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Again, I don't know how you can overlook Maya Lin in this list, as you ignored her in the Most Brilliant list. Inspirational? Not only has her work inspired and touched millions (the Vietnam War Memorial is the most visited monument in D.C.), but her courage in facing down the likes of Ross Perot and all the other critics at a young age is also inspirational. I suggest that whenever you start a list of any top anything Asian American, consider her.
abc    Tuesday, November 11, 2003 at 16:32:06 (PST)    []

I heard of a japanese plastic surgeon that has a new method. Instead of cutting the lid he stitches the lid from the inside to make the lid. You could cut it whenever you want and its not even surgery they say because theres no cutting. His office is on Rodeo Dr, Beverly Hills, California. I don't know who the doctors is but I was wondering any ladies out there that might know of this doctor.
Im not really familiar the doctors but I was wondering if anyone would refer me to a good doctor.
smlfry Saturday, November 08, 2003 at 15:08:51 (PST)    []



Asian parents don't "love" to hit their kids...That everyone has to understand.
Not every asian parent is as bad as people say they are.
All parents wants to protect their children. I feel sorry for the kids that don't get the dicipline from their parents because look how they turn out to be. Disrespecting teachers, beating on their parents and siblings, and etc.
Is that what everyone wants. I don't think so. I was beatin when i was young. As i got older I understood why they had to do what they did. They don't want their kids to get pregnant at a young age. Most of all they don't want to fail their children. You can't exspect asian parent to change their culture becuase they just moved here years ago...that will never happen because they were raised differently. They think that if they show weakness to their children they fail them.
I do admit some parents do go over the limit but remember that there is a balance you need keep to dicipline your kids. If your not going to hit them you better make sure you talk to them every night for at least an hour.
My friends mom did that for her and it worked out fine and she didn't got hit once in her life.
I was beatin but I am now a honest 23 year old business owner. It made me strong. My parents also made me understand why I was being diciplined. That is very important. To survive in America you need to dicipline because you will always be a minor group. You have to be better than other ethic group to get a job.
Your parents don't "love" to hit you.
No parent in the right mind would have those feelings unless their insane. Don't tell your parents to go to hell because honestly,. do you really want them to go to hell? Your parents don't understand thats why they do what they do. Try to make them udnerstand because if you don't try then thats your fault why complain. If they still continue they move out when your 18 and do your own thing. Remember your living under their roof.
Would I spank my kids...well that would depend becuase every kid is different.
But i wouldn't go over the limit.

lilly Saturday, November 08, 2003 at 14:27:43 (PST)    []

To Veronika:
You may not believe this, and I don't blame you considering the spin that the Bush administration has put on this war, but those of us who were opposed to this war have nothing but respect for people like your father and brother.
We support our troops, but we support them by believing that they should only be used for just causes and in situations where the case for war has been made openly and honestly. That unfortunately was not the case with this war. I certainly had no illusions about Saddam Hussein, and if the case had been made that he should have been removed because he was a despicable, horrendous, murderous tyrant, I would not have questioned that (but that only begs the question about all the other despicable horrendous murderous tyrants out there).
But the fact of the matter is that the Bush administration made this effort to scare Americans into thinking that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction that he was planning to unleash on the United States. That has simply not been proven so far, and meanwhile there have been a number of instances where it has been demonstrated that Bush mistated or twisted the intelligence to suit his needs. And since Bush took on this war while ignoring the bulk of the international community, it's now more difficult than ever to gain support for our policies in Iraq and elsewhere. It's possible that with international support your father might be back already and your brother wouldn't even have to go.
So I hope for their safe return. And I'm sure that as much as they do not like to hear criticism of the war, they believe that the right to criticize is one of the reasons they went.

slm    Wednesday, October 29, 2003 at 14:59:49 (PST)    []

I don't know how you could publish this list without including Maya Lin, designer of the Vietnam War Memorial, the Civil Rights Memorial and other important structures, and Yo-Yo Ma, cellist and musician extraordinaire. Although I applaud the inclusion of Michiko Kakutani, your list is otherwise heavily weighted toward sciences, as if that is the only way that brilliance is exhibited. There's an intellectual component to artistic accomplishment, and the ability to create emotional response shouldn't go unnoticed.
slm    Wednesday, October 29, 2003 at 13:47:43 (PST)    []

As a fellow Asian American I am perlexed and annoyed by your article on categorizing Asian women.

I personally feel that the way the article was been written was not for the sake of general Asian readers, but for a selected group of men.

What is the good of cateogrizing people base on their educations and language fluency? When is the last time you see any respectable journal or newspaper publish article such as "four categories of Irish American Women" or "Four cateoriges of African American Women"??? or "Four categories of Muslim American women"???

The whole article looks to be written by and for horny Asian men who are eager to get the right wife.

And above all, what kind of research that you use to back up your assessment of the percentage of women who belong to the general Asian Single Women population in US???

The second catgory "Trans-pacific princess", education: first and second tiered schools with proficiency of musical instrument", musical instrument my #@!

