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About Goldsea Articles


I gotta say as a white male, the many articles and postings I've read on your massive website has struck me as unfortunate and often disturbing.
Unfortunately there is no direct white counterpart to your site.
Your idea of "equality" with white americans seems more along the lines of a odd need of vindication through domination. Also it's odd that in a country as huge as the United States and with a white majority there are not more positive or at least indifferent attitudes towards white males. I never really knew of the level of paranoia and anger brewing inside the hearts and minds of so many otherwise normally functioning asian americans.
If you are going to malign us at least have the decency to listen to a rebuttal.

22yo. 1st gen american, veteran, and student    Monday, December 29, 2003 at 01:03:41 (PST)    []



Hi, Kim, I would just like to point out several of the glaring errors on your recent article about Michelle Kwan.

You wrote, "Then, at the World Championships, Kwan blew some jumps and finished fourth."

That is not correct, Michelle finished fourth in the short program, but came in first in the long program, coming in second overall.

You also wrote, "But during the runup to the 1998 Nagano Olympics Kwan seemed to regain her focus. She scored a perfect 6.0 from one of the judges in the nationals"

In the 1998 national championships, Michelle Kwan received FIFTEEN perfect sixes, not one.

Here you wrore, "The one skater she probably didn't worry about was Sarah Hughes. Hughes had begun to show some promise but was green and had never come close to beating her in competition,"

This also is not correct, Hughes had defeated Kwan (and Slutskaye) for the first time earlier in the season at the 2001 Skate Canada Championship.

Another quote reads, "Kwan had to contend with a second place finish at the World Championships at Nagano on March 22, 2002. She put in a clean performance except for two-footing a landing at the end of a triple toe-triple toe combo."

In the free program, she did only a triple-toe/double-toe combination, but it was clean and landed on one foot.

Here, you said, "Kwan lost a landing on a triple lutz late in the program. She started shaky on her opening jump, doubling a planned triple loop."

Yes, she fell on a lutz, but her opening triple loop was clean. It was the first lutz in the program that she doubled.

Finally, you wrote, "A win at the 2004 World Championships in Dortmund, Germany in late March (22-28) would seal her standing as the world's winningest figure skater of all time, with six titles and a silver."

This is also incorrect. She would have six world titles and THREE silver medals. She won silver in 1997, 1999, and again in 2002.

It's nice that you have written such a long article reflecting the great career of a talent like Michelle, but couldn't you have taken the time to do just a bit more research? Some of these facts sound as though you just made them up.

Kwadruple Monday, December 29, 2003 at 20:19:50 (PST)    []

Your war heroes article forgot the bravesest american soldier ever: Hiroshi Miyamura. His bravery goes far beyond the scope of this letter,but briefly his position was overrun by communist in korea he singlehandely killed 10 with abayonet then turned a machine gun and reppelled the attack.Then provided first aid to wounded at wich time another assult hit the line,he then bayoneted his way to asecond gun,and killed approximetly 50 of the enemy.As he orderd the withdrawl of his unit(himself beig wounded by a grenade).Saveing the lives of over 20 american soldiers.He was latter that day taken prisoner,and spent over 2years in aprison camp.He was awarded the medal of honor but it was kept secret since Whasington did not want to publisce it for fear that communist forces would kill him in prison camp.The whole story is available on sevral web site,and is more remarkable than I unfortantly can explain.
Joseph Coleman    Tuesday, December 23, 2003 at 09:52:02 (PST)    []

I want to say that upon reading the article "Coming Home to an Asian Woman" I was totally appalled that this article is even on this website. The author writes about his experiences as if his extra-marital affair with an Asian woman is some kind of happy ending. What about the fact that he was cheating on his wife? What about the fact that he created a little hapa daughter, only to leave her behind (she's barely mentioned in this article).

So basically, this guy marries a white woman because he wants to curb his insecurities ("the girl I always dreamed about as a pimple faced teenager" were his words I believe), then cheats on her because she didn't "have dinner ready on time" (amongst other factors that just didn't seem significant enough to justify adultry) and leaves behind a broken family and a fatherless daughter.

OH WOW, WHAT A HERO. I think this horrible article seriously needs to be taken off of your website if it is to hail any sort of credibility whatsoever. Are we supposed to celebrate the fact that the man is now coming home to a woman who is of the same race as him? Are we supposed to celebrate the example he's setting for his child?

And on another topic: in the article about Russel Wong, the author suggests that he has less fame in the US than Keanu Reeves because of his Asian surname. "Keanu Reeves looks no less Asian than Russel Wong". Don't get me wrong; I like Russel Wong, I think he's very attractive. But let's be realistic here: Wong's fame has nothing to do with his surname. For starters, Russel Wong is half Asian and DOES in fact look quite a bit more Asian than the quarter-Asian Keanu Reeves. Many people have no idea that Wong is hapa. Likewise, there are still folks out there that don't know Keanu is Asian. Second of all, how can you scapegoat "surnames" when you're dealing with an actor whose first name is "Keanu"? This isn't exactly a mainstream name; and I think it would incur the same kind of strange looks from the "white population" as the name "Wong". Furthermore, Wong's career as an actor is based more on his movies made abroad; he speaks Chinese fluently, and he associates himself more with the Asian community. Reeves, on the other hand, has only played in American movies, and doesn't associate himself with the Asian community at all.

