupid conclusions that its ALL OF US. HOW DUMB.
GROW UP. You don't know all Asian Women to generalize us    Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 10:07:07 (PDT)    []
I can understand how a lot of people regard AF's as snobs......but i think one should keep things in perspective.

I'm based in London (for now) and went to an Asian party with some friends and thought i'd strike up some converstaions with some pretty AF' was a fairly intimate gathering, good music and most people seemed to know each other so it wasn't like i was sleazing on to anyone

anyway, my first attempt was a girl who had recently moved from China, well dressed, cute as hell, nice trace of an accent, worked in IT.....well after a few minutes the conversation seemed to be going nowhere so she sort of excused herself

so the second attempt was a gorgeous Canto girl - established name and that she had lived here most of her life then she just got up and said "i'm going to dance ok", before i could even throw in a "why don't i join you".

the thing is that i could imagine all kinds of reasons in my own mind about why i couldn't win over these girls eg:

- they are snobs
- they don't like gwailos (did i mention i was a WM?)
- they don't have anything original to say
- i don't have anything original to say
- i am ugly (hmmmm don't think so)
- they couldn't see they keys to my (non-existent) benz hanging from my pocket
- their mummy and daddy have told them not to hang with non-asians
- they don't want to "assimilate"

i guess the point of this is that i cannot tell what goes on in these girls heads so i won't know the real reason(s). In that situation though i tend to imagine the worst about both myself and AF's in general.

that sort of thinking can lead you down the wrong path which is a shame if it's just based on a small number of failures. i guess it's better to think about the great AF's i know and remember they aren't all snobs.....any thoughts out there?
maxdacat    Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 02:28:59 (PDT)    []
AM pick up artist (when dressed for it)

I already know all that. What I wanted to know was if Asain girls were just being rude or not interested. Sometmes its really hard to tell if an Asain girl likes you or not because they always act uninterested.

Of course if you flirt and she reacts in a positive way then they are obviously interested. But what about the ones that act like their not interested. You never know if they are just acting or really don't like you. That was all I was trying to say.

I guess "af" is right when saying "it just depends on the person".
Just wondering...    Monday, September 09, 2002 at 22:37:42 (PDT)    []
Just wondering,

no, it's very polite (a rather formal gesture, thus maybe a bit unpopular in the US). Avoiding eye-contact is a must in many countries around the world (Indonesia, Japan etc). It is said that emotions can be seen in the eyes of people. So the women whom you met did not want to molest you with their personal emotions.

AM pickup artist,

it seems that you don't care if women think you would not smile at, but laugh about them.
moderate man    Monday, September 09, 2002 at 14:27:55 (PDT)    []