Overall, I see you have no proper research done for your article except words of mouths from the very limited circle of people living around you.

As an immigrant I see myself coming to this country making it for myself from scratch, working hard, making friends, having a blast, the last thing I need is to have someone labelling me and my fellow girls base on their educations and their class.

Power Girl Monday, October 13, 2003 at 19:51:42 (PDT)    []

H. Y. Nahm's introduction to the interview with Susan Choi (author of "American Woman") contains this sentence: "[Jenny Shimada] is modeled closely after Wendy Yoshimura, a prominent member of the terrorist group that kidnapped heiress Patty Hearst."

One of the few points about the fictional character that Choi "modeled closely" on the real person is, as the novel and the historical record make clear, Wendy Yoshimura was neither a member, nor a prominent associate of, "the terrorist group that kidnapped heiress Patty Hearst." Her involvement with that group was instigated more or less as the novel describes, well after the kidnapping and without prior contact, as a result of intervention by a go-between to whom she felt a strong sense of obligation.

Beyond that, it's inaccurate to call the Shimada character "modeled closely" on Yoshimura. "Inspired by" might be better. Yes, Choi appropriates certain plot points that correspond to Yoshimura's life, but there are far more departures from Yoshimura's true history than equivalencies in the novel.

For instance, Wendy Yoshimura is not the Japan-born daughter of an embittered, alienated Manzanar internee from whom she became estranged. Yoshimura was born at Manzanar during the war. She was close to her father throughout his life. Frank Yoshimura was well-respected in Fresno's Japanese-American community for his sociability, balance, and philosophical bearing.

I would hope that a slight change in wording in the introduction would correct this slight against the Yoshimuras and insult to Choi, who, after all, did not merely transcribe the character Jenny Shimada but invented her. Thank you.
Tom Conrow    Saturday, September 27, 2003 at 12:46:23 (PDT)    []

Hi Marc,

This was a great story on Tu,Sun and Kingston in general. It was not quite true how Tu and Sun met and how Camintonn was formed, I think it is only
fair to state that ther were four partners at Camintonn. Tu, Sun, Wang and Tang, Wang was forced and bought out. Also the DEC compatible memory was not designed by Sun. $2000 were chipped in
from all four original co-founder of Camintonn Corp. Please do not publish
wrong information.

David Tang
David Tang    Wednesday, September 24, 2003 at 16:52:41 (PDT)    []

Have you considered Paradorn Srichaphan in your list? I wonder what your criteria is to put his name outside your top20 list. This is unfair! Honestly, I don't even recognize some guys in the list. And don't give me an excuse that tennis is not that popular....cuz Chang is also in your list. Look at Paradorn's achievement. He is the first asian guy to get into top10 tennis ranking!!!!!

Please enlist him in your ranking. He should have been in your top10.
Ivy League Tennis Player    Tuesday, September 02, 2003 at 19:32:29 (PDT)    []


Anyone who thinks otherwise is just hating or they're somewhat racist. Just because she's not full blooded asian doesn't mean people are sayiong she's only beautiful because she's not all asian. Noooo!! Just because she wasn't born or raised in Asia doesn't mean anything either. What exactly is being "Asian" ?? Having small slanted eyes? Someone who's not "whitewashed" ? No... It's being of Asian origin. And knowing where you come from and not forgetting it. Just because she doesn't want to be acknowledge as an "Asian American Beauty" doesn't mean she's trying to disrespect Asians... no! It may mean she doesn't want to just looks. There's a brain inside that beautiful head. People should be glad that she's not all air-headed and all about looks. She's more about girl power. She's very anti-cheerleading because that's not a real sport, and it's degrading. It makes girls and women look as if men are suppose to do all the work and women are just suppose support them. Kristen Kreuk is all about girl power!! Saving the rain forest! More than just beauty. More than just brains. More than just fame. She's a beautiful person inside and out. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a HATER!!!
Sira Wednesday, August 13, 2003 at 16:37:34 (PDT)    []

Racism can't be erased. Especially here in this country. I've met some people who have a serious bias against the CA's. They are mostly Europeans when I was in h.s. I don't think that a lot of Chinese don't realize that certain Europeans, Greeks, Italians, and Russians, h8 them. I could be wrong. At least the Cf's are more attractive than Gf's, If's, and Rf's, in terms of heart, character, and understanding. Those three are full of ****. Who do they think they are?
dsfbcbsijbdax    Thursday, August 07, 2003 at 12:44:42 (PDT)    []

First of all, I would like to say that media is biased to Everyone. Not just AA's. The media in this country has been corrupted for a long, long time. I don't believe everything the media portrays a negative or a positive image on a certain group(s) of people I would accept. They give you the good and bad facts, or as they call it "Today's top stories," as well as sports, weather, world-news, etc. After all, the media is all full of sh**, anyway. As an AA, I try not to dwell on the media all the time. Besides, in my mind, the media really sucks.
dsfbcbsijbdax    Thursday, August 07, 2003 at 12:38:50 (PDT)    []



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