
Jeremy Lin Spawns Marketing Frenzy As New Warrior

In the days since signing a modest 2-year contract with the Golden State Warriors, Jeremy Lin has become a lightning rod for millions of Asian American basketball fans in the Bay Area, the state of California and the entire United States.

The day after the deal was signed, he was approached for a shoe deal, according to his agent Roger Montgomery. Recognizing the potential to energize its fan base, the Warriors organization is already planning a marketing campaign built around Lin, including a jersey and other merchandise bearing his name and likeness.

“As we go through the course of the season, we’re going to create a sub set of our brand with Jeremy Lin,” Warriors president Robert Rowell told the Harvard Crimson. “I think he is going to be a lightning rod. We have a very large fan contingent that will be excited to have Jeremy on our team.”

But Rowell took care to emphasize that signing Lin was based primarily on his expected contribution to the team’s backcourt. “We’re talent first,” he said. “All basketball people think very highly of Jeremy’s skills. It’s just an added bonus on the business side.”

Given the degree of excitement Lin has generated in the Asian American community of nearly 15 million across the U.S., that bonus is likely to be a big one, perhaps bigger than anyone could have imagined for an undrafted free agent.

“There haven’t been that many Asian Americans (in the NBA),” Lin said to prove that he understands the wall he has encountered so often. “There haven’t been that many Ivy Leaguers. I understand that. But I’m hoping I’m breaking the stereotypes.”

Ultimately, Lin’s appeal may well expand far beyond Asian Americans to include everyone who has smoldered with the indignation of being perpetually underestimated.