I'd also like to make a comment about the myriad articles on the "exotic Asian woman" and how they have to battle all these men who want them for their Asian-ness. I've spent time in places all over the US, and only in places where the population is predominantly Asian (ie - whites are the minority, like parts of LA, or SF) does this really even happen. Even in large cities like Chicago, where there are a few Asian women here and there, the white men still see Asian women as being unattractive. The stereotypes aren't "ohh, a hot dragon lady that is very hypersexual"... the stereotypes are more like: "I don't want to date a Chinese girl, they have no breasts and they are boring and ugly nerds". I'm sorry to be blunt, but this is really how it is. The girls that get action are the white ones, or the hot Latinas, or even the mixes... just so long as they have large chests and nice shapes (which has never been a trait associated with the Asian female). I have yet to see a frat boy from Notre Dame go for a Chinese girl over some hot blonde. Sure, there are some weirdos here and there that become engrossed in Asian culture and Asian women; but they also tend to be 50 year old perverts who want an Asian woman because they know that no white woman would want to be with them (and also the fact that they can "dominate" them... they are old enough to recall how during the Vietnam war, there was never a shortage of Vietnamese prostitutes who would let the desperate soldiers touch their breasts for $5).

But seriously; the authors behind these articles almost seem as though they are building themselves up by saying how much they hate being classified as sought-after sex-objects. How often do you see articles written by hot blondes, Latinas (a la Selma Hayek), African American women, or hapas (a la Kristen Kreuk from Smallville) where they complain about how they hate being seen as sex objects? YOU DON'T SEE THEM! Kristen Kreuk and Selma Hayek type people would never complain because they aren't insecure. They are probably showered with far more sex-stereotypes than any Asian woman I've ever met. The authors of these articles seem as though they complain to try and prove that they are sex-symbols. When in reality, this isn't a huge problem for them at all. It may be a problem in some areas, but your articles are fully blown out of proportion. I am reading this thinking, "this is totally ridiculous... I feel embarassed to be an attractive Asian woman reading this article... anyone who reads this is going to think that I'm part of a racial group that is petty, insecure, and ridiculous."

In any case, these are just a few rants and raves. I very much dislike your website. I think it's laced with latent attempts to build up the Asian American community by nit picking and petty complaining, and false assumptions (ie - Keanu Reeves looking just as Asian as Russel Wong... that is just ridiculous).
Miyuki Yoshida    Tuesday, December 09, 2003 at 20:14:18 (PST)    []

I find it very sad that many Asian Americans will neither find complete acceptance nor identification in America nor in Asia because they have been raised in a hypocritical society and therefore, they turn out to be hypocrites themselves. A large number of Asian-Americans grow up in complete denial of their Asian heritage during their formative years in America but yet, come to terms with their Asian roots later in life in a rather imbalanced, explosive manner. In the company of a non-Asian, they assert their asianness and claim to be Asian experts, yet in the company of a pure Asian or so-called FOB's, they assert how westernised they are by flaunting their Americanness. Spending my formative years in America, I have seen Asian-Americans deny their culture, refuse to interact with other Asians/FOB's, putting down other Asians and mocking their mother tongue. When they become adults, they tend to be annoyingly expressive and vocal about their Asianness. A pure Asian with a balanced upbringing, who know themselve just accept themselves for who they are without having to prove their Asianness. Pure Asians/FOB's can clearly see how hypocritical they are. Therefore, Asian-Americans will never be liked or accepted by FOB's because they treated them badly during their formative years.
global nomad    Monday, November 24, 2003 at 03:40:51 (PST)    []

I'm responding to the "Let's Go Golden" article by Tom Kagy. I enjoyed reading it. While growing up I was tired of being dubbed "yellow" and demanded that I be called "golden". And I pranced around and said, "i'm golden gad damm*t"!!! hee hee so I give a big, long time deserved, AMEN, to Mr. Kagy.

thicker-than-blood    Saturday, November 15, 2003 at 18:59:17 (PST)    []

I'm responding to the "Love and Marriage Across the Hate Barrier" article. It hit me right in the heart. While reading it I had to fight tears from rushing down my cheeks. I commend Ken Ito Atkins on this article of his whole heartedly. In my past I too was in a similar relationship, except it was with a caucasion male. Neither of his parents were too happy that I wasn't a caucasion female. Now, I thank God that I'm in a present relationship with a man who loves me for the person I am, both of his parents love me, and both of my parents love my man. Such a situation can easily be taken for granted.

thicker-than-blood    Saturday, November 15, 2003 at 18:51:06 (PST)    []



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