GS: Is that what got her interested in getting you into show biz? LP: No, she was sort of against it. I was a very precocious kid and they enrolled me in a charm school dance class at a local department store. That was fun for me. They would teach manners and dancing and modeling. She thought it should be an extra-curricular activity. One of the boys who was in the school was in modeling or commercials and his mother told my mother that she'd be silly not to get me into the business. My mother said, "Absolutely not, I have no interest. I don't want that sort of life for her." I guess I was pretty well spoken because I pursued it. I really wanted to do it.
GS: You pursued it? LP: I guess so, that's what she said. She said she ran it past me and I wanted it really badly. So she said, "Well, we'll give it a shot," and we got the names and numbers of the top three children's agents and we got responses from all of them and we chose the one we liked the best. They sent me out on audition for vivitar cameras and I got it. It was the first audition I ever went on. GS: This was the same company as your mom's beauty pageant? LP: Yes. GS: Any connection? LP: No connection at all. GS: How old was your mom when she had you? LP: She was 20 when she got married, so... She was 24. GS: So you got a commercial for Vivitar? LP: It was a nationwide magazine campaign that ran in Life. GS: What were you doing in the picture? LP: Myself and three other girls were little ballerinas. I remember thinking that we were actually going to do the dance. I kept wondering why we weren't dancing and when we were going to start. That's probably what made me, I probably have a natural instinct for being an actress because I'm always right in the moment and I'm always making believe and escaping that way. It's always been a natural thing for me. GS: you have a pretty wild imagination. LP: I do. So much, I keep myself awake at night. GS:: Do you imagine stories you're involved in? LP: I'm a very romantic person, so I'll fantasize about things in a very romantic way, almost like reading a book. I see myself as a third person. I'll also see two people on the street and imagine what their lives are like. PAGE 4 |